Page 47 of Protecting it All

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Markus found it easily. It was heavy. He suspected what he would find when he set the case down on the nearby island in the center of the mammoth closet, now more full of Tiffany's belongings than Lukus's.

As expected, a Glock .45 caliber handgun greeted Markus when he opened the case. Boxes of ammunition were tucked in the case with the weapon.

Lukus's voice sounded far away as he let unwelcome memories invade. "You think you'll be able to use this if the occasion called for it?"

Markus picked up the gun and wrapped his palm around the unexpectedly light-feeling grip. A fierce need for vengeance coursed through his veins as he forced himself to relive listening to Jake Davenport fucking Brianna. Of the other man belting her to an orgasm; taking care of her sexual needs when he himself had been too clueless to recognize his wife's craving for submission and pain.

"Hell, yeah. I'll be able to use it when the time comes."

"Good. Get some sleep. I'll be there sometime late tomorrow to help. Until then, stay safe," Lukus said.

"Will do. You too." The call dropped.

Markus spent the next few minutes loading the weapon, making sure he felt comfortable with putting the safety on and off. He finally tucked it into the waist of his jeans at the back, pulling his black tee shirt over it to camouflage it for when the women were around. He'd be sleeping with it on the nightstand beside him that night.

I'm ready for you, asshole. You just try to get near Brianna again. I have a nice surprise for you.

Chapter Thirteen


Sunlight streaming through the small window in her hospital room roused Hannah out of her slumber. She'd spent a fitful night, waking often in a cold sweat, nightmares of Jake Davenport never releasing her psyche long enough to let her rest.

The only comfort had been that Dylan had been there every time she'd awakened; ready to comfort her, to help her calm down and fall back asleep. It had to have been close to dawn when he'd finally insisted she let the nurse give her a sedative in hopes of getting some quality rest.

The sedative had helped, but Hannah smiled as she recognized that what had finally helped her relax enough to truly get rest had been when Dylan had crawled into her hospital bed with her, serving as her pillow. Once she'd snuggled into his arms, her head on his shoulder as he hugged her close, she'd finally been able to turn her brain off long enough to get some sleep.

Even now, she could hear the steady beating of his heart under her ear. It was strong and sure, and she trusted it—trustedhim.

She took her first real opportunity to be alone in her thoughts, reliving the last twenty-four hours of her life. If she had it to do all over again, she'd have let Dylan talk her into driving away yesterday for destinations unknown. Even as she thought it, she knew that hadn't been the answer then, and it wasn't right now, either. She'd been scared shitless going into that warehouse, but she'd do it again if it meant getting Mia and Lucy out alive.

Mia and Lucy.

Dylan's boss, Lukus, had provided updates the evening before on how her friends were doing. The fact that they were both going to make a full recovery was a weight off her shoulders. Dylan could tell her a million times that it wasn't her fault her friends had been in danger, but nothing would ever convince her it was true. She was the only reason their paths had ever crossed with Jake Davenport, and that put their abduction squarely on her. Hannah had no idea how she was ever going to make it up to them. After all, how does one ask for forgiveness at getting your best friend beaten and raped?

"Hey, beautiful. What has you so tense?" Dylan's strong voice comforted her.

She deflected, hoping to steer clear of uncomfortable topics. "I didn't know you were awake."

"Yeah, I've been awake for a bit. Just enjoying holding you. Knowing you're safe." Like he could talk. She could hear his own guilt weighing on him.

Self-doubt washed over her. "So I'm surprised you're still here. I didn't think you'd stick around now that I got you and your boss into the warehouse."

Dylan quickly turned them, sitting up while pressing Hannah's back to the mattress, hovering over her. The look in his eyes was intense. He looked angry, yet for some reason, she didn't feel threatened.

"Let's get one thing straight, Hannah. I was never in favor of sending you into the warehouse. Sure, I want Davenport behind bars, but never at the expense of putting you in danger. All I want to do is wrap you up in my arms and keep you safe and sound, away from all of this bullshit danger."

Unwelcome tears flooded her eyes at his impassioned speech. For a minute she believed him. "But you don't need me anymore."

"Baby, I've got news for you. I plan on needing you for a very long time to come. I'm just trying not to rush you or freak you out. You've been through hell."

Their faces were just inches apart. The feeling of Dylan stroking her right cheek with the backs of his fingers was heavenly. In that moment, she wanted to melt into his embrace, never to leave again. He must have felt the same way because he leaned in slowly until their lips brushed. It was a chaste kiss, but within seconds, she felt his tongue licking at the seam of her lips, requesting entry.

Her body flushed with an unexpected excitement as Dylan claimed her body as his own with his roaming hands, one weaving through her tangled hair, the other grasping her waist, pulling her closer so their bodies melded together.

The annoying beeping of an alarm tore them apart. She found herself panting with pent up excitement as they separated. He didn't go far, keeping his forehead pressed to her own as he reached for his watch and silenced it.

"What does the alarm mean?" she asked, still trying to catch her breath.
