Page 13 of Her Lord's Claim

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Lucas sawhis wife standing in the corner, her nose pressed into the wall. He smiled as he realized her hand was raised, her fingers clasping the charm on the necklace he’d placed around her neck. Perhaps he should instruct her to place her hands on top of her head, but for now, he allowed her to draw whatever comfort she might need from the token of his love. Turning, he closed the door behind him before removing his jacket and laying it across the back of a chair. The sight of the license joining him to the young woman in the corner drew another smile as the love for his wife flowed over him. Unbuttoning the cuff of his sleeve, he began rolling it up as he considered the fact that this session would likely set the tone for all future ones.

He understood Louisa’s concern for her sister. Lucy’s first lesson would be one that would cause her pain, instead of the pleasure he so wanted to teach her. Steeling himself, he also remembered his vow to guide his wife and administer discipline for her misbehavior. He pulled the key to the armoire from his pants pocket and moved to unlock the doors. Pulling them open, he smiled. Edward was a very thorough man, and that included having a large variety of implements available to teach his own little one lessons in obedience. Turning away from the choices arranged on shelves or hanging from hooks, he gazed again at his wife. He walked to stand in front of the settee.

“Lucy, come here,” he said quietly. He watched as she stepped away from the corner and turned. She lifted her eyes to his and gave him a soft smile. Lucas’ heart lurched at the look of complete acceptance on her face. He saw her hand drop from where it had been cupping his charm. As he had that morning, he extended his hand to her. Lucy walked forward and placed her own into his. He took her other hand and stood her in front of him. He sat and drew her to stand between his spread knees.

“Tell me, kitten, why did you choose me?” Lucas asked.

Her widening eyes showed her surprise at the question and yet she didn’t hesitate to answer.

“Because you let me go,” she said, so softly he wasn't sure he heard her correctly.

“Let you go?” he asked.

She smiled and nodded. “I mean, you were willing to let me choose another. You were going to walk away if I chose Charles. I tried to love him because”—he watched a flush of color creep up her neck and travel to color her cheeks—“I knew… knew it would be the easier path.” She paused, and Lucas didn't push her, allowing her to collect her thoughts.

“I loved you from the moment you plucked me off that ladder.” Pausing again, she looked away and then took a deep breath and met his eyes. “I didn’t want to love you. You frightened me. I… I knew what sort of man you were, what you'd demand of your wife. I knew you wanted me to be more than a wife. I didn't think I could be what you desired,” she confessed.

It took a great deal of control for Lucas not to draw her to him, to reassure her that he loved her just as she was. He forced himself to remain silent as she shifted on her feet and then continued, “When you began to step away, I knew you really loved me. I realized that you truly wanted me to be happy even if that meant you wouldn't be. And I knew that if I allowed you to go, I’d regret it for the rest of my life. I couldn't deny my heart. I love you so very much.”

Lucas was incredibly touched by her words. “Stepping away was the hardest thing I have ever done,” he admitted. “I loved you the moment I saw you dangling from the ladder. It killed me every time I saw you with Charles. I prayed for you to come to realize that you were made to be mine. I knew you were the only woman I wished to wed. The only one I wished to teach to be both my wife and my own special little one. I also knew I wouldn't force you to choose me.” He paused as he felt her hands tremble in his. “I knew that you were aware of the kind of life I live and were confused and frightened. You needed to look deep inside your heart and make your own decision, knowing that you were choosing the more difficult path. Loving me won’t always be easy, kitten. This life will demand a great deal from you. I will never hesitate to redden your bottom when I feel you need it,” he said, and saw a shudder run through her. As her eyes flicked toward the armoire, he knew she was thinking of the spanking she still had coming.

“I will also never hesitate to remind you how much I love you, Lucy, and will every moment for the rest of my life.”

His hand released one of hers and reached to take hold of the charm. “Did you read the inscription?” he asked.

Lucy shook her head, her eyes dropping to his hand. “I didn’t realize there was one.”

Smiling, he turned the charm over. “My heart, my life, my love,” he read, tracing the tiny engraved words with his fingertip. “You spoke of being my wife and my little one, but know that no matter which role you take, you will forever be all three of these as well.” He released the charm and let it fall to nestle between her breasts.

“And you are mine,” Lucy said and Lucas saw the remains of any uneasiness slip from her as her posture softened.

“Are you ready?” he asked gently. When she dropped her eyes and nodded, he said, “You’ll always need to verbalize your answers.”

“Oh… um, yes, sir,” she said.

Lucas nodded and waited until her gaze lifted to his before instructing, “Make your confession.”

“I'm sorry I threw a tantrum, Lucas,” she began, her voice soft, and yet she didn’t hesitate to make her confession. “I admit I was testing you to see if you would change your mind about my clothing. It was so wrong to try to manipulate you and to say all those awful things. I'm sorry I cursed. I am so sorry for everything.”

Lucas was extremely pleased with her confession. He gave her hands a squeeze. “That’s my good girl,” he praised. “Confessing your naughtiness can be difficult, but, kitten, I am proud of you as you covered every aspect of your disobedience.”

When she blushed and looked away for a brief moment, Lucas had a very good idea that his little one had only been able to make such a full confession after having several hours to think about all that had transpired. Releasing her hands, he guided her to turn until her back was to him. When he began to lift her skirts and petticoats, he heard her inhale sharply and when she didn’t exhale, he knew she was holding her breath. Her head dropped and a glance around her small frame showed him her cheeks had reddened further and her eyes had closed.

“Breathe, little one,” he instructed softly. Air rushed from her and she quivered as she took in another shuddering breath. Once she took another, he continued rolling the fabric up until he could tuck it into the waistband of her pinafore, anchoring it up and off her bottom. He wasn’t surprised to see her legs tremble, knowing she was well aware that her bottom was now exposed, though not as much as it soon would be. He also knew she expected him to untie her drawers and bare her bottom, but he simply turned her to face him again. She kept her eyes lowered, her cheeks blushed a very pretty pink, her bottom lip held between her teeth. His little one looked exactly like a naughty little girl who knew she was about to pay the price for her choices.

“This is your first lesson in how you are to conduct yourself when you are being punished, Lucy,” Lucas said quietly. He could see her trembling but knew it was important that she acknowledge his every word. “Look at me,” he ordered. It took a few moments, but she finally lifted her eyes to meet his. He was reminded of the turbulence seen in the ocean’s waves as the soft-violet blue color shimmered behind unshed tears.

“You will always make a confession, and I shall either prepare you for your spanking or instruct you to prepare yourself,” he said and watched as she swallowed hard. “I believe that having to bare your own bottom allows you to remember your vow of submission to my discipline,” he continued, and watched as her eyes attempted to slip from his in her embarrassment. He released one of her hands to lift his own to cup her quivering chin, turning her face back to his.

“No, Lucy,” he said shaking his head. “You are to look at me while you are either being prepared or preparing yourself. I will not allow you to hide from what is happening. Keep your eyes on mine. Do you understand?” She gave a small whimper but managed to nod. “No, remember you are to answer me, kitten,” he reminded.

“Yes, sir,” she whispered, her trembling becoming more noticeable.

“Keep your eyes on me as you untie your drawers,” he said, steeling himself against the tears he saw beginning to slip down her cheeks. He released her hand and watched as she slowly moved her hands up underneath her dress and knew her fingers were fumbling with the ribbon at her waist. He knew the instant the tie released by the look in her eyes before she closed them.

“Eyes on mine,” he said sharply and hers flew open. “Let your drawers fall.” They stared into each other’s eyes until finally, she obeyed. Neither watched the white linen slide down her legs to puddle at her feet, but the whisper soft swish they made seemed amplified in the silence.
