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Talk about a twin switch.

“Look at you,” she says with a sly grin.

“Look at you.” I wrinkle my nose. “Why are you doing my dishes?”

“Flynn had to go into the office this morning and I was bored.” She shrugs. Drew is wearing a pair of black leggings with white skulls printed all over them and a baggy jumper made of fuzzy black wool. Even her “bumming around the house” clothes have a punk edge to them. “Also, I’m procrastinating on looking for a job.”

I plonk myself down at the kitchen table and wave my hand in the general direction of the coffee machine. Reading my very poor sign language, she turns the machine on and pulls two mugs from the cupboard.

“So you’re really staying in Melbourne?” I clap my hands together and a giddy, bubbly feeling races through my system. I can’t contain my joy.

Yes, I’m that corny girl who calls her sister her best friend. Bite me.

“Yeah.” Drew’s smile is sweet and hopeful, and so unlike her. It seems Flynn is a good influence. “We talked it over in more detail last night. I’ll have to fly back to London and sort out the boxes I put into storage. Not that I own much, mind you. It’s mostly clothes and some bedding and towels and shit.”

“I’m so glad.” The coffee machine whirrs as if in agreement. “What are you thinking work-wise?”

My sister is a flight attendant and has worked for some of the biggest airlines in the world. She’s always loved travel, so it’s the perfect job for her.

“I’ve got plenty of contacts here,” she says with a cavalier shrug. “I’ll send out a few emails, see what comes back. The airlines arealwayslooking for people with experience.”

There’s zero concern in her voice. But that’s my sister in a nutshell—Ms. Go With The Flow.

“And what about you?” she continues, placing one of the mugs under the coffee machine and pushing the button for the biggest serving. Clearly, I look as groggy as I feel. “What are you getting up to this week?”

It’s day three after the wedding that wasn’t meant to be. Yet it feels like there’s months between now and the day I was buttoned into that white, frothy dress. It’s almost as if I’ve lost concept of time and space and I’m floating in some parallel dimension. In that time, I’ve gotten drunk, danced on a stage, seduced a man, had no-strings sex and managed to get through the day without a plan.

But there’s one thing that’s going to weigh on me until it’s ticked off my list.

“I need to go to Mike’s house and get Grandma’s watch. You’re still good to come with me, right?”

Drew collects our coffees and joins me at the table. She doesn’t pass comment on my estimation of how Mike will act, but I don’t miss the slight tick in her jaw.

“Of course.” She slides a mug toward me. “Whatever you need.”

I let out a long sigh. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

I mean it. Having my sister close by makes me feel whole. Perhaps it’s a twin thing, or maybe it’s just a sister thing. Sometimes I wonder if I ever would have fallen for Mike’s lines if she were here, because Drew has always been the person I could speak honestly to. I could always share my real fears with her because she never judged me.

“Do you want to talk about it?” She sips her drink, her silvery-blue eyes watching me.

Part of me thinks I do and the other part of me thinks I should shut the hell up...for the rest of eternity. “I don’t know what I should say. I’m just...frustrated. Angry.”

“At Mike?”

“Yeah.” I scrub a hand over my face. “But also at me.”


“Because I knew something was off before the wedding. I couldfeelit. But I tried to talk to him and he said everything was fine. Ugh.” I take a long gulp of my coffee. “Ofcoursehe said that—he didn’t want anything damaging his chances of being responsible CEO material. I put it down to jitters and tried to ignore it.”

Drew nods. “Gut feelings are usually right.”

“Do you think I’m dumb?” I don’t know why, but I need to hear her answer. She spotted Mike’s faults right away and we’d argued about him. Drew’s opinion matters more to me than anything else in the world.

“No.” She reaches across the small table and grabs my hand. “I think you’re dumb for asking that question, though.”

I laugh and roll my eyes. “Charming.”
