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“You’re pretty swell, too.”

“Swell, huh?” Quinn’s soft lips find mine. He gently presses his tongue into my mouth. I love the feel of his weight on me. It reiterates how safe I feel when I’m with him. “I meant it when I said you were mine, Sav. For now and forever.”

“Time will tell.” I say, knowing that he’s not lying. I feel it too, but it’s in my nature to make things a little more difficult. Why should he have all the fun?

“Yes it will, baby.” He presses his hard length against me, dripping wet and ready for round two. “Yes, it will.”



Three YearsLater

I can’t believeit’s been three years since I took over Strong Brew. The café swirls with energy on a bright Saturday morning. The revolving door of customers never seems to quit, and I love it. I wouldn’t have it any other way. The excitement of a busy day is intoxicating, but I’m looking forward to my break because my husband is taking me out to lunch.

Eventually, things calm down. I deal with at least three people who insist they deserve some sort of discount, and give it to them because today I don’t feel like standing my ground. I have exciting news and am about to burst. Luckily, Quinn is right on time.

“There’s my beautiful wife.” Quinn wraps his arms around me and kisses me openly.

I hit his chest and pull away. “Not in front of the staff,” I whisper. Quinn couldn’t care less. He nuzzles his nose into my neck and I laugh with my mouth wide. While I don’t have to be at the café full-time anymore, I love being here. I’m officially in charge of all five locations and we’re about to open a sixth.

I wave goodbye to Ari, who is now managing, and grab my gorgeous husband’s strong bicep as we head out the door. The little restaurant is just down the street, so we decide to walk. “You’re so beautiful,” he says, out of nowhere.

“Are you day drinking?” I laugh, loving to tease him…

“Can’t I compliment my wife without being accused of being drunk?” Fresh from the shower, the man smells clean and spicy. I want to eat him up.

I nudge him with my elbow. “I’m starving.”

“Me too.”

I bite my lip, wanting to contain the secret but I’ve never been good at that. “Yeah, but I have a reason for being so hungry.”

“You didn’t eat breakfast?”

I thought for sure he’d pick up on it, but apparently not. “Well, I’m eating for two.”

Quinn draws back his chin, twisting his face as he takes this in. “You’re…” He stops in the middle of the street and turns to me. “Oh my God, babe.”

My face lights up. “The doctor fit me in this morning. I wanted to wait until I knew for sure—”

“I’m going to be a dad. It finally happened.” He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me tight. “This is the best news ever.”

“I know!” Tears fill my eyes. For a woman who never actually thought about marriage, let alone having kids, this is a dream come true. A dream I never even knew I wanted.

We got married a year after we started dating, and immediately started trying to have a family. It wasn’t easy for me to get pregnant. Quinn was wonderful, insisting that it will happen when the time is right. Looks like time is officially on our side.

“I love you so much, baby.” He says, pressing his giant palm against my stomach. “And I love you too.” He leans down, talking to the baby.

Quinn has his hand in a few different business opportunities right now, and as always, he’s making them work at a back breaking pace. We both love our work, but always find time for each other.

When I took the job at the Burly Creek store, I knew I was on my path toward something bigger. Little did I know it would bring me to the love of my life, and the career I’ve always wanted. Sometimes it hurts how much I love him and the life we’ve created together.

“I can’t wait to tell my family!” He throws his arms up. “They’re going to flip.”

“Well, I’ve already asked everyone over for dinner tonight.” I sigh, knowing that I’m going to need to order an obscene amount of pizza and beer. “To my surprise, everyone’s available.”

Now it’s Quinn’s eyes filling with tears. “You’re the absolute best, Sav. The most wonderful woman, wife, and now mother in the world.”

He presses his full lips against mine and kisses me long and deep. I wrap my arms around my big strong man and melt into his touch. It turns out that my grandmother was wrong, sometimes if it seems too good to be true, you just have to make sure you pursue it with all of your heart and things will turn out just right. After all, I’m living proof.
