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Normally, this would freak me out, but I know for sure that this is it. This is the man I’m supposed to be with for the rest of my life. I thought I was coming to Burly Creek for a job, but turns out it’s much more than that.

“Oh my God, woman.” Salem wrangles me off of him and snuggles me close, spooning me. “What the hell did you do to me?” He kisses the back of my neck and chills erupt up and down my arms. We catch our breaths like this. Crickets chirp outside. The buzz of the heater clanks away.

“I know things have to change.” Salem breaks the silence.

“What do you mean?”

“With the lodge. You’re right. This place deserves better.”

A smile stretches across my lips. “I promise you that it’ll still feel the same, and that’s all that matters.”

“That’s not all that matters.” Salem pulls back, causing me to turn to face him. For a moment, my heart drops. That same curt tone lines his words. “You staying here with me and seeing this project through to the end, that’s what matters.”

“You want me to stay?”

“Eliana, when I said you were mine, I meant it. When you know, you know.” His brow furrows. “You know?”

I can’t help but laugh. This big, burly mountain man comes off headstrong and assured, but underneath he’s sweet and sensitive. A winning combo.

“I know, Salem.” I press a soft kiss against his warm lips. “Trust me, I know.”

When I took this job opportunity my hope was to get out of the city for a while, but laying here next to Salem, staring into his soft brown eyes, I know I’ll never be going back.



Three Years Later:

It’sunbelievable how much Strong Lodge has changed, and yet it feels as warm and comfortable as the first day I set foot in it. I slip on my fanciest sundress and swipe cherry gloss across my lips. Today is a special day, and I cannot wait to share it with my husband and the rest of the Strong family.

“Beep, beep!” Salem calls from the bottom of the steps. “We don’t want to be late. I’m sure you look like a million bucks.” I toss my hair over my shoulder and check my reflection. It’s closer to a cool thousand, but when you’re pregnant nothing feels normal.

Halfway down the stairs, Salem whistles at me. “Wow. You look good enough to eat.” He pulls me close and plants a kiss on my neck. The man has learned not to mess up freshly applied lip gloss.

“Maybe I’ll let you later.”

“Let me?” Salem pulls away and brushes a strand of hair from my face. “Baby, you won’t have a choice.”

The man’s sexual appetite is insatiable. I thought for certain when I got pregnant, things would slow down a bit in the bedroom. I was wrong. Salem loves the feel of my round, growing belly.

He presses his rock hard length against me, but I pull away. “Aren’t you the one that said we’ll be late.” Salem groans as I move past him, grab the car keys, and toss them in his direction.

Guests are already at Strong Lodge’s freshly rehabbed ballroom when we arrive. Three years of meticulous renovations have finally passed. Tonight is cause for celebration. Part of me wishes I would’ve dressed a little fancier, but I’d probably sweat right through it, and if I look good enough for Salem, I’ve already won.

It took a long time to remember all the Strong boys’ names, but after two full years of marriage, I know not only their names but their shoe sizes, favorite foods, and past high school hijinks that got them all in trouble. At first the idea of being part of a big family scared me, but now I can’t imagine my life without them.

There’s Russell, stoic with dark hair and green eyes. Quinn, who is always the life of the party. Dorian, who I can’t believe actually made it out to someplace that isn’t his or his father’s house. Then there’s strapping, hard working Weston.

“There’s the big mama!” Phoebe cries, a glass of champagne in her hand. She rushes to me and throws one arm around me, kissing me on my cheek. Having my best friend become my sister-in-law has only strengthened our bond. “How do you feel? Are you still having morning sickness in the afternoon? It’s a boy, right?” She looks at Salem, silently beaming beside me. “I know it’s a boy.” Phoebe huffs. “Dammit I hope it’s a girl.”

I put my hand on Phoebe’s shoulder. “You’re going to be the best Aunt.”

“I know, right?” She puffs her chest up.

Josie, the new manager of Strong Lodge we hired recently, joins the circle. “We’re about ready to start.” A ping of excitement races through me.

“I’ll get you a water,” Salem says, planting a soft kiss on my cheek and heads to the bar as Josie takes the stage. By the time everyone’s settled down, Salem is back by my side. After welcoming everyone, Josie introduces me. A round of applause orchestrates my march to the stage. With a deep breath, I take the mic.
