Page 119 of Cadence

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“I love you,” I whisper.

“I’m going to spend the weekend showing you how much.”

He kisses me, the movement of his lips on mine ramping up the need for him to take things up a gear. I struggle to free my hands from his and when he releases them, I dig my nails into his backside draw his body hard against me. “Don’t stop. And don’t tease,” I warn.

“No fucking way.”

Jax moves inside me again, gently at first and harder, the momentum hitting the sweet spot he found with his fingers earlier. The movement bumps my clit and I kiss him forcefully again as he gathers pace. I close my eyes and give in to the pleasure pulsing through.

“Tegan.” I open my eyes. The intensity in his gaze dissolves the last barrier, giving him all of my guarded heart. We’re here, in tune and meant to be.

I raise a hand and stroke Jax’s hot cheek. He takes hold and kisses my palm. Since the night in Paris, we’ve had a lot of sex; our relationship focused on how much pleasure we could give each other. Sometimes this is hard, fast and animalistic, where the lust wins; other times, slow and loving when the truth we’ve hidden threatens to be revealed. I only need to be in the same room as Jax and my body sends loud messages to my brain, suggesting I drag him away and get naked.

The fact this passion is matched by something beneath the lust shouldn’t surprise me. How could I have this connection with a guy unless something deeper was beneath? If this was purely sex, I’d only want Jax when he was with me, instead of there being something missing when we’re apart.

This bond of souls is what runs through the intense energy in the room with us now.

Jax lets go of his control. The sex becomes harsher, more frenzied and I grip onto him as he pushes me further to the edge of my favourite place to lose myself in with him. When the orgasm hits, the power of it takes me by surprise, my heart and body splintering. I watch with satisfaction as Jax unravels in front of me, too, his eyes closing and he loses himself in an ecstasy of his own. He swears loudly as I grip him, the familiar white light blinding me as I come again, hard, at a volume to match Jax’s.

“Jesus, Tegan,” he murmurs as he drops his weight onto me. “I wish I’d told you I loved you earlier.”

Giggling, I nuzzle his damp skin. I lie beneath Jax, our hearts thumping against each other as our lips move in soft, slow kisses sending aftershocks through. I could be here forever, in Jax’s arms, surrounded by his love and cocooned away from the real world scratching at the door.

I don’t know what our future holds, but I do know one thing. This is love. What I’ve experienced and thought was love before doesn’t come close to this. The world shifted us onto a new plane where being without each other, even for a day, no longer makes any sense.



I reluctantly take the weekend off work and leave everything to Riley and Julian to organise.

Semi-reluctantly because I spend time reconnecting with Jax.

The attack is lost in a rosy haze of the new understanding between us, a confidence in our relationship that crossed between us when we dropped the last barrier. I’m buzzing after a weekend with Jax. When we opened up at last about the sudden, crazy love between us, the euphoria translated into sex filled with a new intensity.

Jax loves me.

I love him.

We can face the world together.

No pictures of Julian and me emerged; and I explained to Jax who I was with and why, in case the pictures did appear and he thought I was hiding something. Jax shrugged the story off.

Once I reach the offices, my mind has switched back to what I need to talk to Riley about today, but I halt when I see Bryn’s large frame in the brightly lit hallway. His back is to me as he chats to Julian. About me, no doubt. Julian looks over and I pull a face and point at Bryn.

Bryn turns. “You okay?”

“What are you doing here?”

“Checking on you.”

Through the glass windows lining the walls, Sarah and Claire watch. When I glance at them, they immediately turn away and point at a nearby monitor, acting as if they’re not staring at us. “You’re embarrassing me!”

“Your face looks better.”

“It is.” With the aid of some thick foundation.

Bryn shakes his head. “Come on, I haven’t seen you since the other night you have to understand why I’m concerned.”
