Page 5 of Protecting it All

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"Time to take the rest of your clothes off, Hannah. You will always be naked in my office."

She protested. "I haven't said yes to the job. Not like this. I'm not feeling well. I'd like to go home now."

For the briefest second his eyes flashed with anger, but then it was gone. His impatient sigh was the only indication he was growing irritable.

"We both know it's just a matter of time. I have the employment contract right here, and we'll go through it and the rules together, but we'll do it as we should; with you naked and kneeling on the rug at my feet like the good little submissive I'm going to turn you into. You have one minute, starting now. I was hoping we wouldn't need to start our relationship with a punishment, but believe me when I say I'd be thrilled to discipline you tonight. The question is, are you prepared to go home unable to sit comfortably for a few days?"

His words were shocking, yet her body betrayed her as her pulse quickened at the sound of that charged word:punishment. It had to be the drugs making her panties damp. Hannah could smell her own arousal and she prayed she was far enough away from Jake to prevent him from detecting her erotic aroma, as well. At least her brain was smart enough to panic, yet little good that would do.

Time stood still while she tried to focus on her options. Only when he indicated she had thirty seconds left did she begin to unhook her bra, letting the lacy fabric fall away from her firm breasts. Her panties were next. She'd just stepped out of them when Jake called 'time'. Relief at making it under the wire warred with the humiliation of standing naked before a man she barely knew, who was now watching her like the predator he was.

"Tsk, tsk. I'm sorry you didn't listen very well, my dear. Naked is naked. I'm afraid you failed your first test," he said.


"Slip out of your shoes, Hannah. I'm waiting."

He looked so calm. So in control. She knew she must look frantic, and he probably liked that. Her breathing was shallow as she reached down to unbuckle her high heels, slipping them off before standing truly naked before Jake Davenport.

"Come closer. As it's your first night, I'll go easy on you. Let's get you draped over my lap now like a good girl."

Hannah stood frozen. Her legs wouldn't move. Jake's eyes narrowed until he finally spoke, his voice laced with menace. "You have ten seconds to get your fucking ass across my lap, young lady. If I have to get up to get you, I'll be taking you to the spanking bench in the corner of the room. Do you see it? Do you see the thick leather restraints I'll use to tie you down, to render you immobile? Do you understand that's where naughty girls are disciplined in this office? There, or strapped across my desk. What's it going to be?"

She hated her choices. And she hated Jake Davenport. She considered rushing to the door to try to escape, but even if she got out of the office, she suspected she was locked in the house. Would she even leave naked if she had the chance?

Her feet shuffled closer to Jake until he could reach out and yank her roughly across his lap. The wind was knocked out of her by the jarring weight of her fall. He had reclined on the plush couch and situated her torso so she lay on the couch face down over his lap. His right leg wrapped around her legs, trapping her against his body, while he hugged her waist against him so hard his arm felt like an inflexible iron band.

Before she could even catch her breath, the spanking began. Jake's heavy hand struck her upturned ass cheeks in a rapid fire. When she pushed her body up to try to wiggle free, he pressed on her back, subduing her easily with his left hand as his right hand lit her bottom to a fiery burn.

Dark memories of helpless days past threaten to invade, but she pushed them down. She fought like a wildcat to free herself, but Jake's laughter told her she was only helping him enjoy his domination of her that much more. He was relentless in his delivery, raining down slap after slap across her buttocks and upper thighs until Hannah was reduced to a sobbing mess. Only once her submission to the punishment became clear did Jake finally slow and then stop his hand from striking her flesh.

She had panicked when the pain became too much, and it took several long minutes for her to calm. Jake used that time wisely, rubbing her throbbing ass in a deceivingly gentle caress, allowing his fingers to slide lower, grazing her puckered rosebud on the way to her sopping wet pussy.

His chuckle at finding her soaked in her own juices completed her humiliation. In that moment, she hated her own body worse than she hated Jake Davenport. The feeling of his digits rubbing her swollen clit pushed her to the edge and Hannah squeezed her eyes closed, letting the ecstasy brought by his fingers erase the pain he'd brought with the palm of his hands just minutes before.

"That's it, baby. Let me take care of you. Your body wants this."

The drugs had to still be coursing through her bloodstream. That was the only explanation for her desperation to feel him inside her. His fingers were teasing. Her body wanted—no,needed—to be fucked.


"That's 'Sir.'" His fingers left her pussy immediately.

She wiggled her ass, hoping to make contact with his magic fingers again. She'd been so close to coming. Jake swatted her ass hard, reminding her he was still in control.

"Sir, please... I need..."

"That's right, Hannah. Tell me what you need. Use your words."

He teased her pussy again, edging her closer to coming. She fought the good fight for several agonizing minutes while Jake played her body like a musical instrument. Shame mingled with her physical need to create a heady cocktail of taboo desire that eventually couldn't be pushed down.

"I need you... inside me... now."

Her words set Jake into motion; horrifyingly swift motion. She found herself shoved off his lap, her knees crashing to the carpeted floor between his open legs. He pulled her body forward and her hands behind her back, making quick work of wrapping what felt like a tie around her upper arms, holding them tightly together. The strain on her shoulders was immediate and she had to arch her back, pressing her bare breasts into Jake's body as he immobilized her.

Things moved so fast, made worse by her continued lethargy from the drugs in her system. Jake pressed her body off his lap long enough to unzip his pants and pull out his fully erect, eight-inch, cut cock. She choked out a protest just as he wrapped both hands in her long hair and pulled her face to his tool. His masculine scent was strong and the dollop of pre-cum she'd seen on the slit of his erection slid across her cheek as she struggled to pull away from him.

She yelped in pain when he yanked strands of hair out of her head in his struggle to hold her lips against his cock. Her small victory of refusing to open her mouth turned to defeat when he mashed her face against his groin so tight she could no longer breathe.
