Page 39 of Cadence

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“Don’t want to step on your toes, was going to have a go.”

I narrow my eyes at his attitude to Tegan. “Bad idea, mate. You seen the size of her brother?”

“Like I care! You’re all leaving tomorrow and we’ll both be onto the next girl, won’t we?”

Arsehole.But he’s an uncomfortable mirror of myself and how I’ve treated chicks recently.

“What’s your name?” I ask.


“Well, Tomas, I suggest you keep your hands off Tegan.” If she could hear him, I doubt she’d want his hands on her anyway. “And don’t think she’s easy.”

He snorts. “Girls like her? They love guys like me. I can be very persuasive.” He tips his beer at me. “Tell Tegan I’ll see her later.”

The douche walks into the crowd where he bumps into another girl, his hand straight onto her ass to steady himself before he walks off again. Tegan will have the measure of him; he has no chance.

Although after spending time talking to other girls, I’m pretty sure I’ve blown mine too.

I join Tegan on the sofa and hold out the bottle. “Do you want this beer or not?”

Tegan passes me her empty beer bottle. “Not. I’ve had enough. Think I need to stop.”

I place the bottle on the floor and pull my legs onto the sofa so I’m facing Tegan. The volume in the room has risen, as the suite crowds with more people attempting to talk over the Ruby Riot tracks Will’s playing full volume.

“Didn’t think he was your type.”

“He’s not really,” she mumbles.

“What’s wrong?” I ask when she refuses to look at me.

She snorts. “You go to find me a drink and it takes you twenty minutes!”

“People wanted to talk to me!”

“Girls?” She slurs the ‘s’.

“I can’t help it if I’m irresistible to women,” I say hoping she sees I’m joking.

“Yeah, I know.” She leans closer and touches my nose with her finger. “Smoking hot Jaxon Lewis, everybody wants a piece of him.”

“You think?”

“Yeah. Especially with your shirt off.” With a giggle, she places her lips close to my ear. “I was going to kiss you before. In the hallway. Maybe I will now.”

I pull my head back. “This is a bit of a change in attitude.”

“Like you’re complaining…” Tegan shuffles closer and places a hand on my leg. “Don’t you want to kiss me?”

I catch Tegan’s hand as it slides up my leg. This is wrong. There’s something not right here. Half an hour ago she was lucid and snarky. Now she’s slurring and throwing herself at me. “How much have you had to drink, Tegan?”

She holds her hand out and counts fingers with a furrowed brow. “Three. I think. Yeah, three. Why? Do I have to be drunk to want to kiss you?”

Tegan smiles up at me, and my smugness that she’s changed her mind disappears. Her pupils are huge.

“Did you take something as well?” I ask her.

“No! I don’t do drugs! I’m just a bit drunk, that’s all.”
