Page 85 of Cadence

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“I don't understand why they do this,” I whisper. “The press, I expected but the fans... How can they say they're your fans if they want to do this to somebody you care about? People are threatening to find me and cut me.”

Jax's grip on me tightens. “You'll be okay. We'll be okay.”

“I'm scared,” I admit and fight the tears I refuse to cry. “It's all right for you! You could go out in public if you want! Nobody's sending you threats.”

“Come here.” Jax lies back against the mound of pillows; I rest my head on his chest and focus on the steady thrum of his heartbeat. As he strokes my hair, my anxiety subsides.

“Sorry I was so stupid,” I say. “I really didn't think this through.”

“I took part in posting the photo. Not your fault.”

I sigh. “I really didn't think you were famous enough for the world to freak out.”

“Hey!” Jax rolls me over and props himself up with his arms either side of my head. He settles himself between my legs, grinning down at me. “I told you I was a rock star, you were the one who told me I was too full of myself!”

“I guess the world loves you more than I thought.”

“Yeah, like the people who won the VIP backstage tour tonight. Really weird. They hardly said two words to me, that's how blinded by my awesomeness they were.”

I groan and poke him in the chest. “What were they like?”

“A thirteen year old who spent the whole time silent and bright pink, and her mother who kept checking her watch. To be honest, I think they’re here to see Blue Phoenix and enjoy the free trip to Berlin.”

“Aww, poor Jax.”

“Suits me, means I get to spend time with my favourite girl.”

‘Hey!” I push him off me and roll over, pinning him down instead. “Favourite girl? Only girl!”

“Only girl.” He pulls my hair from my face, lifting his head to kiss me. This is why I'm putting myself through this this. The effect this man has on me is unlike anybody before, kissing Jax triggers a slow burn inside from the moment his lips touch mine. I constantly crave his touch, and the passion he returns matches mine, every time. We could lose ourselves in each other for a whole day, and I’d still want more. Jax shifts and I wriggle against him. He groans and pushes himself against me.

I sit back on his hips and smooth my hands across his chest. Jax looks up at me with darkened eyes and slides his hand up my leg. “You're fucking amazing,” he says. “Seriously, you turn me on like that.” He snaps his fingers.

“I guess I'm the awesome one.” I slowly unbutton his woven black shirt. The jade pendant hangs against his ridge of muscle at the top of his chest and I twist the leather around my finger. “Jade. Health, wealth, and happiness.”

“Well, it worked for me.”

“Hmm. Maybe not the health part if you don’t watch yourself.”


“The drinking, Jax.”

He ignores me and reaches behind his head to unfasten the necklace. “Here.” The stone dangles from the leather towards his face as he holds the pendant out to me.

“Why are you giving me that?”

“Jade protects against negative energy too. You could do with some protection from shit.”

I take the necklace from him. “You’re strange. I’d never expect you to believe in this stuff.”

“Sometimes I do. This is special, because since I started wearing the pendant good things have happened in my life.” He runs his hands along my sides, settling them on my ass. “And I’m giving it to you because you’re special. Who knows, the jade might help keep the bad away.”

The small green stone is warm from being against his skin and I swing the pendant around. “I think it would need to be bigger to make a decent weapon.”

We share a smile as my heart opens that little bit further to him. Does Jax see the romance in his gesture?
