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“For richer and richer,” he breathes against my collarbone as he drifts down, his stubble scraping across my skin.

I blink. “I don’t think that’s how it—”

He presses his thumb against my lips. “Shush. Be quiet while I prove my utter devotion.”

I consider biting his thumb, but then he decides to skip the rest of me, and his mouth suddenly covers my left breast.

A deep, bassy sound rumbles in his throat as he pulls back a hard suckle.

On their own accord, my hands go to the back of his head. But they don’t push him away, they pull him closer.

His big, calloused hand covers my right breast and he squeezes, molding me between his fingers as I arch against the wall.

With every pull on my nipple it feels like he’s tugging on a cord that’s connected directly to my clit, lighting my entire body on fire.

“In safety,” he groans and moves to my right breast, his tongue swiping across me before he suckles. “And in peril.”

Again, I don’t think those are quite the right vows, but all that comes out of my mouth is a low moan. The last thing I want to do right now is stop him.

He’s making me feel so good…

Releasing my nipple with a wet sound, he begins to nibble and kiss his way down my stomach.

“In madness and sanity,” he groans, his tongue briefly dipping into my belly button.

I jolt from the strange sensation and one of his big hands wraps around my hip, holding me still.

Lower he nibbles, and when it finally registers in my lust-fogged brain what he intends to do, I try to twist my hips out of his hold.

His fingers dig into my hipbones, the strength in that one hand enough to keep me from moving.

With a snarl, he rips my wet panties down my legs, peeling them away from my throbbing sex.

I shove at his shoulders, but it’s not enough to stop him from pushing his head between my thighs.

“Mine to fuck and devour,” he groans, his hot breath sending shivers up my spine.

Without any warning or buildup, his mouth covers my pussy, his tongue attacking my clit.

There’s no gentle teasing or time to prepare myself.

No time to take a breath.

There’s just immediate mind-breaking sensation.

Shoving at his shoulders again, I rise onto the very tip of my toes, trying to escape him.

But he’s relentless in his pursuit.

Hands grabbing me by the back of my knees, he spreads me open wider, forcing me to completely rely on him to stay upright.

“Fuck, you taste so good,” he moans between strong laps that push me to the edge of madness. “I’ve never tasted a sweeter pussy in all my life…”

The pressure inside me builds at a rate that threatens to destroy me from the inside out.

Grabbing him by the back of the head, I tug, desperately trying to free myself from his mouth.

“Gabriel, it’s too much… you have to stop…” I plead.

I’ve never felt anything like this before. I’ve never felt anything this damn intense.

So much is expanding inside me, my body can’t contain it, and I swear my heart is going to explode inside my chest.

He growls, and instead of slowing down or stopping, his mouth works me over with a new ferocity.

Fingers digging into my flesh, he works his tongue against me so fiercely it feels like he’s shoving me up the wall with it.

Higher and higher he pushes me until I can no longer fight this thing growing inside me.

“Gabriel… please…” I plead one last time.

Mercy. I need mercy.

He pauses for only a second, just long enough to command, “Come for me, Meghan.”

Then he sucks on my clit hard.

I shatter, everything that holds me together, everything that makes me me, breaking apart.

“That’s it, Meghan… You’re such a good girl,” he groans with pleasure as I cry out and come all over his hungry mouth.

So much pleasure flows through me I swear it’s pouring out of me.

And his tongue is there, lapping, licking, and sucking me up.

He continues to work his mouth against me, swallowing up all my broken pieces, until every ounce of pleasure inside me has been wrung out of bones.

When I finally sag in his arms, his fingers squeeze around my thighs one last time and he breaks away.

Sliding up me, he settles my trembling thighs around his waist, then grabs me by the face.

“Look at you…” he says, his bright eyes searing into me. “So fucking beautiful… so fucking mine…”

He kisses me, his tongue sweeping into my mouth, forcing me to taste my own pleasure. My own defeat.

And it’s sweet… so sweet…

His kiss lulls me into a false sense of security. Believing he’s gotten everything that he wanted out of me, I drape my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

Then something hot and hard pushes through my folds.

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