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“If you feel the women are ever in danger, come to me first. You’d be surprised the lengths I would go to protect what is mine.”

“When you left Elena on the shore, it was unclear how you felt.”

“I had little choice, and I assure you, she was never left. I thought about her each day, biding my time. It was through you that I am now able to claim her, but I do not appreciate the method with which you used to force my hand.”

He nods. “Understood.”

As I make my way back to the village, my head is filled with worries anew. The thought of losing my Elena makes my gut twist with dread.

But my people are smart, and hers are also intelligent. Together, we’ll help them adapt, so they, too, will experience the glory of New Tempest.

Back at the longhouse, I see they’ve gathered piles of sticks and branches they hope to work with. I don’t want to kill their spirits, but this is work best left until after the cold season ends. It’d be so much easier if Elena would just allow the men to care for them, but she’s stubborn.

No. Not stubborn. Strong.

Ulof approaches. “They work hard, I’ll give them that.”


“Some of the men are worried—”

“I know the struggles we face.”

“And what do you intend to do?”

“Protect the women and honor Tempest at all costs.”

The End
