Page 13 of Her Lord's Birch

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While Louisa cried herself to sleep in her crib, Lucille felt like crying in the classroom. Her head was whirling with mathematical formulas, while her bottom was throbbing on the hard seat. Professor Lloyds took a deep breath, the very definition of patience as he explained yet again what she knew he considered a simple equation.

“Miss Furniss, surely you must understand at least a portion of this lesson? Tell me that this isn’t all new to you.”

Lucy squirmed once more, attempting to find the least painful position. Her face flushed for the umpteenth time as her professor’s brow furrowed… either at witnessing her fruitless wiggles or at the sound of the soft moan she was unable to bite back. She tracked his movement across the room to an armoire located on the back wall. Opening it had her eyes lowering, her internal chastisement over her failure to obey even the simplest order to sit still now earning her even more discomfort. She couldn’t bear to see what he’d chosen from the cabinet, her blood racing faster with every footstep she heard as he returned to her desk.

“Stand up, Miss Furniss.”

Taking a deep breath, Lucy’s eyes slowly traveled from the tips of his black boots, over the coarse fabric of his trousers, across a broad chest beneath his coat until it finally reached his face. Her mind was frantically attempting to find any words that might stay him from using whatever awful implement he’s chosen against her tender bottom. Deciding on the very basics, her mouth opened to beg for mercy, only managing the first, “Please.” She was frozen for a moment, attempting to assimilate that his hands held a large pillow instead of a paddle, tawse, or any number of painful possibilities she’d feared. When she met his gaze, he gave her a gentle smile and gestured for her to stand. She obeyed, slowing sliding out of her chair. He placed the pillow on her seat, again motioning for her to return to her place. Gingerly, she sat down, her relief apparent in her soft sigh.

“Thank you, sir,” she whispered.

“You are welcome, Miss Furniss. Perhaps now it will be easier for you to concentrate on the lesson, instead of your… um… your condition.”

Lucy dropped her eyes, her face growing hotter with shame. Though the entire school was aware of what happened when a student was sent to the headmaster’s office, speaking of it was humiliating. She was saved having to respond when he turned to a fresh page and began to explain the equation again. After several attempts, she suddenly smiled and said, “Oh! I think I understand it now. Thank you, Professor Lloyds. Can we try another?”

His smile told Lucy that he was as thrilled as she was at her breakthrough, and though it was only one portion of the exam, his patience had assured she truly grasped the mathematical concept. They spent the next hour going over similar equations and Lucy missed only a few. Both were engrossed in the lesson when a voice broke through their concentration.

“Excuse me, sir. I’ve come for Miss Furniss.” Lucy looked up to see Mrs. Bremmer standing in the doorway. Professor Lloyds pushed himself away from Lucy’s desk.

“Certainly. She will be ready presently. I wish to send several pages for her to study this weekend, if you will give me but a few moments.”

Mrs. Bremmer nodded and stepped further into the room. She approached the two and held out an envelope. “Lord Wintercrest requests that you read his note and asks you to return a response with me if you would.”

Charles took the offered envelope and opened it. He read the note quickly and then, with a smile, walked to his desk and wrote his response on the back of the note. He replaced the sheet of paper in the envelope and walked back to hand it to Mrs. Bremmer. She nodded and slid the missive into her string bag. Lucy was aware of the woman’s eyes as she slowly stood from her desk, attempting to cover her small wince of discomfort, running her hand over her backside to smooth her uniform skirt. A side glance showed that Mrs. Bremmer’s eyes were not on her but rather were on the large pillow that Lucy had been sitting on. The servant lifted her head, her lips turned down in a look of intense displeasure. Meeting her gaze, Lucy swallowed hard, wondering how long it would take before her guardian was informed of the pillow’s existence.

Evidently deciding on prudence, or more likely wishing to keep Lucy on edge, Mrs. Bremmer said nothing. Lucy found herself growing even more uncomfortable as the woman stood stoically, silently waiting for her to gather her belongings. Lucy fumbled a bit with her writing tablet and pencil and then accepted a large stack of papers from her professor.

“You have done a very good job, Miss Furniss. I believe you have a chance of passing your exam if you continue to study this weekend. You have the fundamentals and just need to review the equations and formulas.”

Lucy felt a thrill as she heard his approval. She gave him a large smile and said, “Thank you, Professor. I really appreciate your help”—her eyes drifted to the pillow he’d so gallantly offered her—“and your concern.” He smiled, gave her a small nod, and led her to the door where Mrs. Bremmer had moved to wait. “Good bye, sir,” Lucy said quietly.

“Good bye, Miss Furniss.”

Mrs. Bremmer almost growled as she roughly took hold of Lucy’s upper arm and practically dragged her out the door, her sturdy boots sounding loudly all the way down the empty hallway. Lucy wanted to pull away but the woman truly scared her with her roughness and disapproving glances. Not wanting to bring any further attention to herself, she decided not to fight but would definitely inform Edward of his servant’s liberties with his ward. She hurried along beside the woman until they were both seated in the carriage.

Henri made sure both were seated before closing the door and, placing a booted foot on the footboard, hauled himself up into the driver’s seat. As the carriage lurched forward, Lucy gave a small squeal and grabbed at the edge of the seat. Several papers slid off her lap, and as she bent to gather them, she couldn’t contain a groan, the movement pulling against the weals on her bottom. Looking up from a paper she’d clutched, she caught the disapproving look on Mrs. Bremmer’s round face, the woman obviously quite satisfied to hear the sound of Lucy’s discomfort. Lucy flushed with shame knowing that the servant had evidently been told that Lucy had gotten her bottom properly thrashed. Lucy shuddered as she straightened, gritting her teeth, determined not to utter another sound.

The house was quiet when Lucy entered. She wanted desperately to speak with her sister but even as she turned to inquire as to where Louisa could be found, Mrs. Bremmer informed her, “You are to continue with your lessons in your room until it is time to dress for dinner.” Lucy simply nodded, wanting nothing more than to escape this woman’s company. She hurried up to her room and sighed when she was safely behind her closed door. She placed her papers on her desk and having nothing else to do, and somewhat afraid to be discovered not studying, she carefully settled herself onto her chair and began working on a list of problems. An hour passed when she heard muffled noises seeming to come from above her head. She looked up at the ceiling, but heard nothing more. Sighing, she stood and stretched, a small groan escaping her throat. She was absently rubbing her aching bottom when she thought she heard a small cry. Looking toward the ceiling again, she gave a small squeal herself when a loud knock sounded on her door. She threw herself back into her chair and had picked up her pencil when her door opened. Lucy stiffened until she turned around to see Molly Buchanan, her lady’s maid, entering the room.

“It is time to dress for dinner, miss,” Molly said in her cheerful voice. Lucy nodded and watched as the servant went to the closet and returned with a light blue gown. As the girl puttered about the room gathering Lucy’s clothing, Lucy stood and stifled a small groan as her bottom again reminded her of its condition.

“Are you feeling poorly, Miss Lucy?” Molly asked, her face showing her concern. The two had become friends during the past few weeks, and Lucy knew the girl’s question was sincere. She forced herself to give her a small smile.

“I’m fine, Molly. Just a bit tired.” The girl’s expression told Lucy that while she didn’t truly believe her words, the news of the twins’ transgressions apparently not a secret, but Molly simply nodded.

“Very well, would you like a bath before you dress?” Though Lucy thought a cool bath would do wonders toward soothing her aching bottom, she had no intention of disrobing completely in front of her maid.

“Not today, but thank you, Molly.” Again Molly dipped her head, and was soon unlacing Lucy’s corset after the maid had removed her blouse and skirt. She quickly helped Lucy step into several petticoats and tied each around the girl’s slim waist. She held out a fresh chemise and then replaced the corset, drawing on the laces until Lucy panted that it was quite tight enough. A corset cover followed, and then a sapphire colored gown was pulled over her head. Lucy tried to remain still, as she sat on her chair and allowed Molly to remove her black stockings and replace them with thin, white ones suitable for evening wear. As Molly tied the blue silk bows above Lucy’s knees to hold the stockings in place, Lucy bit her lip to keep from moaning as she lifted each leg for easier access in fastening the ribbons. Molly quickly released Lucy’s hair from its braids, and spent several minutes brushing out the tangles before fastening a blue ribbon to hold the heavy length away from Lucy’s face. The last item was a pair of satin, soft-soled slippers that Lucy stepped into before Molly stood.

“There! Oh, you look beautiful, Miss Lucy.”

Lucy smiled and said, “Thank you, Molly.” Molly gathered up the discarded clothing and prepared to leave the room. “Molly?” Lucy said quietly and the girl turned to face her with a questioning look on her face.

“Yes, miss?”

“What is above my room? I thought I heard something moving around.”

Molly looked up toward the ceiling and then back to her mistress. “I don’t hear anything. The attics are at the top of the house; perhaps a small animal has gotten inside. Is there anything else, miss?” Lucy shook her head and Molly quickly left the room. Lucy followed her, making her way downstairs, dreading having to face Edward again.
