Page 18 of Cadence

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“Good morning, Jaxon,” she says with a knowing smile.

“Don’t call me Jaxon. Only my mum and gran call me that.”

“When you’re misbehaving?” Tegan pulls her teeth over her lip to disguise amusement.

I really bloody hate alcohol memory blanks when the person who saw, and remembers all, clearly wants to tease.

“You forgot your sunglasses,” she says staring straight ahead.

Her words jolt me from the distracting sight of where the T-shirt she’s wearing scoops low beneath her arms to reveal the edge of a black bra and smooth, tanned skin. “What do you mean?”

“You’re a rock star after a wild night. You should be wearing sunglasses.”

“Wasn’t wild, I just drank too much.”

“Uh huh.”

I ignore her. I have enough to worry about with facing the wrath of Ruby when I arrive at the venue.

Tegan continues to fight her smile and hits the button on the elevator again, muttering about how long it’s taking. So far, she met my eyes briefly and now focuses on the elevator door. I train my gaze on the side of her face and I’m positive her cheeks are pinker than when I arrived.

“I hope I didn’t say anything rude to you last night,” I say.


“Okay.” I pause, irritated by her lack of information. “What did I say?”

Finally, she looks around at me; deep brown eyes beneath long lashes capture my breath. We lock eyes for the longest since we first met, and I swear something’s there; something I haven’t seen in anybody before, even Ruby. Apart from the desire for Tegan that hits each time I’m sharing oxygen with her, I feel like I already know her, but I’m sure we’ve never met before.

“You’re a rock star.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“No, that’s what you told me. Repeatedly.” The elevator doors slide open and Tegan steps into the small space.

I follow and because Tegan chooses to stand right in the middle of the elevator, I have to edge around her. I swear she laughs under her breath at me. She reaches across to press the button for the ground floor, a scent of citrus from her hair as it touches my arm briefly. I high five myself for not looking down her top when it drops forward with the movement.

The doors close and I’m engulfed by Tegan’s presence. Even in my delicate, hungover state, all I’m aware of is the girl standing too close. I stare at my feet as the elevator lurches; if I look back into her eyes, I’m lost. This is wrong. I don’t do the unsure, teen-boy bullshit anymore. I’m not him.

“You were very complimentary, Jax, don’t worry. Also, you didn’t try to grope me, so that’s a bonus.”

“Complimentary?” I look back to Tegan.

Eyes focused on my mouth, she rubs a finger along her bottom lip before lifting her eyes to mine. A simple gesture but loaded with promise I doubt she intends to keep.

“Are you teasing me?” I ask in a low voice.

“Teasing? No. Why would I do that?”

Tegan is tall, almost matching my height, and my refusal to shift away from her leaves our faces close, bodies almost touching. Her subtle scent is stronger, as is my desire to push Tegan against the wall of the elevator and kiss her hard. This is wrong and bad for my health. Bryn would break my arms and Tegan’s firing an arousal she won’t satisfy any time soon.

I move my face closer, nose almost touching her cheek. “I don’t know, Tegan Hughes, but whether you’re teasing or not, you can’t hide what I can see in your eyes.”

Tegan doesn’t respond or move her head at all, so I shift back from her.

Something close to a staring match follows, no more words exchanged. Neither of us backs down, until the elevator lurches to a stop. The movement jostles Tegan and her bare arm brushes mine. A jolt like a bad static shock joins the sensation of her soft skin. Tegan steps back and breaks eye contact, touching her arm where we connected.

The doors slide open and Tegan steps out, placing a hand on the edge to hold them. “I guess I’ll see you later, Jaxon,” she says with a smile.

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