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“Well, aren’t you?” she asks in surprise

“There is nothing to be nervous about Flame, trust me, you will enjoy everything I do to you.” Her eyes widen at my promise, and I can tell that her curiosity has been niggling at her. Leaning down I slide my hands under her t-shirt, sliding it up and over her head. Her hands have dropped to the button at the waist of her jeans, and I see her popping it open. I smile at her excitement my fingertips sliding delicately down her collar bone to her silk encased breasts.

“Shall we take this off first?” I tease and see her frown before she nods. Her hands start to rise but I push them down. “Let me,” I say sliding my fingers to the clasp between her breasts and nimbly unclasping it.

Her petite breasts perky for attention, her rosy nipples awaiting my kisses. Leaning down I slide a pebbled nipple into my mouth tasting her soft, smooth skin. Her murmur of pleasure guiding me on as I continue worshiping her beautiful body with my hands, my mouth. When her hands rise to my hair holding my head against her chest, I know that she is ready for me to continue my downward decent.

Sliding my fingers into the waistband of her jeans I slide them down over her hips, down her calves until I am pulling them off her body. Her black silky panties following her jeans, the beauty of her body a dream of pure splendour.

“Gunner” she murmurs looking at me with a concerned look on her face.

“You are thinking too much, just enjoy.” I say trying to appease her fears. I take my time sliding my fingertips up her smooth beautiful legs, my lips following the same trajectory until I reach her very feminine core. Her cries of pleasure as I worship her body become louder and more intense until she snaps up in bed.

I stop looking up at her in surprise, her cheeks are flushed with passion, her eyes hooded. Her hands are on my shoulders, and she is pulling me up towards her. I know what her body craves, her blood, her soul is crying for our joining, for our bond to be unified. Pushing her back down gently I move up her body, my hands sliding up her skin, until I am sliding my legs between hers. Spreading her legs with mine I feel the heat of her very core weeping against my hardness. “Gunner” she pleads asking for the same release that I so much desire.

I enter her body feeling the heat engulf me, hug me in a tight hug of pure passion that drives all thought out of my mind and the only thing is the feeling of the movement between us that is driving me faster and harder against her. Her cries of pure desire matching my grunts of pleasure.

“Gunner” she shouts as her release tightens her body around mine, igniting my own release with a roar of pure ecstasy. I knew that our coupling would be fiery, but I wasn’t prepared for how completely volcanic it was. My woman is the perfect match for me in every way.


It has been three weeks since Gunner and I had our mating ceremony. Three weeks of pure happiness but as everything else in life sooner or later reality comes crashing down. Today it has been arranged for me to go and see the men that are suspects. The only way to get them all in one place and for me to be able to be close enough to all of them without them suspecting me, we had to get the authorities involved.

By telling them about our list of suspects and about what happened to me, we were able to get the police to pick all of them up and take them to a line up which I will be able to try and identify my kidnapper. “Relax” Gunner says as he takes my hand.

We have just arrived outside the police station, Goliath and Fang have accompanied us and are both walking before us. “Easy for you to say.” I mutter and tense as I feel Gunners playful tap on my ass.

“Gunner” I berate in a whisper but smile and shake my head at his playfulness. Since our joining that I have come to know a completely different Gunner to the one I first met. I know that he doesn’t like the idea of me submitting myself to this torture as he calls it, but as I said to him, if I am able to identify the guy then this killer will be behind bars and everyone in this town will be once again at peace.

I hear Goliath talking to one of the Inspectors, a few minutes later Gunner and I are being ushered into a room. “I know that after what happened to you this can be daunting but take your time and don’t worry about the man seeing you.” The inspector that walked with us to the room is saying. “You see this glass,” he points at the waist to ceiling glass that faces into another room. “You can see them; they can’t see you.”

“I know, I have seen movies before.” I state, wondering if he really thinks that I don’t know that it’s a one-way mirror. Gunner tightens his arm around my waist gently which has me looking up at him.

“Shall we get on with this?” he says to the Inspector that nods and presses a button on a panel near the mirror.

“Bring them in,” he calls into the microphone next to the panel. I take a step closer to the mirror worried that I might miss something, or not be able to identify the man when I finally see him. Men start to walk into the room, all of them are tall and big. When they are all standing in a line the inspector looks at me and inclines his head towards the men.

“I will ask one at a time to step forward, take your time and see if the man that took you is any of them.” I nod

The inspector asks the first man to step forward, before he has even stepped forward, I know that its not him. Even though he is tall and on the fattish side his body is all wrong. He has a big stomach which the man that took me didn’t. “It’s not him.” I say before the inspector can ask me.

“Are you sure, I can ask him to turn around or speak.” He says with a frown, but I shake my head.

“It’s not him, that man has a stomach and the man that took me didn’t.”

“Okay,” he replies reluctantly but tells the man to step back. Number two is then asked to step forward, a minute later I am again shaking my head.

“It’s not him” I reply, and before the inspector can ask me why I explain that this man has greying hair while the other man had dirty brown hair. It continues with me rejecting the next two men too until we reach the last man. His body build seems right, his hair is the right colour. He has a snake tattoo on his arm, I am thinking of asking the Inspector to ask the man to speak when I realize that the snake on his arm has the snakes head on his hand completely wrong. The man that captured me, the tattoo didn’t look like that.

I wanted so desperately for it to be one of these men that I feel like crying. “Are you sure? Maybe we should go through them again.” The inspector says when I too reject the last man.

“It’s not any of them.” I whisper looking up at Gunner feeling like a loser. I was envisioning myself identifying the man and Gunner being proud that his mate was the one that found the serial killer when no one could find him after such a long time, but no it doesn’t seem like it will be.

“I’m sorry,” I say looking up at Gunner, I see his eyebrows rise as he looks down at me his arms slide around my waist pulling me against his body.

“Don’t be a goose, he’s not here. We will find the right guy and then you will be able to identify him.” I nod still feeling terrible as I now have to go back and dash everyone’s hopes. We make our way out of the room and down the corridor to where Goliath and Fang are waiting.

I see Gunner shaking his head at Fang and Goliath as we approach and see their slight nods. They don’t say anything as we head towards the Harley’s that are parked outside. “I think there is a ninety percent chance that it could be Jeronimo’s brother.” Gunner says to the two men as he helps me onto the Harley. “After seeing what the characteristics were that Dawn identified in each man, they are sounding more and more like that fucking asshole we tracked down.”
