Page 37 of Cadence

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“Have you been smoking?”

“Not tonight. I take it you don’t?”

“Not my thing.” I glance around. “Isn’t Riley here?”

“Nope. She stayed for five minutes and left. Shame, hey?”

“Why? What happened?”

Jax shrugs. “I dunno. Probably too exciting for her and she had to go for a lie down.”

“That’s not nice.”

Jax ignores me and grabs a half-empty bottle of vodka from the table. He takes and inspects a nearby glass for cleanliness before holding the glass out to me. “Want a drink?”

“No, I don’t drink a lot. I’m avoiding spirits.”

“Right.” He stands. “I’ll fetch you a beer instead.”

“It doesn’t matter, I —” Before the sentence is out Jax is gone. Another beer is not a good idea. I don’t want to move from relaxed to uninhibited. As Jax walks off, the girl who was sitting on him earlier follows.

“You’re right, quite the party.” I turn to see Tomas and Paul arrive and their faces unmistakably brighten as they look around the room at the girls. “Ruby Riot boys party better than Blue Phoenix, huh?”

“Looks that way,” I say.

Paul says something to Tomas in a low voice. He replies in Portuguese and Paul walks away. I’m willing to bet they didn’t come up here because they’re fans of the bands.

“Did you go to the concert?” I ask.

“Of course. And you? Although you’d be VIP because of your brother.” Tomas looks around. “He’s not here?”

“I’m not an extension of my brother.”

“You’re here to have fun, right? Lucky girl, you get to party with rock stars for six weeks.” Tomas rests against the wall and stretches his legs in front of him, bringing himself down to my height.

“I didn’t come for that. I wanted to travel more of Europe and explore the places we visit too.”

“Yes, I said I’d show you around Lisbon today, but you never called.” Tomas pouts and I laugh at him.

“You never gave me your number!”

“You wanted my number, Tegan?” he asks quietly.

Crap. “No, I meant if you’d wanted to be my tourist guide you’d need to… Doesn’t matter.”

Tomas rubs his mouth with the tips of his fingers. “I saw you with Jax Lewis before. Are you his girl? You weren’t with him last night.”


“Surprises me. You’re a very beautiful girl. He’s a fool.”

I look down at my shoes. Great. Here we go. “I’m not looking to hook up with rock stars,” I lie. “Or anybody really.”Not you. Take the hint.

Tomas appraises me a little too closely for my liking. “Ice queen, huh?”

“No, just choosy.”

Tomas smiles warmly, the skin crinkling around his eyes. “Sorry, I’m not hitting on you. I’m too honest sometimes.”
