Page 83 of Cadence

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“Sorry. I'm pissed off with the situation they created. This makes my life harder.”

“Oh, poor you!” I retort. “What a shame you have a job to do!”

She fixes me with a sour look. “I guess I'm worried about Tegan. I mean, Bryn's the personyouneed to worry about the most, but Tegan's the one the fans aren't happy with.” Riley looks at Tegan. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that; but you’re a nice person, and I don’t want you being hurt.”

“I haven't done anything! I could understand if I'd screwed around with him, but it's not like I have him tied to the bed somewhere!” says Tegan.

“Heh, I might like that,” I say and Tegan's scowl suggests she doesn't share my humour. She pulls her hand away. Her already tense figure stiffens further.Oh, crap.I've witnessed her build up to frustrated explosions over the last couple of days and I recognise the signs.

“Are things really that bad?” Tegan asks.

“You won't be able to keep working for the tour. Judging by the latest campaign against you, selling t-shirts in public isn't a great idea,” replies Tina.

Tegan stands and her chair scrapes loudly across the floor. “This is bullshit! I can't work. I can't leave the hotel. What the hell am I supposed to do?”

My heart rate picks up as she stomps out of the bar area before anybody can respond. Tegan's increasingly edgy; and although she attempts to keep a lid on things, her stress at the situation increasingly spills into loud outbursts. How much does Tegan regret what's happening, and her choice to tangle herself with me?

Without saying anything else to Riley and Tina, I head out of the bar. The carpeted hotel lobby is empty, and I pause. Which way did Tegan go? Man, she can move quickly when she wants. I catch sight of the clock above the reception desk. 2 p.m.. Will and Nate headed off to the sound check an hour ago. I'd hoped to smooth the waters before heading down there myself, but all that's happened is Tegan's more stressed than she was.

I find her sitting in the corner of the hotel, where the expansive glass atrium arches above the chairs and tables smattered around the open space. On alert for anybody who could look like a fan, I stand next to Tegan. An elderly couple sits at an adjacent table, examining a guidebook. A concierge passes with a trolley of suitcases, followed by a businessman talking loudly on his phone.

“Are you okay?” I ask. She frowns up at me. “Bloody stupid question, sorry.”

“Pissed off,” she mutters.

“Yeah, same. Maybe I should leak Ruby's pregnancy and the media can get off our backs.”

Tegan's eyes widen in shock. “Jax!”

“I'm joking, why would I do that? I don't want two band members baying for my blood. And have you ever seen Ruby pissed off? Like really pissed off. Not pretty. And with the hormones —” I cut my ramble short as Tegan's lips purse. “Anyway, I'm sure the world will know soon. Only the bands and Tina are aware, but that won't last.”

“Poor Ruby.”

“She'll handle it. She's cool.”

Tegan straightens and shoots me a poisonous look. “And I'm not handling it? Is that what you mean?”

“Whoa, Tegan. No, that's not what I mean.”

“Sorry. Stressed. When are you heading off?”

“In about an hour. You coming?”

Tegan sinks back in the upholstered chair. “Maybe. If I'm allowed.”

“I think being in public is the issue, you'll be fine backstage.” I sit in the chair next to her.

Tegan's sunken shoulders and defeated stance aren't like her, and she doesn't respond when I rub her leg. When I take Tegan's hand and kiss her fingers, she turns her head. Instead of anger in her eyes, there's unhappiness that stabs at my heart. I don't want this girl to be unhappy. I want to be the reason she smiles. I cup Tegan's chin and kiss her.

“Everything will work out,” I say.

“I don't know. I'm a bit freaked out.” She pulls her phone from her back pocket and turns the screen to me. “Did you see what was on —?”

“When did you reactivate Twitter? Why?”

“Because!” Tegan's mouth turns down. “I wanted to see Berlin too. What's the point on travelling with the bands if I can't bloody go anywhere?”

I stroke a strand of hair behind her ear. “You want to go home?”
