Page 43 of Cadence

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A tall figure heads along the hallway from the direction of the elevator and I freeze as he sees me. Bryn stops too and, as if to confirm my guilt, the door to Tegan’s room closes loudly behind me.

Bryn strides closer, his face hard. “What the fuck are you doing coming out of my sister’s room?”



Oh, shit.

The shock at seeing Bryn hits me as hard as I expect his fist to at any moment. Within seconds, Bryn is in my face and I back toward Tegan’s door, bracing myself for his attack.

“Explain,” he growls, closing the space between us. His breath on my face smells strongly of alcohol, which isn’t going to help the situation.

I hold both palms out in an attempt to stop us touching. “Bryn, listen —”

“Did you just come out of Tegan’s room?”

“Yes, but —”

Air rushes from my lungs as my back slams against Tegan’s door, Bryn’s large hands on my shoulders. “You. Will. Regret. This.”

“Bryn, I —”

“Did you not hear me when I told you my sister was off limits?” he interrupts loudly, his face darkening as he continues to grasp the wrong conclusion.

“Yes, I understand that. Bryn, listen —”

“No! You fucking listen!” His aggression silences my attempt to communicate, subdued by his bulk and anger. “I am so fucking close to punching you right now so you’d better give me the right answer here. Have you fuc…” He tightens his grip. “Have you had sex with my sister?”

“What? No!”

Bryn’s grip remains on my shoulders. “Then why are you sneaking out of her room? And where is she? Have you left her in tears because you couldn’t get what you wanted?”

“No! I haven’t! We haven’t! That’s not what happened!”


“What the fuck is going on out here?” yells another voice.

I look past Bryn along the hallway where a shirtless Jem stands in the doorway of a nearby suite. Bryn twists his head around too; I take advantage of Bryn’s distraction and pull away from his hands.

Or try to. Without looking at me, Bryn curls his hands around my shirt, holding me in place against the door.

Jem storms across, barefoot. “What the hell, guys?" He looks between us. “Bryn?”

“Caught this dickhead sneaking out of Tegan’s room,” he growls. “Nobody treats my sister like that!”

“Jem, listen to me! Bryn won’t!” I say, grabbing Bryn’s hand before his grip on my shirt tightens the material around my throat any further. “I haven’t done anything with Tegan, apart from help her into bed.”

Bryn yanks me forward, nose centimetres away from mine. “You didwhat?”

“No, not like that!” This would be much easier if I was sober.

“What then?” snarls Bryn “I swear, I’m going to rearrange your pretty boy face if you’ve so much as touched her.”

Jem puts a hand on Bryn’s arm. “Bryn. Let him explain. Smacking someone won’t solve anything, fuck knows you’ve told me that enough times.”

The two men stare at each other and Bryn’s continued heavy breathing and tight grasp worry me. This guy is beyond pissed off, I’m lucky he didn’t hit first and ask questions later.
