Page 17 of Shield My Heart

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Allow me to become whole for a little while, without the cloud hanging over my head.

I wonder.

What should I do?

I slumped down hard on the ground, not caring that I was in a car park. The grit on the asphalt was rough on my skin and I welcomed the pain as everything clicked into place. I really was a target and no matter what happened next, I couldn’t stand strong alone any longer. I was at risk. I had to rely on someone to get me through this and ensure I remain the same woman I have always been.

It meant I had only one option.

I had to trust Xander.



Iwaited for Charlotte’s retorted backlash when I demanded I stay with her while she read the contents of the letter but they never came. Instead I held her tight, allowing her to take what comfort she required from me at that moment. I’d never been so grateful for her warm touch. Somehow, she had managed to keep the simmering fire that had coursed inside me from rising and exploding at bay. In reality, I wanted to explode. I wanted this motherfucker dealt with now. Who the hell did they think they were, threateningmywoman like this?

“Charlotte, kitten… talk to me.” I noticed the slight wrinkling of her nose as she sniffed back the threatened emotions as she tried to cover her nose. My girl was strong. She was a woman of character but she wouldn’t let anyone else see her break; only the people she trusted and cared for. It seemed that these people were few and far between. She turned herself into my chest and I wrapped my solid arms around her frame, absorbing her pain the best I could. “It’s okay. Just let it out,” I whispered.

“I can’t. I need to show no weakness…”

“Give us a moment,” I said as I looked across to the guys. They nodded at me before I turned my back on them and led Charlotte away and out of sight of Barrett’s and Travis’s gazes of scrutiny. I’d give my woman whatever she needed so she could have the little explosion of emotion she required before gathering her wits about herself to deal with the situation. “It’s just us, kitten. If you’d rather, I can go back over with them whilst you have a few minutes. I do understand.”

Deep inside, the thought of rejection scared me. Hurt me even but I knew I couldn’t force myself into the wake of Charlotte’s spiraling pain. It had to be on her terms or I’d end up eventually being pushed away. I couldn’t live with myself if I was a cause to make Charlotte hurt more. When it came to her heart, I couldn’t be the demanding macho, hard assed protector who wanted to swoop in and protect her and make her world seem safe and secure once more. I could only do that if she granted me that opportunity. When it came to her life, nothing would stand in my way, even if she screamed blue murder and threatened to cut off my balls. I’d make it a vow to ensure that nothing happened to her.

“Xander… stay,” she whispered, pulling me closer. “Please.”

“Anything, kitten,” I uttered. My heart aching as I kissed the top of her head. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Charlotte needed a few minutes. That was all. I hoped deep down that she now understood the enormity of the situation she was facing, instead of still feeling it was a passing moment of no consequence. People like this always have motivation behind their actions and up to now, we didn’t know what this person had in mind.

“Thank you.” She nodded. “I needed that.”

“I know. We had better head back over there before Travis and Barrett come looking in search of us. I know Memphis will be arriving soon and Cassandra in a few hours.”

“Great. More people.” She cursed under her breath before she held her head high. “Let’s get on with this. The sooner I can deal with this, the better.”

I walked us both back over to where Travis and Barrett stood. They indicated for us to go inside as the weather had suddenly turned dark and gloomy, just like the atmosphere surrounding us all.

“Travis…” Barrett began as they walked ahead of us, his voice protruding back on us with a slight echo. “Memphis will sort out Charlotte’s car parking space on arrival. Don’t let your men touch the area. I’ve asked him to head in earlier and ensure Cassandra is safe. He knows what needs to be done.”

“Done?” Charlotte asked in confusion.

Barrett opened his mouth to reply, looking over his shoulder at her but I bore my trained gaze straight into his, making him turn back around and continue walking wherever Travis was leading us.

“Memphis will ensure that we have all the evidence photographed. Thatifthey made any errors, left any trace of who they could be, then he’ll be the man to find it. We all have our strong points and Memphis has a cracking eye for discrepancies and detail,” I bluntly admitted it to her, allowing her gentle soft fingers to caress against mine. “I want it to be my men who are in control of this operation. I have to trust the team I’m working with completely with any information I give them. No one else will do because truthfully Charlotte, you don’t know who could be doing this. It could be anyone. The person could be working alone or within a group. They could have infiltrated themselves into your everyday life.”

“Xander…” Travis stopped suddenly outside the door labeled his office and opened the door before indicating for us all to enter with a wave of his hand. “No one in my team would be capable of this.”

“I wouldn’t be certain of that. Somehow, whoever this is, has managed to get inside Victory Studios at least twice now without leaving a shred of evidence behind. How do you explain that? Do you think that it’s just coincidental?” I asked. I stopped mid-stride in the room and turned to face him. “Travis, whoever this is will use whatever means they can to get to Charlotte.”

“Then we better figure this out and fast. Let’s start with what was behind the use of daisies and the number of them,” Travis sternly replied, walking straight past me and making a beeline for the sofas and chairs that Barrett and Charlotte already sat at. “Does it have some significance?”

“Isn’t there a meaning behind daisies being ‘The flower of death’?” Barrett chirped up, shrugging his shoulders as my brow shot up on my forehead. I reached for Charlotte’s hand and covered it with mine on her thigh, needing her touch.

“Celtic legend.” Charlotte nodded, agreeing with Barrett’s explanation, “Daisies are my favorite flower, though. An unusual choice I know but I loved them from being a little girl sat in the garden making endless daisy chains to pass my time. I then started receiving them on special occasions via personal delivery. These beautiful long-stemmed beauties with the most perfect crisp white petals.”

“Who used to send them to you?” I asked, rubbing circles across her leg.
