Page 23 of Disciplined

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“You’ve spanked me before.”

“And again, that was my mistake. I’ve clearly done a terrible job of distinguishing the nuances between sexy spankings and true punishments. That’s on me, which is why we’re going to sit on this couch and talk this out until we know we’re on the same page.”

Her mind felt scrambled. Was he saying what she thought he was saying?

“So… you really meant to hurt me?”

“Baby, I don’t want to hurt you. I want to teach you, to guide you.”

The feminist side of her brain nearly exploded at his comment. She was an adult. She didn’t need a babysitter for her life.

Except she sort of did. She’d pushed the guilt of her overspending and her last minute call-in sick to work aside, but the guilt came roaring back calling her a liar.

Before she could answer, he asked one of his earlier questions again. “I really need to know, what is your definition of a good Daddy?”


“Not specific enough. I need more.”

“I don’t know.” Her mind raced making it hard to find the right words. “I love how I feel safe with you… protected you know?”

“That’s good. What else?”

“You take good care of me. Like last night after the party and this morning with breakfast.”

“The breakfast you refused to eat?”

She felt his disappointment.

“I wasn’t hungry.”

“As your Daddy, shouldn’t I know what’s best for you?”

“Yes, but…”

“No buts. That’s what I’m getting at. I think you enjoy all of the good, sexy, and fun parts of me being your Daddy, but you haven’t realized it means submitting to me even when you don’t like what I’m asking you to do.”

“Like at Black Light?”

“Leave Black Light out of this. I think it’s confusing the situation. This isn’t even about sex… or at least mostly not about sex.”

“If not sex then what?”

“Let me ask a different question. I met all your girlfriends’ significant others last night at the party. I noticed they all refer to themselves as daddies as well. Do you think of me the same way they think of their daddies?”

She’d honestly never really thought about it before. While it was true her whole clique of friends liked to call their boyfriends daddy, as she thought about each of the couples one by one, not one of the men seemed cut from the same cloth as Caleb.

In her prolonged silence, he added more questions that only confused her more.

“Do your friends have any rules they need to follow in their relationships?”

Memories of her disastrous Friday shopping spree gave her the answer. “No because their daddies just trust them.”

“Baby, that’s not trust. I spent hours sitting at the dinner table with all the men last night. It was very enlightening.”

What had her friends’ men said to Caleb?

“Did they say something that upset you?”
