Page 35 of Brone

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Reaper and Lennox looked at each other then nodded their heads like they had come to some silent agreement.

Reaper and Lennox were working together? I was screwed.

Reaper’s eyes flashed bright blue, lighting up the room. “We can’t let you leave. It’s too risky.”

“But we can’t let you stay either,” Lennox said as she turned to Reaper. “There is an old cabin located about fifty miles from here. We can pack up a transport full of supplies and send a few guards to make sure she doesn’t try and escape. It’s not perfect, but it will hopefully give us some time to come up with a better plan.”

I listened to the conversation, a pit forming in the bottom of my stomach. They talked about me like I wasn’t even here. Not that I blamed them, but it still stung. I was no longer a person. I was a problem.

“I’ll do it,” Brone offered. “Let me take Nara to the cabin and guard her.”

No.I refused to be anyone else’s prisoner. Ice filled my veins at the thought of the Tank Class being my jailer. Like a stupid fool, I had grown to care about him, and his offer to help keep me caged cut deeper than a blow from Reaper’s battle axe.

Reaper cocked his head, a frown on his gray lips. “I don’t think that is wise, Brone. It’s no secret that you have feelings for this female. I’m not sure you are the best person to be put in charge of her.”

“I have never asked you for anything, Reaper. I’m asking to do this.”

The Military Model let out a strangled, “Fuck.” He shook his head. “I don’t want you getting hurt.” He pointed a metallic finger at me. “This female is bad news, Brone. I know you want a female of your own, but it doesn’t have to bethisone.” He crossed his arms over his chest, pinning me with a pointed glare. “We can find you another.”

We can find you another.Reaper’s words struck hard and fast, like a knife sliding home between my ribs.It’s for the best. This is what you wanted. You wanted the Tank Class to find someone else.The words rang hollow to my already invested heart. I had tried to keep him out. Those five words shattered any illusion it had worked. Pain and a hefty dose of disappointment expanded within my chest.

I bit my lip hard, working to keep those feelings from spilling free. No one here would care anyway. My eyes watered, but I refused to cry. Brone offering to become my jailer had put the final nail in the coffin to any hope lingering about the idea of an ‘us’.

I dug my nails into his arm. “Let go,” I hissed.

His arms slid from around my waist and I scrambled off his lap. Some unnamed emotion flickered in his eyes, but I looked away. I was done.

Done with the rebellion.

Done with the idea that I could belong here.

Done with groveling.

I turned towards my firing squad and squared my shoulders. “I’ll go to the cabin.” I said it like I had a choice, even though I knew that for the foreseeable future, none of my choices would matter. I lifted my chin, twisting around to point at the Tank Class. “Send anyone to guard me buthim.”

Brone lunged for me, but Reaper grabbed me, dragging me backward and out of his reach.

“Reaper,” Brone growled his name like a warning.

Reaper ignored him. “Works for me.” He yanked on my arm, pulling us toward the door. “Let’s go.”

Heavy boots hit the floor with a thud. Reaper paused, twisting his head back to Brone. “Don’t even think about it. You heard her. She doesn’t want you.”

I couldn’t help it. I turned my head to watch as Reaper’s words struck the Tank Class like daggers. His shoulders sank, his massive frame curling in on itself. It was as if all his dreams were gasping their last breaths as I watched.

I almost changed my mind. But I steeled my spine, filling in the cracks he had made around my heart, sealing up all the hurt and broken hope.

“You will remain here, Tank Class. That’s an order.” Reaper gave the command, and Brone deflated even more before nodding in acquiescence.

I let Reaper drag me through the door and out into the hall, ignoring the feeling that I had made a terrible mistake.

Reaper stopped at the end of the hallway and glared down at me, fire in his eyes. “You have an hour to gather your things and tell your cyborgs goodbye.” He wrapped both hands around my arms, lifting me a few inches off the ground like I weighed nothing. His inhuman eyes bored into mine.“You try anything and I’ll end you myself.”

“I w-w-won’t,” I stuttered.

He dropped me and gave me a shove. I stumbled, catching myself before I fell. Reaper stayed at my back, making sure I knew he was ready to make good on his threat.

Tears welled up and this time I let them fall.

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