Page 5 of Disciplined

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“I know that, which is why I was careful to make sure she knew up-front that I’m a pretty old-fashioned guy and planned on running our relationship that way. I’m concluding she didn’t believe me.”

“Or… she’s testing you. Pushing you to see how hard you’ll toe the line.”

“You mean intentionally?”

“Or subconsciously. Think about it. All new relationships must go through a bit of tug-of-war at the beginning while you figure each other out. Maybe she’s just tugging a bit too hard to see what you’re gonna do about it.”

“That’s a pretty dangerous game to play with a sadist.”

Elijah laughed. “I didn’t say it was a rational game, but she wouldn’t be the first submissive to do a bit of bratting to test the water with her Dom.”

For the first time since he’d turned his phone on in the car and been pelted with unwanted notifications, the elephant sitting on Caleb’s chest eased off just a bit.

I guess it was a good thing Elijah sat down after all.



The music was pounding so loud, Presley couldn’t hear a word her friends were saying just across the small cocktail table. Worse, her feet were throbbing from dancing non-stop for the last hour in the new high heels she already regretted buying.

I deserve the blister they’re giving me.

Tonight was supposed to be a blast. They were out for one last night as single ladies before the first of their gang got married the next day.

So, why was she struggling to have any fun?

She knew the answer. She just didn’t want to admit it, even to herself.

She regretted not talking the girls out of partying at Runway. They should be home, getting their beauty sleep for Sydney’s lavish wedding the next day.

On top of that, she felt guilty keeping the salacious secret that just below their feet was an exclusive BDSM club that she loved to go to with her sexy Daddy boyfriend. Not only had she signed an NDA to keep all details of the club secret, but there was no way in hell she wanted to admit to her friends just how much she loved playing the role of sexual submissive with her Daddy Dom.

But she decided the worst thing happening was that, like at Black Light, she had to check all electronics in a locker at the entrance. Caleb may still be in Europe on business, but she’d missed talking to him all day, and it had her on edge.

“Will you stop worrying about skipping work tonight? I’m sure your boss will understand,” her old college roommate, Stephanie, said, leaning in closer.

“It’s not just that. I wish we could bring our phones in here, you know?”

“It’s a stupid rule, but what are you gonna do? This is the best club in town, so we have to play by their rules.”

Rules. Presley was beginning to hate that word. Not necessarily because the rules her Daddy Dom had given her were even that oppressive. No, it was more because despite the rules being generous, she had still managed to break almost every single one of them while he was out of town.

Thank goodness we’ll be at the wedding tomorrow where there will be a lot of people around. Surely he won’t lose his temper with me in public.

“You know what, I’m gonna go to the ladies’ room and stop back at my locker. I want to see if I have any messages from Caleb before he went to sleep in Amsterdam.”

“Oh, for crying out loud, he’s really got you under his thumb. Even thousands of miles away you can’t stop worrying about breaking one of his precious rules.”

“Shhh. Will you stop? I’m sorry I even told you about them.”

“Honey, Caleb is a great catch. Don’t get me wrong. He is hot as fuck and rich as hell. Anyone can see he really loves you, but you seriously need to start putting your foot down more like I do with Marc, so he knows he’s not going to be able to push you around like this.”

Presley bit the inside of her cheek to keep from blurting out that that wasn’t how things worked in the kind of BDSM relationship she had with Caleb. He wasn’t just her boyfriend, or even her Daddy… he was her Dom. She’d only been in the lifestyle for about six months, but she’d come to realize just how important that distinction was.

The sexual submission was easy. She’d never even had an inkling of how great sex could be until meeting Caleb. She loved how he restrained her and just took what he wanted. She wasn’t sure what that said about her moral fiber, but there was no denying that he knew how to push every single button she had sexually through his domination.

The real question she was struggling with was did she love him enough to turn over control to him on so many things outside of the bedroom—or dungeon, in their case?
