Page 5 of Dillon's Heart

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"Dillon," I protest, blushing bright red. He's so direct, so honest.

"It's the truth," he says with a shrug, not caring where we are or who else is around. "I can't get you out of my head, Jules. You're driving me crazy."

"You've been driving me crazy, too," I admit in a whisper. I'm not shy, but this man makes me feel things I've never felt before now. I'm a virgin, but he makes me want to change that. It's overwhelming.He'soverwhelming in the best way possible.

I think… No, I know I want to get to know him.

He grins like he's pleased with himself for that.

"That doesn't mean you get to keep annoying me at work," I say, narrowing my eyes at him. "I actually have a job to do, Dillon."

"I like watching you work."

"I think what you mean is you like avoiding your work by interrupting my work," I say, huffing out a laugh. He is so full of it. It shouldn't be nearly as cute as it is.

He winks at me as the waiter approaches with a big, plastic smile on his face.

"What can I get you to drink?" he asks… except he doesn't ask me, and he doesn't ask Dillon. He asks my boobs. Ugh.

Dillion growls, "How about a bottle of get your eyes off her fucking tits?"

"Oh, I wasn't…" the waiter stutters, yanking his gaze up to meet Dillon's.

"Yeah, you were," he says, his voice firm. He holds the waiter's gaze, not backing down. The younger man reluctantly looks away. "We'll take a bottle of Riesling."

I wait for him to walk away to look at Dillon.

"Don't look at me like that," he says, his voice soft. "It's rude as hell to stare at another man's woman right in front of him."

"Another man's woman?" I gape at him, my stomach turning flips.

"Yeah," he says, holding my gaze. His is scorching hot, kicking up fires inside my veins. "You're mine and I don't share, little firecracker. He needs to keep his fucking eyes off you if he wants to keep them."

Oh. Oh, my.



By the time we leave the Broadway Steakhouse, she’s giving me the frigid treatment. I sigh, foreseeing a long life of apologizing to my little love. I help her into my SUV, then reach for the seatbelt. “I only threatened him a little bit.” Holding my forefinger and thumb close together to express my point, I defend myself.

After several minutes of dead silence, I growl, “Are you still mad at me?” Glancing to the side, I check to see if my firecracker is still holding a grudge. The rigid set of her shoulders tells me I have work to do. “The fucker was staring at your luscious tits.”At the luscious tits that turn me into a brain-dead moron,I add silently, figuring my girl isn’t in the mood to hear all the intricacies of my feelings. After the son-of-a-bitch made a nuisance of himself, I let my mouth run away and pissed her the fuck off again.

She’s still staring out the car window, doing her best to ignore me when I make an executive decision and turn toward my house. We need to hash out a few details before I take her home. I refuse to lose all the ground I’ve made with her.

“Where are we going?” Nothing gets past my girl.

“My place.” I shrug and drive down the deserted country road. “I thought we could talk some.”

“And you didn’t think to ask?” She switches off the radio and huffs, “Or did you decide being sheriff gives you the right to kidnap me?”

“I’ve been debating kidnapping you since the first time we met. It has nothing to do with being sheriff and everything to do with being your man.” There goes my damn mouth again. “Kidnapping you is still an option if necessary.”

We turn onto my long driveway, and Jules gasps when she sees the magnolia trees lining each side of the paved road. “I planted them when I built the house.” This is a safe subject. “I had a picture in my mind of the home I envisioned for my future family.” It’s the truth. Even as a young man, I knew exactly what I wanted. I couldn’t put a face on the woman in my dreams until the day I walked into Dr. Tate Grime’s office and saw my girl. At that moment, all the puzzle pieces fell into place and my future became clear. Now, I need to find a way to make my soulmate understand.

“Your home is beautiful.” She glances over and smiles, causing sparks to light through my blood.

“Not as beautiful as you.” It’s fucking true. I almost swallowed my tongue when she opened her front door earlier this evening. The summery dress hugs her stunning figure and gives me a peek at the curves those blasted cartoon character scrubs hide so well. She did some fancy twist thingy with her thick copper hair that bares her elegant neck. The sight of her pale skin causes my lips to tingle with the desire to leave a big bruise above the vein pounding at the base of her throat. My mark. So every fucking male knows this one is taken.
