Page 65 of Protecting it All

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It was Dylan who answered for her. "Thanks for the offer, Lukus, but she can't take the job. She's going back to California. That's where she belongs. It's her home, and her best friend Mia is going to still need her help."

Brianna wanted to deck Dylan. It was clear to every person in the room that Hannah was fighting back tears. It seemed like Dylan was trying to dump her, forcing her to move halfway across the country from him.

Hannah tried to push up and out of Dylan's lap, but he held her tight. When her tears spilled over and down her cheeks, he brushed them away gently, his smile not matching the seriousness of the moment.

Dylan didn't take his eyes off Hannah as he spoke. "And thanks for the job, Lukus, but I'm resigning. My place is in California, too. With Hannah and Connor."

Hannah's tears turned to sobs as she hugged Dylan hard, peppering his face with sweet kisses.

Brianna's mom yelled out from the kitchen. "Lunch is ready. Everyone come and get it!"

The room was animated with good-natured conversations as the couples started to move towards the kitchen. Brianna smiled as she looked at the people she cared so much about. Her heart was almost bursting with love as she returned her attention to her husband.

Markus reached for her hand, pulling her closer. She'd come so close to losing the love of her life. She'd carried such guilt for putting their marriage and lives in danger by her association with Jake Davenport, but in that moment, Brianna was finally at peace.

You lost, Jake, and we won. I hope you're rolling over in your grave, realizing how spectacularly you failed at ruining our lives.
