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It’s bad timing and there’s too much baggage.

I hate to be the kind of guy who places my stock in such bullshit things as “fate” and “the universe,” but that’s kind of how it feels right now: whatever it is between us, it’s not going to work out.

“How much longer do we have?” she asks.

“What do you mean?”

“Before wereallyshouldn’t be doing this anymore?”

I lean down and brush my lips over hers. “I think we crossed that line day one.”

“We did, didn’t we?” She sighs and I feel it right down to my bones.

I know what I need to do, but the idea of getting off the couch right now and walking away for good has my body rebelling. My arms and legs are stone; my gut is filled with rocks. I’m weighted down. Glued to the spot.

Just stand up, say goodbye and walk away. It’s not difficult. You did it to your own bloody family and you barely even know Presley.

But I can’t move. I can’t pull the trigger.

“Can I be greedy and ask for one more day?” Her hand curls into mine. “Like a last hurrah before we go our separate ways?”

One more day.

It’s like a lifeline and a knife at my throat all at the same time. But there’s no way I won’t take it—because an extra twenty-four hours with Presley is more than I deserve. It’s more than I should take. More risk. More chance of us getting caught.

But I’m powerless to resist her.

“Sure,” I say, leaning down to kiss her. “One more day.”



I’MAWOMANwith a plan...even though Drew told me I need to let go of the idea of planning everything out. Maybe I’m at my best when I know what I want and have a four-point list of steps to achieve it. There’s nothing wrong with being organised, so long as what I’m working toward is the thingIwant, right?

That explains why I’m wearing a dress with a full skirt and a pair of sunglasses that cover half my face. I contemplated buying a wig, but I came to the conclusion that sex stores don’t really deal in high-quality disguises.

And there was no way I was going to ruin my biggest sexual fantasy with some nasty polyester wig that was shinier than an Instagram model’s overly highlighted cheekbones.

Besides, focusing ondoingrather thanthinkingis critical right now. I have mere hours left with Sebastian before we walk away for good. Yesterday, after our unexpected heart to heart, we stayed in and ordered pizza and lost ourselves in exploring one another. We did it in the shower, on the balcony, on the couch—again—and up against the windows.

I know, I’s not my apartment. I’ve already booked a cleaner to disinfect the whole place.

But yesterday was the most amazing experience. Despite the fact that it was all fueled by lust, I felt happier than I have in a long time. I got to make the decisions and speak up for what I wanted and do things just for fun. It was glorious. And now I’m going to cap off a steaming-hot twenty-four hours by ticking the biggest item of my sexual bucket list.

“I’m digging the whole Audrey Hepburn thing you’ve got going on,” Sebastian says as we walk along Southbank, following the river. It’s aperfectafternoon—sunny, warm, no hint of rainclouds in sight.

“Thanks. As much as I was enjoying the head-to-toe black-and-leather look, that’s definitely more Drew’s style.” I smooth my hands over the skirt portion of my dress. The design is much more me, with fluttery sleeves and robin’s-egg-blue linen and chunky tortoiseshell buttons. “It’s nice to have my clothes back even if I’m basically living out of a suitcase.”

“What about the rest of the stuff that’s at...” He trails off like he doesn’t even want to say his stepbrother’s name. It’s a wedge between us, but it’s not one we need to deal with. After today, this will be nothing but a memory. “I could always go and rescue the rest of your stuff.”

The offer warms my heart.

“That’s sweet, but we’re tryingnotto throw another grenade into your family life, remember?” I laugh. “Actually, he boxed it all up and dropped it at my mum’s place. I was surprised. Maybe he’s ready to move on, too.”

In another life, Sebastian would be exactly the kind of guy I’d want to be with. But now my phase of chasing relationships is over. After today, I’m going to book my flight to Paris and get on with living for me. That means going back to work at the end of my leave and kicking some corporate butt, enjoying having my sister close by, and making amends with my mum for running away from not one but two weddings.

Those will be my priorities: travel, career and family.
