Page 16 of Her Lord's Birch

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Sighing heavily, Edward stood and approached his ward. Towering over her, he looked down and ordered, “Open your mouth, Lucille.” The moment her lips parted, he took her chin with his fingers and tilted her head back, assuring her eyes were on his. Dipping his free hand into his pocket, he removed his white handkerchief. Mrs. Bremmer stood to join him, silently plucking the linen from his hand, expertly folding it into a thick square. Accepting it with a nod, he increased the pressure of his hold on Lucy’s chin when she attempted to pull away.

“You were instructed to open your mouth, Lucille. You were warned to remain silent, and you shall learn I do not repeat myself. If you don’t obey me immediately, your punishment will be repeated tomorrow and every evening until you learn to be obedient.”

Lucy slowly opened her mouth and closed her eyes as he began to press the wad of linen into it. She moaned as it pushed well back in her mouth, filling it completely.

“Close your mouth and do not open it again, young lady.” Her eyes welled with tears as she clamped her lips closed around the gag. Her cheeks bulged with the contents, and reaching down, Edward took her arms and returned them to the top of her head, only stepping back once she’d relinked her fingers. Nodding, he returned to his seat and let a few more minutes pass until he continued.

“That is far better. Perhaps you need to remain gagged for a few hours in order to learn to close your mouth and open your ears, Lucille.” He saw her face flush, knowing it was coloring as a result of both her anger and humiliation. “My authority in this household is absolute and never to be questioned, Lucille. You as well as your sister and every employee sharing my home are under my total authority. Question me again on that subject and you shall have your bottom blistered every night for a month until the lesson is indelibly imprinted on your posterior as well as in your mind. Do you understand me, little girl?”

Lucy’s eyes had grown huge as his bore into hers, his tone level and almost flat—one that brooked absolutely no question as if assuring she could believe every syllable of his speech. Her throat moved as she swallowed the best she could around the gag in her mouth and nodded her head slowly but deliberately.

“Very well. As I was saying, you have both been extremely naughty and your punishment shall be a very thorough birching. Perhaps having a well-thrashed bottom will remind you both of your proper places in this household. You have few responsibilities. Lucille, you are only responsible for being a proper student and, as today has proved, you have failed miserably. Louisa, your only duty is to obey me and behave as a good wife should. Today, you were also woefully unsuccessful. Both of you are guilty of deceit, deception, deliberate disobedience and foolish choices. Louisa, before we begin do you have anything you wish to say to me?”

Louisa was quick to lift her eyes to meet his across the desk. “I’m sorry I was disobedient, sir. I apologize for my deceit and deception and beg for forgiveness.”

Edward nodded, pleased at her words. His face turned to Lucy. “Good girl. Now I realize you are quite effectively gagged and unable to speak, Lucille, but nod if you agree with your sister’s apology.”

Lucy’s answer was to look at her sister and then to him. Her eyes showed her desperation as garbled and incoherent sounds came through the wad of fabric in her mouth.

Edward watched her closely but saw no sign she was attempting to be disobedient. “Do you have something additional you’d like to add, Lucille?” She vigorously nodded her head. “You will remember to be respectful and weigh your words before they fall from your mouth?” he asked and saw her blush but again nod her understanding. Edward smiled at her and then nodded to Mrs. Bremmer.

The woman stood and then snapped her fingers under Lucy’s chin. “Open your mouth, missy, and give me your gag.”

Lucy’s face flamed as she opened her mouth and tried to spit out the wad of cloth. Edward knew the cloth had absorbed every ounce of moisture during its short residency, leaving her mouth as dry as the desert. It took her several embarrassing moments before she managed to work the gag from her mouth using nothing but her teeth and tongue. Even when it fell into Mrs. Bremmer’s hand, the housekeeper didn’t return to her seat. “Go ahead, Lucille. You may answer his lordship but mind you remember your manners, or that gag will be returned.”

Lucy nodded and cleared her throat.

“Yes, sir, I’m… um, I’m sorry as well, sir.” Pausing, she again looked between Louisa and him. “Please, Edward, please don’t punish Louisa. It was all my fault. It was my idea, and I know I’ve disgraced this house and you. I-I know I deserve to be punished, but I beg you to forgive Louisa and release her from… from all of… of this,” she said, her eyes sliding toward the cabinet once more.

Edward found himself surprised at both the words and the obvious sincerity in which they were spoken. He felt a bit of pride at her acceptance of total responsibility, but also knew the plan would not have been put into place without his wife’s acceptance.

“That’s quite commendable, Lucille, and I must admit I am surprised to hear you ask for leniency for your sister while admitting your need for punishment. However, you both are equally guilty and will equally share in all that will occur within this room. You will both be birched quite soundly for your punishment.” He lifted his hand in warning as he saw her open her mouth to speak. “I’m warning you for the last time, Lucille. Do you wish to have your gag replaced or do you want to be a good little girl and remain silent unless asked a question? I can tell you that you will find it extremely difficult to catch your breath during your birching, and a gag will only cause you greater discomfort.”

Hearing his words and evidently quite terrified that they would prove true, Lucille gave a soft sob and said, “I’ll be good, sir. Please don’t ga-gag me again.”

“I believe the question was, can you be a good little girl and remain silent, Lucille. Unless you wish the gag replaced, answer me properly.”

He saw Louisa shoot a glance at her twin and knew that while Lucy remained ignorant, his wife’s own experience allowed her to understand that he was beginning Lucy’s training at this very moment. He could see the wish to offer her sister support written clearly on her face, but Louisa knew she must remain still and let the events unfold as her husband/papa dictated.

Lucy gave a soft sob and conceded, “Yes, I-I can be a go… good lit… little girl and re-remain silent.”

Edward was extremely pleased, as her defenses began to crack.

“Very well, I will give you the benefit of a doubt, but know your gag is ready to silence you if you fail to keep your word.” She nodded slowly, her body trembling, her eyes flicking over to see the gag being slipped into the housekeeper’s deep apron pocket.

Edward waited until the linen disappeared only to be replaced by several large pins in the servant’s hand. Nodding, he said, “Mrs. Bremmer will prepare you both. Louisa, you shall go first to demonstrate for your sister what behavior is expected.” Louisa remained silent but when she felt herself being pressed forward, she moved closer to his desk, obediently removed her hands from her head and curled her fingers around the thick wooden edge in front of her.

Edward turned his attention to Lucille whose face flushed as she watched Mrs. Bremmer quickly and efficiently roll up the voluminous skirt and petticoats and pin them at Louisa’s shoulders in just a few minutes. The folds of the garments fell to either side of her sister’s body, effectively framing her small bottom, still covered by her bloomers. Lucy gave a small gasp as Mrs. Bremmer reached around Louisa’s waist and untied the ribbon. With a sharp tug, she pulled the last covering down Louisa’s legs and gave her a sharp order to step out.

Chapter 13

Lucy’s eyes grew large, her gaze shooting to Edward as she took in the condition of her sister’s bottom. The fact that there were weals across its surface was nothing to be questioned. After all, she knew that the same strokes had been painted on the canvas of her arse as well. What captured her attention was the fact that instead of the color having faded from her sister’s backside, it was still a mottled red with darker blotches and a few purpling spots attesting to the fact that her twin had already received an additional spanking. With a shudder, she dropped her eyes as if doing so could possibly spare her twin the shame of her condition being witnessed.

She turned her attention back to the desk when Edward rose from his seat. She swallowed hard as she watched him remove his jacket and drape it across the back of his chair before beginning to roll up the sleeves of his shirt. As his strong forearms came into view, she remembered feeling the same sense of doom when she had seen her father do the same before punishing her or her sister. Her heart began to pound even harder as she realized this was real, and her very first birching would indeed happen in this room, given by this man and witnessed by both her sister and the housekeeper. Tears begin to well in her eyes and her legs began to tremble.

She feared Edward was well aware of her emotions as the man seemed to miss nothing. With a single nod, he communicated his desire and she watched as Mrs. Bremmer led his wife around the desk to him.

“This isn’t the first time you’ve been put under the birch is it, young lady?” Edward asked her, as she came to stand beside her husband.
