Page 25 of The Easy Part

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But of course she would.

Jezebelle displayed a charming smile, knowing it would stick in her mother’s craw. “It is. He also goes by Brick. Like I go by Jezey sometimes.”

“I’ve never liked that nickname.” Her mother pursed her lips in a disapproving manner.

“Oh, my. And Bradley uses it all the time,” Jezebelle couldn’t help point out, feeling only slightly bad for throwing him under the bus.

He winked, communicating he didn’t mind, knowing how difficult her mother could be to deal with.

They might not be a couple, but they were good friends, despite having not seen each other the last few years.

Her mother chose to ignore it. “What appointment do you have?”

Jezebelle swallowed, somehow maintaining her smile. Oh, dear. She had no idea what to make up.

“For our pedicures.”

Brick coughed, nearly spitting out the sip of water he had swallowed.

Oops. She didn’t do well under pressure, not when it came to her mother.

“Pedicures?” her mother repeated as if she couldn’t see Brick walking into a salon for any reason.

Yeah, Jezebelle couldn’t either. But here they were in another lie and she had to roll with it.

So would Brick. Hopefully.

“I love a good foot massage,” Brick said, after clearing his throat one more time from his near coughing attack.

She met his gaze one more time, hoping she conveyed how much she appreciated him. Just rolling with the punches. She couldn’t ask for a better friend.

Yet her insides gurgled with unease.

Because she couldn’t read his expression.

Was it anger or friendliness hiding behind his blank gaze?
