Page 53 of Cadence

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“This is different,” remarks Jax, sipping from his wine glass.

“I like it. Quiet. Unpretentious.”

“I meant me and you. You haven’t tried to out-snark me once in the last hour. You’re confusing me!” Jax reaches across the table and traces a finger along the back of my hand setting goose bumps along my spine.

“I don’t need to defend myself against you.”

“Good.” He closes his hand around mine and continues to poke around at his food.

The restaurant owner drags a wooden chair across the tiled floor and sits with a nearby group, their voices rising in chatter and laughter. As time passes, Jax relaxes more; but whenever the restaurant door opens, he looks around sharply.

“How do you cope with being famous?” I ask.

“Don’t really think about it. I guess we’re only half-famous right now. After these few weeks touring with Phoenix, we’re back to reality until the album is finished and released.” He grins. “So I can’t give up the day job just yet.”

“You have a job? I thought you were studying. Or did you stop?”

“Me? No. I’m studying at UCL, a year to go, so hopefully the album will be big and Ruby Riot can be my day job once uni is over.”

“Somehow, I can’t imagine you in a lecture theatre.”

“Hmm.” He loads his bread with dip . “To be honest, you won’t find me in lectures much. Too busy with the band.”

“Why bother then?”

He shrugs. “Beats getting a job. The parents think I need a back-up plan. I don’t. Ruby Riot is going to be as big as Phoenix one day.”

He’s serious; and having witnessed them perform, I agree they’ve a good chance with the right management. “You guys are bloody amazing live.”

“Yeah, I know.” I poke him. “Hey, if I didn’t believe in us, why should anybody else?” He pushes the bread into his mouth and winks.

Barriers finally down, we chat. Jax is fascinated by my travels, even though I hate boring people with the stories; and I’m equally eager to hear his tales of Ruby Riot’s history. Once, he touches on a story involving girls but quickly shifts the conversation in a different direction. This uncomfortable reminder of the man I'm dealing with doesn't shift with it.

A bottle of wine later, Jax tips his head and studies me. “Thanks for coming out with me tonight.”

“Thanks for being you with me tonight, not the star.”

“When I’m sober, I’m a great guy.”

“And when you’re drunk?”


“I bet you’re the one doing the corrupting.”

His eyes shine. “Maybe one day you'll find out.”

“If you're lucky.” The look we exchange clearly says that's what we both think. I sigh and pick at the food on my plate. “What do we say to Bryn?”

Jax shifts in his seat. “Bryn? We don’t have to say anything. I had a taste of what I’m in for the other night and, man, he’s scary.”

“Yes, you’re not the first he’s warned off, and I doubt you’ll be the last. Bryn means well, but I can look after myself.”

“It kind of puts pressure on me though.” Jax pulls his hand away and drinks. “Like this — between us — has to be a forever thing.”

I choke on the wine in my mouth. “Jesus, Jax. First date. Calm down.”

Jax’s shoulders relax. “Right. So it’s okay to just see how we go?”
