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“Meet me down in the bar.”

“It’s not all put together yet. Come up and see it?”

I stiffen on the spot. Being in a guest room alone with Eliana is almost too much to take. “If that’s what you want.”

“It is!” She claps her hands together, again resembling the strong willed woman I met the other day. “Oh yay.” Eliana’s out of the car before I have time to respond.

I follow her through the front lobby and up to her guest room. She walks a few steps in front of me and it’s damn near impossible to keep my eyes off of her perfect ass. Her full hips sway playfully with each step. It’s like she’s trying to kill me.

We get to her room and she puts the key in the lock. “You’ll be glad to know that I love the fact that there are real keys.”

“With a fifty dollar replacement fee if lost.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She playfully rolls her eyes. “But I think people are more careful than when it’s just some disposable plastic thingy.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

She throws open the door, flips on her lights and heads over to her desk. She cracks open a large portfolio. Swatches of material are stuck to the pasteboard she’s fastened near the window. “It’s not fully ready, yet.”

“Did you bring those?”

“No,” she says, eyes wide. “I went into town and talked to the woman who runs the home decorating store. Seriously it’s called—”

“Home Decorating. I know Pamela. My mother used her services.”

“Iknow!”Again, she clasps her hands in front of her full chest. I try to ignore how they bounce when she does that. “This is the original fabric your mother used on the furniture.” She points to a red gingham pattern. “So, I ordered a few bolts of it.”

“I thought you hated the look of this place.”

Eliana’s face reads like someone just took away her birthday presents. “No, Salem. I didn’t understand your relationship to it, is all. Now that I know how badly you want to preserve your mother’s memory. I have some ideas that can truly incorporate old.” She points to the gingham pattern. “And new.” She fires up her laptop and my breath catches in my throat. The virtual vision board she’s put together is a perfect mix of past and present. She’s photoshopped actual pictures of the lodge with her ideas. The wood panels are painted white. The green carpet remains in the front entry, a path to the front desk, but everything around it is replaced by stunning hardwood. Never in my life would I have imagined this place could look like this.

“Wow. This is amazing.” I lean down, unable to believe what I see.

“So you like it?”

“I do.” Memories of my childhood come flooding back and for the first time they don’t make me feel sad, longing for what’s passed. I feel hopeful. I feel strong.

I stand and meet Eliana’s eyes. “It’s amazing, Eliana. You’re amazing.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.”

“I would.” I take a step toward her. She’s so tiny compared to me. “You’re not only a talented designer, but you’re a good listener.”

“Oh,” she waves her hand in the air. “I do what I can.”

“I’m glad you’re here.” My heart races in my chest. Being here with her in this room has thrown every sense of caution to the wind. If I don’t have her right here and now I might fucking explode.

Her eyes flicker up to mine. “I’m glad to be here.” Her voice wavers.

“I’m sorry about last night.”

“It’s forgotten.”

“No. You should remember it, because I’ll never do that to you again, I promise. From the minute you walked into this place, I haven’t been able to take my mind off of you.” I take a risk, stepping closer to her. “I think you’re amazing, Eliana.” I palm her face with my hand. She melts into my touch.

“I’ve been thinking about you, too. But…”

“But what?” Her soft breasts press against my firm chest.
