Page 142 of Cadence

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“Are you staying?”

“Today? I told you, I'm working.”

“No. Later. Like, until September.”

Tegan's eyes widen. “Ah, you were snooping!”

“You left your browser open! I just need to know if you’ve changed your mind about the States. Cool if you have, but talk to me. I promise to be mature about you leaving this time.”

Tegan scoffs and I pull at her towel. She keeps hold, lies on her side next to me, and props her head on one hand. “You're really worried about this?”

I catch her fingers as she trails them from my forehead to my chest. “You know that I don't want us to be apart. But I need some notice to get my head around you going.”

“Do you think I'm leaving?”

“No. Yes. I don't know. The States?” I indicate the laptop.

“That? I might housesit for a few weeks. Coming?”

“House sitting?”

“I was going to ask if you wanted to come once the album was finished.”

“You'll wait?”

“Yes! Silly! I have to clear with Tina the time off work anyway.” She flicks my nose and I seize her wrists, so she tumbles onto me.

Tegan's damp hair brushes my face as I kiss her. “House sitting for who?”

“My big brother, of course. He's staying in London because of Avery and has a nice, big, empty house over there.”



“Serious? And he's fine with us staying?” Tegan grins and wiggles her little finger. “You’re devious. You do realise you can have any man wrapped around that finger?”

She smirks. “The important ones. The rock stars.”

I growl and tip her over onto the bed. “Not me. I'll do what I want.”

Tegan catches my hair and pulls my face close to hers. “The only person who can to tell me what to do. Sometimes.”

“That's because I'm a fucking rock star.” I catch Tegan’s wrist again and pull her to me, kissing her until she gasps for breath. The damp towel unravels beneath us and her soft, fragrant skin begs for my mouth.

“Mr. Ego,” she breathes out as I switch from her lips to her neck and head downwards.

“Remember I promised. I will always make being with Jax Lewis worth your while.”

I know what the world says about us. I hear whispers of doubt from people close to us and from the ones trying to catch me out and make a story from our inevitable break-up they predict. Some days, life with Tegan is bloody hard, but that’s what makes her right for me. The passion we share for life and each other is channelled into building a relationship to face the new world together.

I’m not stupid. I know life will never stand still for me now; but wherever I am, Tegan will be with me. Throughout our lives, people have doubted our plans. Every time others told me I wouldn’t succeed and my dreams would come to nothing, I tried twice as hard to prove them wrong. Tegan’s the same. We never give up on what we believe in and I believe in a future with Tegan. She shares my passion and determination, in life and our relationship. We’re not like the rest of the world. We never will be. Their rules don’t apply to us.

Wherever she is, I’ll be with her and we’ll take on that world together.

