Page 69 of Cadence

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I stare at the words. Was I too hasty in my decision to put the brakes on my relationship with Jax? This isn’t the behaviour of somebody who has taken no for an answer. Since the discussion in my room, I’ve regretted pushing Jax away so readily and he’s consumed my thoughts as I wandered Paris today. Did I do the right thing there? I’m secretly flattered, and torn between wanting to see him and not.



The volume in the room grows as more of the tour staff arrives. Most keep away from our table, which surprises me. I recognise a few of them — Mac, the security guy I chatted to the first night and Tina from PR of course although Riley isn’t with her. I’ve meant to catch up with Riley since the party in Lisbon but haven’t seen her around the hotel or restaurant.

“Tegan.” I look at Ruby who inclines her head toward the other side of the restaurant. Her disagreement with Jem over, they’re back to quiet conversations excluding those around them.

Across the room, Jax stands scanning the tables and my mouth dries. When I’m with Jax, my attraction to him is intense; his allure, a mix of the body covered in his rock star uniform and not a towel this time, the sculpted perfection of his face, and something between us I can’t pinpoint.

Watching him now, the something is clearer. He’s not trying to be Jax Lewis, he justis. There’s a presence around him he’s unaware of, the aphrodisiac of fame and good looks. Jax’s arrival draws eyes to him, but his are looking for one thing. Me. I glance at Bryn whose attitude has thankfully shifted in a happier direction after a few drinks, as he shares banter and laughter with Liam.

Jax spots me and his gaze remains on mine as he approaches.

He wouldn’t.

“Hey,” Jax says with a grin and drags a chair across to the table to sit next to me.

“It’s late. I didn’t think you were coming,” Ruby says, and sips her water.

Jax ignores her, and places his lips on mine. The length of time his mouth lingers screams that we’re more than friends.

Next, Jax places his arm across my shoulders and pulls me close.

Holy crap.

I look across the table at Bryn. I’m not the only one waiting for his reaction because the amusement on Dylan’s face is barely controlled.

Bryn watches impassively but a muscle twitches in his cheek. “Hello, Jax.”

“Quite an entrance you made their, mate,” says Dylan. “Anything you want to tell us?” He arches a brow at me.

Jax shrugs and his nonchalance stuns me. This is the guy who claimed to be terrified of my brother’s reaction, and here he is outing us to the whole band.

To the whole venue.

“I wanted to see Tegan and let you guys know what’s going on.”

“What’s going on?” asks Bryn in a cool voice.

Jax looks to me; and when he does, the expression on his face makes the decision for me. He doesn’t look concerned, but determined. How much more sincere can he be about wanting us to give this a go? This man screws with my logic.

“Tegan?” Jax asks softly.

I keep my eyes on his, as if this will help the next words. “Me and Jax. We’re…” I grapple for the words. “Kind of together.”

“Kind of together?” repeats Bryn.

“Dating,” says Jax with a smile at me. “If that’s what you want to call being with a chick when we haven’t -” I dig my elbow hard into his ribs and he winces.

I swear Dylan mumbles ‘yet’ and grins into his bourbon. Either Jax is being smart about this and letting Bryn know safely, in public, or he’s literally telling the world because somebody in this room will share this moment outside of these four walls.
