Page 17 of Her Lord's Desire

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“Who… who are you?” Lucy said, “What are you doing here?”

“I’m your house guest, Lady Wintercrest,” he said, and when she shook her head vigorously, he misinterpreted her movement. “I assure you that I am,” he continued. “I would think you would have been expecting me or does Edward find it unnecessary to inform his little wife when he invites old friends to visit? You may not be aware that I was coming, but I promise I have no plans to harm you.”

“Harm me? Sir, you just spanked me! Do you believe it is correct to strike another man’s wife?” she hissed, even as her heart pounded and her blood seemed to be rushing through her veins. She could easily remember the feel of his huge hand slapping at her bottom, his single palm almost covering her entire bottom with each hard smack.

“I wasn’t striking you,” he corrected. “In fact, I wasn’t truly spanking you.”

“You were!” Lucy said, placing her hands on her hips and stomping her foot.

“If you think that was a spanking, little one, then Edward has grown quite soft,” he said with a grin. “I barely even tapped your bottom.”

Lucy slowly backed away until she was pressed up against the bookcases. Suddenly she realized that he truly believed her to be Edward’s wife and yet still had no problem tending to her as if she were nothing more than a wayward child. She understood that whoever he was, he was a man of Edward’s ilk.

He reached out to gently place his hand on her arm. Lucy started and felt her entire body shudder at the contact, her stomach fluttering. Her face must have shown her distress because he quickly had his hands on her shoulders.

“Breathe, Lady Wintercrest, just breathe. You are safe. Nothing is going to happen to you,” he said. He stepped closer and heard her moan. He was about to speak again when another person joined the conversation.

“What on earth have you done now?” Mrs. Bremmer said, as she and Molly came running into the room. “Why were you screaming?” When she looked from Lucy to the stranger trapping her against the bookshelves, the housekeeper’s entire attitude changed.

“Lucas?” she said.

Lucy didn’t know which was more shocking. The fact that the older woman could squeal like a young girl or the fact that the huge man released his hold on her, turned to Anna and swept her off her feet. Both Molly and Lucy’s mouths dropped open at the sight of the man twirling around in a circle with Mrs. Bremmer’s hands clutching his shoulders and her face beaming.

Laughing, Anna finally asked to be put down. Lucy watched as he gently placed her onto her feet and wondered why he hadn’t immediately done the same for her when she’d demanded it. Her mouth snapped closed and she crossed her arms across her chest.

“Lucas, you’re days early,” Anna semi-scolded.

Lucy watched as Lucas, whoever he might be, simply smiled and then laughed.

“Now don’t be angry with me, Miss Anna,” he said. “I finished my business early and found I couldn’t wait to come and meet the young woman Edward wrote me about. If she is anything like Lady Wintercrest here, I’m sure he has his hands quite full.”

Lucy felt her face heat and wished she could simply disappear. Molly giggled but Mrs. Bremmer looked confused.

“Lady Wintercrest?” she said and then turned to Lucy. Her eyes narrowed slightly. “Missy, have you been passing yourself off as your sister again?” she demanded.

Lucy shook her head. “No, ma’am. He didn’t give me a chance to explain,” she said as her eyes zeroed in on the stranger. “He grabbed me off the ladder and scared me to death. He… he even…” She paused, not about to admit this complete stranger had spanked her, especially not when it appeared that the housekeeper had greeted him like some long-lost son… and a favorite son at that. Tossing her head and ignoring his grin, she said, “This is all his fault. All I wanted was to get a book to read and he just grabbed me.” She wasn’t about to let this Neanderthal’s actions cause her to be punished for something that she’d had absolutely no control over. “If he doesn’t know his own hostess, you can hardly blame me!” She saw that the man’s grin had been replaced by a look of confusion which only grew when he heard Edward’s voice.

“Lucas Huntington,” Edward called, as he and Louisa walked into the library. Lucy watched as he released his wife’s hand and strode across the library. The two men were soon wrapped in a bear hug. Looking around, Lucy was glad to see she wasn’t the only one watching in amazement as they pounded each other on the back. Molly looked as surprised as Louisa as her twin walked over to join them.

“Who is that?” she whispered.

Lucy shrugged, “Apparently he’s your house guest.”

“What?” Louisa said, her gaze going from Lucy to where the two men had separated and yet stood grinning at each other.

“Don’t ask me,” Lucy said, shaking her head which was beginning to pound with everything that had occurred.

“Come, I want you to meet my wife,” Edward said and pulled the man toward the girls. Lucas took a step and then froze.

Lucy’s head felt a bit better at seeing the man’s expression. Served the man right. It wasn’t her fault he’d made a fool out of himself. After all, she had tried to correct his error.

“There are two of them?” Lucas said, his eyes moving from Lucy to Louisa and back again before looking at Edward. “You could have told me.”

“And spoil my surprise?” Edward said with a laugh as he reached out to draw Louisa to his side. “Lucas, may I present my wife, Louisa.”

Lucas looked down her and made a small bow. “It’s an honor to meet you, Lady Wintercrest,” he said and bent to kiss her cheek. Edward gave his shoulder a push.

“She’s mine, Lucas, so no more kissing my wife. You may address her as Louisa,” Edward said, reminding his friend of his wife’s station. “Louisa, this huge oaf is my childhood friend, Lord Lucas Huntington.”
