Page 18 of Part-Time Daddy

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“We still have some time. Why don’t we sit on the couch together for a bit?” Tanner nods and follows me to one of the small couches lining the far wall in the fairy garden. We sit close enough that I can wrap my arm around his shoulders.

“How are you feeling?”

“Relaxed. Happy. I had fun with Eric.” Tanner tucks his head against my chest, smiling like a loon. “Being crowned King of Candyland was pretty cool too.”

“Lesson learned,” I say with a chuckle. “I amnotas skilled as I thought.”

Tanner giggles. “Tonight was a lot of fun. I’m glad I came and adopted you.”

“Me too.” Our conversation fades, both of us seemingly content to let Tanner transition out of little space without a big production. My fingers trail up and down his arm until he shifts next to me, moving to sit up.

“Thanks for letting me come down,” he says. “I had a good time.”

“I enjoyed playing with you,” I tell him. “Come on, let’s get you to the locker room so you can grab your bag.”

The club is clearing out, the few late-night stragglers finding their way to the main lobby as we make our way, hand in hand, to the locker room. “Where’s your locker?” I ask once we push through the swinging door and into the harshly bright lights.

“Over here,” he says, pointing to one of the metal doors in the corner. Setting the certificate on the bench, he places Luna on top of it before turning to input the code. It pops open with a metal clang, and he reaches inside for his backpack.

Looking at the small canvas bag, he grips the handle between his hands. “I’m going to change. Can you keep an eye on Luna?”

“Of course. I’ll wait right here.” I sit on the bench, pressing my hands against the unforgiving wood instead of reaching for Tanner. The way he holds his body, shoulders falling forward and unable to look me in the eye, has me desperately wanting to touch him. To tug him into my embrace, offer to help him in the changing room. My Daddy is banging inside my chest to take care of him, but my brain is telling me to back down.

He disappears behind one of the changing room curtains, and I spend the next few minutes regulating my breathing, unable to look away from the velvet curtain hiding him from me.

It’s not long until his hand appears at the side, sweeping the fabric away. The sweet boy I’ve witnessed all evening is gone. In his place is the adult version of Tanner.

The little in a colorful outfit is replaced by a young man in a short-sleeve gray polo shirt and khaki pants. As much as I adored Tanner’s little side, the colorful burst of clothing and accompanying smile to match the bright choices, nothing in me dislikes the man standing before me.

His pants, while a color unsuitable for a vibrant boy, mold to his slim form. His tiredness makes itself known. The excitement of the evening has faded, tucked inside his backpack alongside his little clothes. Even with his sad eyes and frown, my dick perks at the vision of this handsome man before me.

Down, boy.


He finally looks up, catching my eyes with his. “Thank you for everything tonight, Dean.”

The loss of the Daddy honorific and the higher lilt of his voice when he’s in little space tugs on my heartstrings. “Can I walk you to your car?”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Humor me, please. I can see you’re exhausted, sweetheart. I want to keep you safe.”

“Okay. Sure.” He sidles up next to me, tucking the certificate and Luna in his backpack with gentle care before zipping it closed. Slinging the bag over his shoulder, he offers me a weak grin. “I’m ready.”

The walk to the lobby, where Tanner returns his band and charms, is significantly different from every interaction we’ve had so far. Simply stated, I hate it. I have to tuck my hands into my pockets to keep from reaching for his hand or guiding him by the small of his back. I want to keep touching him.

This is a fucking problem.

This is one night. A night that isover. I need to pull my head out of my ass. I didn’t even want this, so why the sudden change?

Trying to keep my growling from becoming audible, I bite the inside of my cheek as I follow Tanner to the parking lot. There’s nothing but silence between us until we reach his little sedan.

“Are you sure you’re awake enough to drive home?” I ask, concerned his exhaustion is too much to have him behind the wheel. “I can call you a cab.”

“I’m fine. The drive isn’t too far, and I have a playlist to keep me awake.” Unlocking the doors, Tanner sets his backpack on the passenger seat, then turns to me, fiddling with his keys. “Dean…I…um…thank you,” he says.

“It was my honor to be your Daddy for a few hours, Tanner. Thank you for bidding on me.”

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