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“And it’s pretend, right?” She nails me with a stare. “Because I don’t know what you’re used to, but paying me doesn’t entitle you to anything physical.”

“I don’t pay for sex.” That’s another thing my father did that I despised, and the memory of finding out he’d cheated on my mother with multiple sex workers burns through me hot and furious like a house fire. “I can meet my sexual needs very easily without opening my wallet.”

Ava nods, chewing on her bottom lip. In my world, learning to read people is critical. Politicking is part of our DNA, as much as I loathe it. But right now I’m grateful for that skill, because it tells me that for whatever reason, Ava needs this arrangement as much as I do.

“I don’t expect anything other than for you to uphold the story while we’re in public,” I say quietly. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy the pleasure of Ava’s body. But on the rare occasion I allow a woman into my bed, it’s only ever for mutual pleasure.

No business, no money. And certainly no feelings.

“Well, thatwouldbe quite a good way to shut my mother up.” She rolls her bottom lip between her teeth and my curiosity is piqued, but right now the only thing I care about is getting her agreement.

“See, mutually beneficial.”

“But we’re lying.” She frowns.

“Think of it like this—a lie is going to come out of this situation no matter what we do.Thislie will at least allow us to move forward with a positive story—I keep my reputation, and you can get yourself a better job and set yourself up financially. Or you can gamble that you won’t get fired. It’s up to you.”

She sighed. “That’s not much of a choice, is it?”

“There’s always a choice.”

My uncle, the man who acted as the mentor I’d always hoped my father would be, had taught me that one special life lesson:never think you’re without choice, because even a boxer in a corner has control over what he does next. It’s the motto I live by. The ruling words behind every move I make, always taking the driver’s seat and never letting anyone force me to back down.

“I’ll make it worth your while, Ava. Whatever you need in your life right now, I can make it happen.”

Outside, chants ofDaniel! Daniel!gather steam. This is going to be a nightmare regardless of what happens next. But if Ava agrees to my proposal—no pun intended—then at least I can see my way out of it. I’ll introduce her to the family, make Marc see I’m not interested in Lily, and then I can get right back to what matters: building my empire.

She nods, her eyes glancing warily at the door. “Okay. I’ll be your fake girlfriend.”

“Fiancée,” I correct. “Congratulations. We’re about to get engaged.”



Two days later...

ISTAREATthe suitcase on my bed. The damn thing isstillempty and it gapes at me like a wide, open mouth. Whatisone supposed to wear for a weeklong sleepover with their fake fiancé?

Let’s be real, there’s nothing in my wardrobe that says “yes, I am hot enough to date a billionaire,” and no amount of squinting at my closet is going to change that fact. I’m solidly a cute-skirt-and-ballet-flats kinda gal. A “find the best thing on the sale rack at Target” kinda gal. I don’t do designer labels and ball gowns and stupid tiny purses that cost more than my monthly rent.

To make this process evenmoreunbearable, Emery is sitting on my bed and glaring at me. Her hair—dyed a vibrant blue—is piled into a messy bun on top of her head. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were dating someone, especially not after all the crap about your mum trying to marry you off. What happened to honesty? Integrity? The lifelong bonds of sisterhood?”

“Talk about a flair for the dramatic,” I mutter.

Emery ignores the dig. “I thought we told each other everything.”

The worst part of this situation, by far, is having to lie to Emery. Iknewshe’d be pissed at me, but the girl also has a mouth bigger than a barge. No way can I risk her accidentally divulging some incriminating information. Besides, I want this over and done with as quickly as possible.

She’ll forgive me...eventually.

Last night I tossed and turned, my brain spinning on the possible outcomes of a week with Daniel. I kept veering to images of his full mouth and the dark, burning intensity of his eyes. To his powerful hands and what his body might look like under his suit. How I felt when he adjusted my buttons, his gaze never leaving mine.

This is a fake engagement, remember? This is about getting your ample butt out of a financial hole and nothing more.

“I’m sorry.” I push my hair away from my face and sigh. “It’s...complicated.”

“A Facebook answer? Wow.”
