Page 3 of Disciplined

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“I’m here to surprise Presley Ashworth. I know she’s teaching a class right now, but I’d like to wait until it’s over if you don’t mind. I can go sit along the sidelines.”

The girl’s smile faded. “Actually, Presley called in sick today. We couldn’t find anyone else to take her class at the last minute so Sarah, the owner, is leading the class. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you sitting in if you’d like.”

What. The. Fuck.

“Do you mind me asking… what time did she call off? Do you know?”

“It was right after I started my shift at three. She said she wasn’t feeling well.”

Not feeling well his ass. Tomorrow one of her good friends was getting married. He’d bet his life they were out partying on the wedding-eve. The fact that she was out with friends didn’t bother him, but that she had called in sickagain, leaving her employer in the lurch… that just stoked the fire of his already burning anger.

Warning bells were going off in his brain. He was tired. His body thought it was after four in the morning. He should go home, get some rest, and think about this mess in the morning with a fresh outlook.

Instead, he pulled out his phone and tried to phone her.

The call went straight to voicemail.

Next, he tried a text message. It sent through, but the bubble was green instead of blue. Her phone was turned off.

Where the fuck was she and what was she up to?

Caleb stepped out onto the sidewalk, punching her contact again and getting her voicemail.

“Presley, I came home early to surprise you, but I guess you win the surprise contest since I’m at the yoga studio and just found you called in sick yet again. I’m guessing you’re out having fun with your friends, enjoying your new pedicure, and paying for drinks with my credit card you have tucked away in that new thousand-dollar purse of yours.

“We need to have a serious talk young lady. In case you forgot, I set the rules. You agreed to them. You broke them. You are about to find out your decisions have consequences.

“Now, get that cute ass of yours home and in bed. You have a big day tomorrow and need your rest. I’ll be by tomorrow morning, and you can count on me giving you an important lesson about what happens when my submissive little girl breaks our rules. Go home, naughty girl.”

The second he hit END he felt even worse. This was not the kind of conversation they could have through texts and voicemails, but considering he hadn’t a clue where she was, it was the best he could muster.

Once back in the car, he asked the driver to take a short detour before going home. He needed a drink. A stiff, coma-inducing drink. Lucky for him, he wasn’t driving, and his house was only ten minutes away from his destination.

* * *

It was stillearly on a Friday night, but the bar area at Black Light was already filling up with members ready to kick-off their weekend with some sexy fun. Being there alone only darkened his mood.

Caleb purposefully chose a seat at the far end of the bar to avoid talking with the pack of jubilant members partying together. Luckily, the normal bartender, Suzi, was on duty so all it took to place his order was a quick nod in her direction. He held up two fingers to indicate she make it a double.

His tall Old Fashioned was delivered in minutes.

“Looks like you’ve had a hell of a day,” Suzi offered, sliding the drink in front of him.

“You could say that,” he said, biting into one of the three maraschino cherries from the cocktail stick before taking a sip. The booze burned and he welcomed the heat, knowing it would dampen his brooding mood.

“I’ll throw the drink on your tab. You’re cut off, though, if you want to play with that sexy little girl of yours later.”

“I’m alone tonight.”

“Bummer for you. Something tells me you’re gonna be helping push my sales higher tonight instead,” she teased.

“Normally, I’d say yes, but I’m just getting in from Europe, so the jet lag is gonna take me out pretty quick after I down this baby.”

“Welcome home. Just flag me down if you need anything else,” she replied before turning to help other members.

It only took a few minutes to realize his error in coming to the one location in the city that did not allow electronics inside for security and privacy of all the members.

Sitting alone, wallowing in his booze, without other distractions, only made his mood darken. He’d been so excited to get home. To spend time pampering his baby girl with a nice dinner before taking her home, stripping her naked, and tying her wrists and ankles to his headboard before fucking her the way they both loved so much.
