Page 2 of Dillon's Heart

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"Uh, no, I'm not," I blurt.

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not." I pull the phone away from my ear to scowl at it. He's lost his mind! I can't just go to dinner with him. He can't justorderme to go to dinner with him! Oh my gosh. I'm going to strangle the sheriff. And I don't even look good in orange. It's not flattering on my curves.

"Why the fuck not?"

"Because… because I'm busy." Watching Netflix with my cat counts as plans, right?

He growls. Literally freaking growls at me. And whoa. If that isn't the hottest sound I've ever heard, I don't know what is. My stomach actually clenches as desire shoots through me.

"Do you have a man, baby girl?" he asks, his voice pitched low.

"I… What? No," I mumble.

"Good," he rumbles, sounding pleased. "See you soon."

"We're not going to dinner!"

"Not tonight, but we will be soon."

With that, he hangs up.

I pull the phone away from my ear again to glare at it and then drop it into the cradle harder than strictly necessary. Sheriff Dillon Armstrong is the devil, I'm sure of it. I'm also pretty sure I like that fact way more than I should.

"Jesus, take the wheel," I groan, laying my head on my desk.



Sitting in my cruiser, I stare at the brick building, wondering if I’m losing my fucking mind. After Little Ms. Jules Montgomery blew off my dinner invitation yesterday, I spent the first few hours stubbornly trying to erase the luscious, curvy redhead from my thoughts. When that failed, I admitted to myself that I’m in way over my head here. Since she freaking pulled a fast one on me and swiped my goddamn heart at first sight, I’ve been acting like a pussy-whipped moron. “I’m busy,” I growl under my breath, imitating her sexy voice. My cock turns to stone from the memory while my fingers turn white from gripping the steering wheel.

The gorgeous heart-thief bowled me over the first time we met, and I’m pretty sure the resulting affliction is permanent. Honestly, I was well on my way to handing her my heart on a silver platter the first time she snapped at me over the phone. Her snarky, Texas twang is catnip to my fucking cock. The little firecracker is bound and determined to blow me off, but I’ll do whatever it takes to win her over. Even if it means making a jackass out of myself.

Evelyn, one of the librarians from the Silver Spoon Falls Public Library, walks by and stares at me like I’ve lost my fucking mind. Well, I have—over Dr. Tate Grime’s sweet, curvy little nurse. That’s why I’m sitting in my work cruiser in the blazing hot Texas sun, trying to get up the nerve to walk into the office building. I take a deep breath and reach for the box of donuts sitting on the seat next to me. I’m slightly embarrassed to admit that I called in a favor and asked one of my deputies to call Mariah, her coworker, to get the low-down on my girl. Armed for my first round of attack, I head for the building carrying my bribe. My plan is simple. First, I’ll attempt to win her over with her favorite cream-filled, chocolate-covered donuts. If my curvy firecracker resists my first effort, I might be forced to resort to plan B. Kidnapping her.

I glance at the clock on my dashboard. Four fifty-three. It’s the perfect time to catch my girl as she leaves for the day.

Smiling at the building receptionist, I tip my hat and walk past her without pausing. “I need to speak with Jules.” Thankfully, it’s the end of her day, and she doesn’t take the time to question me.

I stop outside the pediatric office and run through my speech one last time before striding into the empty waiting room. My girl’s sweet voice reaches my ears as I step up to the front desk. “Good evening.” I smile at the two women talking behind the counter.

“Sheriff Armstrong,” Jules groans, and my hackles rise. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see you.” I barely notice as Mariah turns and rushes away like her ass is on fire. “With a peace offering.” My firecracker gasps when I shove the box of donuts in her hand. “A little bird told me these are your favorites.”

She opens the lid and glances in. My cock thumps behind my zipper when her pink tongue sneaks out to wet her juicy bottom lip. “I love chocolate-covered donuts,” Jules groans, “but my butt hates them.” She sighs. “I’ll probably gain five pounds just smelling them.”

I’m not sure my cock can take it if your ass gets any more perfect. Just the thought of holding on to the luscious curves while fucking you from behind is about to cause me to come in my work pants.I think to myself.

When she gasps, I realize I muttered those words out loud. “Sheriff Armstrong.” Her deep brown eyes widen impossibly large before narrowing to slits. “That is very inappropriate,” she huffs and places the box of donuts on the counter and points her finger at me while unloading her displeasure. My brain is too busy watching her luscious tits jiggle behind the cartoon character scrub top to listen to her bitch me out. I doubt she’d be happy to know I have a new fantasy for the spank bank tonight.

“You can punish me later.” I wiggle my eyebrows, too far gone to stop my runaway mouth.

“Out.” She points at the door, and my fucking dumbass moron mind finally wakes the fuck up.

“Look.” I try to backpedal and fix this mess. “I’m sorry. I didn’t get much sleep last night because each time I closed my eyes, I ended up dreaming about you.” Fuck. Moron. “Can we start over?”Fix this before you screw up the most important task you’ve ever undertaken.My brain finally takes control of the show. “Hello. My name is Dillon Armstrong, and I was raised in a barn by wolves.” As she snorts at my joke, relief hits me between the eyes. “I’d love to take you to dinner so we can get to know each other better.” That’s much better. I almost reach around and pat my own back.

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