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She made a choking, coughing sound and pushed him away from her. “You need to work on your manners. That was just rude.” She turned and began walking along the path, then stopped and faced him again. “You didn’t mention your mission. Were you able to fix history?”

He motioned for her to continue walking, then moved beside her, matching her stride for stride. He had missed this. Walking beside her had always felt comfortable and somehow, right. “Yes, we were successful. Mikhail managed to stop the stupid me before entering the embassy. While Ailuin and I were inside, the draugar showed up, including your friend, the king, who fought in our stead, I might add. Otherwise, we might not have fared so well. After the skirmish, Freyja healed the ambassador, who seemed to have been possessed by some kind of misty spirit. We think Loki was the one using Óðinn’s God’s Glass to spy on us and counteract our every move. Sneaky little bastard.”

“Was he stopped as well?”

Bernard shook his head and clasped his hands behind his back as they continued to make their way through the forest. The path widened as they drew closer to the Huldras’ mountain fortress, and a heavy floral scent filled the air surrounding them.

“Unfortunately, no, but if I know the brothers, they will not rest until he is caught and punished. Freyr is also angry because of what happened to Ghaldath. He’s out for justice or revenge…I’m not sure which. And, surprisingly, Ailuin and Lamruil want me to go to Alfheimr as their advisor.”

“What did you decide to do?”

“Nothing has been decided yet. The brothers wish to talk to me about it after we visit with your mother and make sure she’s all right. I also promised Émilien I would help him search for my parents.”

He reached for her hand and threaded his fingers through hers before leading her to a fallen log by the side of the path. He sat and patted the space next to him. “Please sit. I need to say something to you.” She gave him a worried glance but did as he asked and spread her favorite dark-green skirt so that it covered everything, even the tips of her boots. “Why do you do that? You’re always trying to hide your back or your tail.”

He focused on the exquisite lines of her profile. She was an artistic vision, her face perfect in every way, but he would be damned if anyone other than he painted her. She was his but didn’t know it yet. “Alva?”

Her generous chest rose and fell several more times before she answered. “I have always believed in the dream my father told me. How everyone has someone out there who will love them no matter their flaws, but as the years passed, the dream faded. I stopped believing I was worthy of love.”

He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Seeing the sorrow on her face, though, he realized she needed to talk, so he kept silent.

“I don’t fit in anywhere. I’m not a full-blooded elf, nor am I a full-blooded Huldra, although I carry the bark and tail,” she said with disgust. “I never felt part of a family until I began working for Freyja. While I love my mother, I do, Freyja has been more of a mother to me, and I owe her everything.”

Finally, he couldn’t hold back any longer. “Alva, I don’t think you see yourself like everyone else does. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. You are always taking care of others with that generous heart of yours—”

“That’s not the only generous thing about me,” she grumbled. The disgusted expression on her face was almost his undoing. He sucked his lips between his teeth, trying to hold back the laughter threatening to burst out, but Alva didn’t miss anything and slapped his shoulder. “Don’t you dare laugh at me, Bernard Marchand. I have a stomach pooch, my breasts are too large, my thighs are way too thick, not to mention I have bark instead of skin covering my back and I have a tail. What woman wants a tail?” she wailed.

The dam burst as he broke out in laughter. It was difficult, but after a few more snorts and snickers, he finally managed to stop. To be safe, he cleared his throat several times before trying to speak. “I love your tail. It’s so cute with the tip peeking out from under your skirts. It makes me smile. I see no pooch. Your stomach is flat, and the muscles in your legs are incredible. I have seen you perform amazing feats. You have an athlete’s body, ma tigresse, and I love every bit of it. Besides, I’m not a full-blooded elf either.”

He tucked a finger under her chin and turned her face to his. “Alva, I have made so many horrible mistakes. I carried so much pain and denial in my heart, I couldn’t see what new gift I had been given. I will never be able to forget my wife or children, but I have learned there is room in my heart to love again.” He felt her body go still beside his. The pad of his thumb caressed the rounded tip of her chin before moving higher to her soft cheek.

“I came so close to losing you...” He shook off the morbid emotion and forced the tremble from his voice. “From the moment Freyja made you my partner, you have had my back. You have protected me and taken care of me, even when I didn’t want you to. You have such a strength and spirit, Alva, I can’t believe you don’t see it. Maybe I’m glad you don’t because your innocence drew me in until all I could think about was you. I love you with everything I was, am, and will ever be. I don’t want to be alone anymore, and I want you by my side, no matter what life gives us.”

With tears streaming down her cheeks once more, she threw her arms around his neck and held him so tight, he found it difficult to breathe. He didn’t care, though, because he would give his last breath for her.

“I love you so much, Bernard. I have from the moment we met. I have dreamed of this moment, never daring to hope it might come true and praying every day that it would.” She pulled away, cupping his face between her hands. Her gaze dropped to his mouth. He held his breath, letting it out when her lips touched his.

Losing himself in the feel of her sultry mouth, his hand moved over the small of her back. He jerked away, his eyes wide with surprise.

“Bernard, what’s wrong?” He jumped up, pulling her with him, then spun her around as she sputtered in annoyance. “What are you doing?”

“Your back, Alva.” He tugged the back of the shirt from her skirt and ran his palm over her smooth skin, pink and blemish free, like a baby’s. He could only stare in amazement while Alva twisted her head, trying to see what was wrong. “The bark—it’s gone.”

Her eyes widened, and she patted her back. Her hand dropped lower to where the base of her tail should have been. She spun around, and her face lit up with joy. “My tail is gone too!” She cried out in a mixture of happiness and regret. “What will my mother say?” She raised her stricken face. “How will they react?”

He pulled her to him, loving how her head tucked perfectly under his chin. “It doesn’t matter how anyone but us reacts or thinks. If I remember correctly, only true love can change a Huldra, am I right?” She nodded her head, the soft blond hairs catching on his chin.

“I will miss your tail, but now, maybe, you will begin to see how truly wonderful you are. For most of my life, I’ve lived in hiding or mourning. You have given me back light and laughter, so no matter where we’re sent or even if you end up as queen, I will be with you. I love you and never want you anywhere but at my side. How does eternity sound to you?”

“It sounds perfect,” she whispered.

He rubbed his chin over her hair, then kissed the top of her head as she snuggled closer to him. For the first time in what seemed like a lifetime, he had found his home.
