Page 21 of Celebrating it All

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Lukus loved the full-body shiver he felt quivering through her.

I can smell her excitement and we haven’t even made it to play in the main part of the club yet.

“Second, there is this matter of the forty-seven cuss words I’ve allowed to go unchecked over the last month that need to be resolved. I think the proper way of describing this is that your sassy mouth has cashed a check that your beautiful ass is about to pay the price for.”

As expected, that got her attention. Her sexual shivers turned to squeezes as she hugged him tighter. It didn’t escape him that she wasn’t trying to change his mind about being punished. She may not be ready to say it out loud yet, but he’d known for some time that his previously novice submissive had started craving the sweet bite of pain he delivered. Tiff may never be a hard-core masochist like her best friend, Brianna, but he’d learned how to play her body perfectly to wring every ounce of pleasure out of her through his special brand of dominance and intimacy.

He was about to add a new twist to their plot.

“But perhaps most important, I see you’re in desperate need of a reminder that every inch of this body is mine, and mine alone. I know you’re self-conscious when we play at The Pit because you know so many people there, but we don’t have that problem here. And I’m going to enjoy demonstrating my ownership over you, especially with that asshole you couldn’t stop ogling at the bar about fifteen minutes ago. Don’t think for one minute I didn’t see you checking him out.”

That got her sitting bolt upright. Interesting that she remained silent.

“Good girl. I see you aren’t going to deny it.”

He adored the blush on her cheeks as she finally tried to defend herself. “But I do deny it. I was just looking to see if there was someone else here who might be able to take the Master Dom job, since it was clear the DMs we had met weren’t going to work out.”

“Sure… likely story,” he retorted, but even as he teased her, something clicked into place. Maybe she was onto something. “Wait, are you just joking around with me, or… what even made you think that about the guy?”

His wife was sizing him up, trying to decide if they were still slipping into play mode or if it was a serious question. Proving she could read his body language every bit as much as he could read hers, she answered seriously.

“I guess he just exudes that same kind of Alpha ‘I’m in charge here’ vibe that you do when you walk into a room. It’s the same kind of vibe Jaxson puts out. And Elijah. And while they were all nice guys, none of the DMs you talked to tonight had the kind of confidence it takes to lead the shows.”

“Oh, and from across the room, you think that asshole who kept eyeing you up has what it takes?”

Tiffany grinned, proving once again she was fearless. “Well, as you pointed out, I was checking him pretty carefully… you know… for research purposes. And…”

“Some bride you are, looking at other men on our honeymoon.” Her body language told him she was holding back something. “What aren’t you telling me?” he prodded her.

“Well, that guy might have winked at me when you weren’t watching.”

Lukus’s blood pressure shot up. No one at The Pit would dare make a move on Tiffany. He stayed calm, reminding himself that he didn’t mind other Doms looking. They just not better touch.

Unaware of his internal conflict, Tiffany added. “You did bring me to a sex club, and let’s not forget, the entire reason The Pit is so successful is there are a lot of voyeurs just like me who get turned on by their surroundings.”

Lukus couldn’t help but chuckle at her accurate logic. “That all may be factually accurate, but I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that this lovely mouth of yours is once again getting that butt of yours in a bit of trouble.”

Mischief danced in her eyes as she teased, “What was it again that Chase said earlier? Oh yeah—promises, promises.”

Oh baby, you’re on. Challenge accepted.

They were done chatting. In one fluid motion, Lukus pulled Tiffany along the bench behind him as he pushed to his feet. He only stopped long enough to reattach the leather leash to Tiffany’s collar and then pick up his duffle bag of goodies.

He felt the tug on his arm as Tiffany panicked. Little did she know, he wasn’t angry at her at all. Tiffany’s daring verbal banter was one of the first things he’d loved about his now wife. She was so much more than just his submissive, and he couldn’t wait another minute to start reminding her.

They were almost to the velvet curtain that separated the social bar area from the main floor of the club when Tiff yanked him to a stop.

“Lukus… I…”

He turned towards her, lifting his finger to her lips, effectively shushing her. Leaning in closer, he waited several long seconds before quietly adding, “From this moment until we’re back upstairs in our suite, I amSir. As you accurately pointed out, I have a few promises to keep to this luscious body of yours, and you, my submissive, owe me a few tears, and if you’re lucky, an orgasm or two.”

Her eyes widened, but she wisely said nothing. He raised his eyebrow in warning, daring her to object.

Her submissive “Yes, Sir,” was like music to his ears.

Chapter Seven

