Page 45 of Cadence

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Ruby follows Jem, and pauses as she passes me. “Do you know what she’s taken?”

“Not sure. Nothing voluntarily, I think her drink was spiked, like I said.”

“Yeah, that shit is bad. She’ll feel like crap tomorrow. “

“How do you know? Have you…?”

Ruby’s face is impassive. “Yeah. It happened to me. I lived with a controlling psycho remember? I have memory blanks from some nights and after a while, I figured out why.” Her voice is low as she glances after Jem. “Depends what he used on Tegan. Do you know who did this?”

I can’t move past the kick in the gut from Ruby telling me this happened to her.

“Stop looking at me like that, Jax. I’m fine. She isn’t.”

“I don’t know. Maybe it was the guy taking her back to the room — Tomas, he’s with an ad agency that did some promo for the tour. But unless somebody saw him do it, there’s nothing to prove it was him, is there?”

“Yeah, I bet he made himself scarce too.”

I slump against the wall again. “I’m glad I found her before…” His smug face flashes across my mind. “I should have fucking punched him harder!”

“Everything’s going to be okay, Jax.” Ruby folds her small hand around mine. “She’ll be fine.”

But the same words run through my head every time I glance at Tegan’s vulnerable figure on the bed:this is my fault.



The nausea hits before I manage to open my eyes and I attempt to sit. I need to move to the bathroom. My limbs have other ideas, so I lie back down and stare at the unfamiliar ceiling, focusing on holding down my stomach contents. Along with a pounding head, my mouth and stomach ache as if I already threw up. Before I have the chance to catch up to where I am, I’m aware of a body beside me on the large bed. Panicking, I attempt to sit again and when I turn my head, I see Bryn’s sleeping figure on top of the white sheets next to me.

What the hell am I doing in bed with my brother? The last time that happened, I was ten. He’s sleeping, so I shove him. “Bryn.”

Bryn springs awake and pulls himself upright, bleary eyes wide. “Tegan. Are you okay? How do you feel?”

“Like shit.” The cotton sheet is soft against my skin; only the bedclothes, a bra, and panties are between my modesty and me. “I hope you undressed me, if I didn’t take my clothes off. I mean… no, I don’t. Crap, you know what I mean…”

“You were sick all over your clothes.”

I pull the sheet to my neck. “Shit. Really? I didn’t drink that much. I think. I can’t remember past talking to you at the party downstairs.”

Bryn hauls himself off the bed and sits next to me instead. “Jax said he thought your drink was spiked.”


“Yeah, your bloody hero. He found some guy dragging you back to your room, apparently. Don’t you remember?”

What the hell?

“No. Shit, Bryn…” I fight the tears, worried about what else my memory blanks could hold. “When Jax found me was I… had this guy I was with…”

“You were fine, just unconscious. The guy hadn’t touched you.”

I curl up on the bed. “I don’t think my drink was spiked. I probably started drinking spirits or something, got wasted and he took advantage.” I swallow the nausea back down. “I’m always careful, never accept drinks off people, or leave my drink lying around.”

“Why would Jax say this then?”

“I don’t know. I doubt Jax was paying that much attention to me.”

“Fucking pains me to say this, but I’m glad he was paying attention to you.” Bryn climbs off the bed.
