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A little giggle escapes her mouth and I can’t help but laugh along with her. “Russell Strong,” She entwines her fingers in mine and raises the back of my hand to her lips. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Besides I’d make a great mayor’s wife.”

“That’s whatIsaid!” I nibble on her collarbone, making her laugh out loud. It’s true, I can picture it. Josie Byrd will be the First Lady of this town, and together there isn’t anything we can’t do.



Two YearsLater

I thoughtI’d miss running Strong Lodge, but being First Lady of Burly Creek is almost a full-time job. That, and raising rambunctious twin boys who are so much more like their father than I care to admit, my life couldn’t get any better or busier if I tried. Which I won’t.

I’m fastening my earring when the doorbell rings. “Babe?” I call out, hoping Russell can hear me over his wrestling with the twins. “Can you get the door?” I give myself a once over in the mirror and head down the stairs in time to watch the twins bum rush their Aunt Phoebe standing in the front entry.

I can’t help but smile. With their messy dark hair and blue-green eyes, they look like a perfect combination of the two of us. Phoebe looks up at me and smiles. “Hubba Hubba!”

“Thanks for watching the kids tonight.” I make my way into the room and Russell wraps his arm around my waist. “Mom and Dad haven’t had a date night in a long time.”

“A very long time.” Russell nuzzles his nose into my neck, sending chills up and down my arms.

“Um, get a room you two.”

“That comes later.” Russell groans.

“Okay, off you go!” Phoebe claps her hands in front of her chest. “We’ll be fine here, thanks.” I grab my purse and coat, and my gorgeous husband and I are out the door and into the car parked outside waiting for us.

We could barely wait to get married. Six months felt too long, but we had to plan an event, his sister and stepmother insisted. He is after all, the mayor of this town and certain expectations are set. At first it felt a bit restrictive, but now I love being out in public, watching my gorgeous husband shake hands with everyone in town. I’m not saying it’smydoing, but his approval rating has skyrocketed since we got married.

We pull in front of the restaurant and head inside. Russell takes my hand on the way in. It’s amazing that his touch still gives me tingles. “You look amazing, baby.” He pulls me close right before we make it to the front door.

“You know I love this shirt.” I say, before he plants a soft kiss on my lips. Even though he’s a prominent figure, Russell’s never been afraid of a little PDA in town. Nothing too severe, but it makes me feel loved, wanted, and seen. My husband continues to amaze me on the regular and I can’t remember what life was like before he waltzed into it, practically demanding I give myself over to him. I put up a fight, but in the end it was a useless battle. I didn’t want to fight. I wanted to belong to him, mind, body, and soul.

“Oh shit.” Russell pulls back suddenly, tapping his coat pocket. “I think I dropped my phone in the car.” While it’s very unromantic, he needs his phone on him in case anything crazy happens. I don’t even fight it anymore.

“Go,” I point to the car, my breath a fog from my lips. He takes off and I stand there with my arms around myself waiting. Realizing how silly it is, I turn to wait inside and end up running smack dab into someone I didn’t know was there.

“Well, well, well.” A familiar weasel-like voice turns my gut. “It’s been a minute. You never did pay me for my dry cleaning bill.” Eddie Sellars says with a shit eating grin.

“And I don’t intend to pay for it.”

He clicks his tongue against his teeth. “That’s just bad business.”

“Lucky for both of us, I don’t work there anymore.”

“Ohh, the mayor’s wife.” He sing-songs. “Rusty’s girl. You’re hot stuff now, aren’t you?”

My fists ball at my side. This man is a bully, and I’m certain this is his life’s calling, harassing people for sport. I don’t know what comes over me, but I take one step to him, and open palm slap him across his cheek. The blow turns his head. He slowly turns back to me with wide-eyes.

“Go bother someone else, you piece of shit.” He touches his jaw, still slack with shock. “Shame on your mother for not teaching you manners, and my husband’s name is Russell, not Rusty.”

I step around him, straight to the warmth of the restaurant’s front lobby. Instantly, my husband wraps his arms around me from behind. “Holy shit.” He whispers into my ear. “That was…” His rock hard length presses into me. “You’re my hero.” He growls, causing me to laugh out loud. One of those ugly ones, a singular booming sound.

I turn to face him, and press my lips against his. “Let’s skip dinner.”

“Straight to the hotel?”

“My adrenaline’s high. I don’t want to waste this energy.”

“No complaints here. We’ll order room service.” We start to move, but he pulls me to him once more. “Hey, I love you.”

“I love you too.” I say, and we head to the car. As soon as we’re back inside, I grab his hand. “Itoldyou I could take care of myself.” I lick my lips, proud of myself.

“Baby,” He interlocks his fingers in mine. “I’ve never doubted you. Not for one second.” I smile the entire way to the hotel, and for the rest of the night if you must know.
