Page 43 of The Easy Part

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“So, spill,” Gabby said as she leaned forward toward Jezebelle as if she could assert her dominance by getting closer.

Jezebelle’s drink paused halfway to her lips. As usual, she went with a Tequila Sunrise instead of a beer. She had never enjoyed beer, disliking the flavor, no matter the kind she tried.

“What am I spilling?” She wasn’t pretending to act ignorant; she honestly had no idea what Gabby wanted her to confess.

Gabby and Mia made eye contact, doing that thing they always did, silently communicating. While Jezebelle was friends with them, she didn’t have that closeness they shared. She never would. They had a friendship that went deeper than most ones did. They’d been through such terrible things, surviving traumatic events.

“Is everything going okay between you and Brick? There seemed to be…” Mia bit her bottom lip before continuing. “Some tension between you two.”

Jezebelle glanced toward the bar where Brick, Dane, and Jaxson were getting more drinks.

“It’s been a day,” she replied, using the same words Brick had used with her. Not to mention, she didn’t know where to begin.

Gabby’s brows rose, waiting, telling her she wouldn’t be escaping this interrogation. Mia smiled gingerly, more subdued about pressing the issue.

“He left this morning and went somewhere, but he won’t tell me where he went. I mean, I know this thing is fake and he doesn’t have to tell me, but I wish he would. I can tell wherever he went, it bothered him. He’s been on edge most of the day, especially when Bradley was around.”

“Not surprising there.” Gabby rolled her eyes. “He totally had eyes for you last night.”

“Before this morning, I would’ve told you you were seeing things.”

“But…” Gabby encouraged her to continue.

“But I did get a weird vibe from Bradley before Brick joined us. He held my hand for a while, which really isn’t a big deal,” she added quickly. They both shared another look, their brows rising as if saying ‘yeah, right, not a big deal, my ass.’ Jezebelle knew she was only fooling herself. “It did make me uncomfortable, and I didn’t know how to extract my hand without being rude.”

“Pretty simple. You pull away and tell Bradley you’re engaged and it doesn’t make you feel comfortable.”

Gabby made it sound so easy to do. Yet Jezebelle didn’t see it that way. And if it happened again, she’d still have a hard time responding without worrying she’d offend him.

“But we’re not engaged,” she pouted.

“Bradley doesn’t know that. So put him in his place next time,” Mia said as if she’d have no qualms about it. Which Jezebelle knew was a lie. Mia hated confrontation, and Jezebelle wasn’t a fan herself.

“I know there is a weird tension between us, and I plan to talk to him, but I don’t know where to start.”

Gabby reached across the table and touched her hand. “Tell him how you feel. That’s always a good place to start. I’m terrible at expressing my emotions. Mia’s just as bad.”

“Hey,” Mia exclaimed, playfully slapping her shoulder and laughing.

“But you can avoid so much miscommunication and trouble if you be straight with him. If you want this fake engagement to turn into something real, being honest is the best route to go.”

Such wise words from Gabby. Jezebelle knew she was right. She did have to be honest with Brick. But beginning the conversation was never easy.

Before they could give her more advice, the men came back to the table. Her insides jumped with joy when Brick laid a hand on her knee under the table after setting her drink in front of her.

“I know the owner. It’s on the house.” He winked, then slid his hand up her thigh, getting precariously close to the spot she died for him to touch, yet didn’t make contact.

Well, maybe the tension was disappearing between them. This was the first time since last night when they had the most amazing sex that he touched her so intimately. She had tried to start something in his truck, but then he grabbed her hand, making her think he didn’t want her touching him in any way.

Perhaps he talked to the guys as she had with the ladies.

Their gazes held, desire swimming in his depths.

She was dying for happy hour to be over with.

Then conversation erupted as Gabby and Jaxson started to talk baseball. Dane pipped in a few times, and Mia stayed quiet as she wasn’t a huge fan. Neither was Jezebelle, so they started their own conversation as Brick joined in the baseball talk. The entire time his hand stayed on her leg, brushing lightly up and down, always coming close to touching her in just the right spot, but never all the way. It was painful and erotic. She wanted so much more.
