Page 9 of Valen

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“So are you,” I say, and mean it. “You have this little crooked tooth right here—” I point to one of his front teeth.

“Get out of here,” he playfully brushes my hand away.

“Stay,” I say, unable to believe the word just escaped my lips. Valen’s gaze grows intense, challenging me as if asking me to say it again. I’m up to the challenge. “Stay, Valen. Stay in Thunder Mountain.”

He lifts my chin and gently presses his lips against mine. “I’m not going anywhere, Anastasia.” For the first time, I notice the tiniest flecks of gold swimming in the gray of his eyes. “The minute I met you, I knew it would be impossible for me to leave.” I press myself against him, squeezing him tight as if letting him know that there was no actual way I would’ve ever let him leave.



Three YearsLater

I’m standingat the counter, pouring myself a fancy cup of decaf coffee. I know they say you can have one cup of full jolt coffee when you’re pregnant, but I don’t want to take the chance. My husband will be up any minute, but right now, the morning belongs to me. He’s got a huge gig out at the Thunder Mountain Lodge, reconstructing their entire lower level. He’s been exhausted, but the payday for the job keeps him going.

“You’re up early.”

“Speak of the devil,” I say, greeting my bed-headed husband.

“You were talking about me?” He looks around the kitchen, yawning. “To who?”

“I think it’s towhom,and no one. I was just thinking about you.”

“I was thinking about you, too.” He wraps me up in a warm embrace, pressing his morning stiffness into me.

“You’re insatiable.”

“You know it.” He nibbles on my neck, and I gently push him away. “That’s decaf, right?”

“Yes, Mr. Overprotective, it is.” I roll my eyes, but I love that he’s always keeping tabs on what’s best for both the baby and me. When he turns to make himself a regular coffee, I can’t deny that I’m just a wee bit jealous. No one tells you how tired you feel when you’re knocked up. My hand instinctively rests on my belly as I watch my shirtless husband prepare his cup.

It’s crazy how fast things progressed between us. After our first night together, we hardly ever slept alone. Valen agreed to let me help him clean out his mother’s house, and when he was deciding whether or not to sell it and buy something of his own, I suggested he move in with me. To my surprise and delight, he agreed.

We lived together for a whole year before he proposed; though the paperwork wasn’t important to us, we decided to make it legal because we knew having babies was in the cards. It took a whole year to conceive, but it actually turned out to be a blessing. Valen finished our house, restoring certain foundational issues and sprucing it up cosmetically—the last part with my help, of course. Now, we’re ready to list it and move into something larger as our family grows. Hopefully, we’ll find something nestled in the woods, a little piece of land to call our own.

“What’s up with you?” Valen pulls a stool up to the counter; his abs fold into a perfect six-pack. If only I were that lucky.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re all smiles this morning.”

“Am I not usually?”

“Hit or miss with morning sickness, babe.” I move toward him, and he pulls me close. He kisses my tummy. “I can’t wait to meet this little guy.”

“Or gal,” I correct him.

“Nah, it’s a boy. I can feel it.”

“You and your gut feelings.” I run my fingers through his hair, smoothing it down in the places that stick up.

It’s amazing how easy things have been for us. In the past, things that came with ease always made me a bit leery. I never believed that things could go smoothly, that without a struggle or some sort, maybe whatever was at the finish line wasn’t worth it. Valen has completely changed my thoughts about that. My husband and I were meant to be. I’m so glad I stayed late that night and took his walk-in request for his first tattoo.

I run my finger up his strong, toned arms, now completely filled with ink. Being married to a tattoo artist has its perks, as does being married to a contractor.

“Hey.” Valen gently tugs at my arm until I lower myself far enough for him to kiss me. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I still tingle when he looks at me like that, his gray eyes sparkling. Maybe my emotions are heightened because of hormones, or it’s just the overwhelming sense of calm and gratitude, but my eyes grow misty. I turn away before Valen can see and head to the oven. “I have some time,” I say, “how about some blueberry muffins?”

Valen’s smile says it all. “You really are the most perfect woman in the world.”

I’m not perfect. Not by a long shot, but I’m perfect for him. And in the end, that’s all that matters.
