Page 15 of Her Lord's Claim

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She continued to beg and plead, and Lucas continued to ignore her. He covered every inch of her bottom and then brought the paddle down hard against the pale skin of her upper right thigh.

“Ahhh!” she squealed, tiptoes forgotten, her legs now churning as this new assault brought another layer of pain. “Please… oh… please…” she begged, even as the paddle bit into the same spot it had landed before which Lucas knew intensified the burn.

“Lift your bottom,” Lucas commanded as he continued to pepper the back of her thigh. “Feet down and up on your toes, Lucille.”

“It hurts!” Lucy said as she continued to attempt to get away.

Lucas pushed her legs down, reminding her of exactly where her toes were to be. “I’ll repeat this spanking before dinner, after dinner and before bed if you do not keep your feet down and your naughty bottom high, little one,” Lucas said, his tone brooking no nonsense.

She sobbed as he moved the paddle to her other thigh. “It hurts!” she repeated. “Please ... please, no more… I’ll be goo… good. I-I promise!”

“Don’t tell me how good you’ll be, Lucille. Show me by obeying,” Lucas said, and lifted the paddle off her thigh, giving her the time to make her choice. She sobbed but settled onto her toes and he watched as her now very red bottom lifted as he’d instructed. “Good girl,” he said simply and began the entire cycle again. Lucy continued to sob and beg but no longer fought him. The thin wood smacked repeatedly against her bottom, tuning both globes a mottled red that resembled a pile of burning embers in the fireplace. Its very flexibility made it snap and crack again and again against the soft skin of her bottom. Lucas paddled each thigh again, and then lifted his knees higher, tilting her forward to raise her arse higher. Her shriek of dismay echoed around the room as he smacked the paddle into the extremely sensitive area where her bottom met her thighs. Her hips bounced, her bottom wagging as she bucked, attempting to swim off his lap like a little seal. It was a dance for which Lucas already knew the steps, easily smacking her sit-spots without missing a single step.

Lucas spread his legs a bit wider and dropped the next stroke against the untouched, pale skin on her inner thigh.

“Nooo!” she wailed, her back arching, her head thrown back as he flicked his wrist, alternating from one leg to the other, the staccato slaps accompanying every note of her pleading sobs. When it was finally done, he knew that his naughty wife was totally unaware that her first spanking from her husband was over.

Lucas allowed her to cry as he set the paddle down next to him. He lifted his hand and laid it on her cherry-red bottom. He could easily feel the heat emanating from her skin and felt her shudder as his hand roamed over her bottom and thighs. Her entire body jerked as his fingers delved between her legs and through the golden curls that had darkened to the color of fresh honey. They were beyond damp and as his fingers slid through the lips of her sex, he found them slick with that same delicious nectar of her arousal. Lucas barely managed not to groan himself as he found the undeniable evidence of what he had prayed for. His wife was an extremely sexual woman, and even though he was sure she couldn’t be ignorant of the fact that her cunny was wet, he doubted she truly understood why it had become so drenched. His cock pulsed in his pants, anxious to teach her another lesson, one far more pleasurable than her first.

Lucas allowed his fingers to slide through her curls again. It was very rare to see a little one with pubic hair, and his wife would soon find herself bare, as well. He continued to gently caress her until he realized her sobs had turned into hiccups and soft moans. He saw her bottom lift when he removed his fingers as if to follow the thing that had brought her feelings of something she didn’t understand. Lucas patted her bottom once more, before lifting her and then pressing her to her knees between his spread legs. She lifted her face—her cheeks flushed and her eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions, long, thick lashes lowering but only for an instant before lifting again to meet his gaze again. Lucas felt incredibly honored that even after he’d roasted her arse, and roasted it he had, she showed no sign of anger toward him. He was also pleased to see that while embarrassment was still there, the look of guilt he’d seen earlier was no longer present in her shimmering eyes.

“You will always kneel before me if I’ve had cause to spank or paddle you, Lucy,” Lucas said, softly. He reached out and stroked the track of a fresh tear as it slipped down her cheek. “I shall soon instruct you on the penance you will always be required to offer when your bottom is burning and freshly reddened.” He saw her confusion at his words and knew she would soon learn the position was meant for her to offer her penance in a very intimate manner. However, he would allow that lesson to be given another day. He lifted the paddle from the settee and held it out to her. Lucy’s eyes still dripped tears, but she was no longer sobbing. Her cheeks reddened to match the color of her bottom as she obediently pressed her lips to the wooden surface.

“Th-thank you, Luc… sir,” she said, though her words came out as a stutter.

“Papa,” he corrected quietly, and watched as her lashes dropped to cover the flash of acknowledgment that she’d play more than one role for the rest of her life.

“Tha-thank you, Pa-Papa,” Lucy said softly for the first time. She opened her eyes and met his.

He nodded and ran his finger down her cheek as she accepted her new role, his heart hitching as she gave a soft sigh and rested her flushed cheek against his thigh. It was obvious the address made her uneasy, but in time, she’d become accustomed to not only using it, but accepting all the things the title meant in their shared lives. Cognizant of the fact that she would become aware of his growing arousal if he allowed her to remain between his spread legs, her body pressing against him, her need for comfort emanating from her small frame, Lucas forced himself to remember why they were in the study.

“That’s my good girl. Go stand in the corner,” he said, and helped her to her feet. Before allowing her to do as he said, he readjusted the fabric he’d tucked into her waistband, assuring not a single thread would brush across her freshly spanked bum. She moved across the room, looking back once she was in the corner, her teeth bothering her bottom lip.

“Nose to the wall, Lucy, and keep your dress at your waist and spread your legs a bit. Papa wishes to see all of his naughty girl and that includes her punished inner thighs.”

With her face turned to the wall, her hands lifted the front of her dress to her waist and she shifted her feet apart. Lucas smiled as she pushed her bottom out into the room. He remained seated enjoying the view for a few moments before standing and returning the paddle to the cabinet. Closing and locking the door, he kept his eyes on his wife as he rolled his sleeves down and rebuttoned the cuffs before reaching for his coat. He would normally require she spend at least a half hour, usually more, in the corner after he had attended to her bottom but knew she had to be not only exhausted, but hungry as she hadn’t yet broken her fast.

After fifteen minutes, he stood from where he’d seated himself on the settee. “Come here, kitten,” he said softly, and was rewarded when Lucy immediately turned and ran toward him. He opened his arms, and she flung herself into them. He held her close, his arms wrapped around her as she buried her face in his jacket.

“I’m sorry, please forgive me,” she said, her voice threatening to break into tears again.

“You are forgiven, kitten,” Lucas said, moving his hands to cup her face before he kissed her. “I love you, Lucy.”

Her lips were the most amazing thing he’d ever tasted, the skin so soft, so welcoming as his pressed against them. Her moan of need had him pulling her closer, kissing her harder, claiming her with a ferocity that only broke with their need to breathe. Lucas pulled away and saw the raw need on her face. He knew he could easily allow himself to forget his own rules in order to satisfy that need. He forced himself to be strong as he set her away.

“Come, kitten, let’s get you back into your drawers, shall we?” he asked, loving the blush that immediately colored her face when she realized she was still half-naked. She obediently stepped into her drawers. She’d removed them herself but Lucas pulled them up her legs and earned a sharp gasp as he bent to place a kiss on top of those tantalizing little curls between her thighs before pulling the drawers up and over her bottom. After tying the ribbon around her waist, he reached behind her and tugged the fabric free of her waistband, adjusting it to fall to cover the bottom he’d just punished. He finally took her hand and led her to the door. At the threshold, she hesitated, pulling back against his hand. Lucas looked down to see her face flushing anew. He was willing to wager she was thinking about the fact that anyone who’d passed through the lower level of the house over the past half hour would know that she was being paddled behind the closed doors of the lord’s study.

“There is no need to be embarrassed, Lucille,” Lucas said gently as he drew her closer to his side. “Naughty little girls should be very ashamed when they are misbehaving, but once punished, they have no reason to feel anything but relief that they’ve atoned for that naughtiness.” She nodded and after dropping a kiss onto the top of her head, Lucas led her out into the corridor.

Chapter 9

Edward and Louisa were both seated, their luncheon half-eaten. Lucas helped Lucy into her seat. She was grateful that he didn’t say anything when she couldn’t contain a small wince or a soft moan as her weight settled onto her well-spanked rear. She knew it would continue to ache for several hours but understood that she’d earned every throb and pulse of that ache by acting so horrid.

Lucy ate her lunch also grateful when no mention was made of her punishment. Relaxing a bit, she chose a freshly baked roll from the covered bread basket. Smiling when she and her twin both reached for the pot of jam at the same exact moment, she met Louisa’s eyes and with an ability neither understood but never questioned, she understood that she wasn’t the only one at this table sitting on a tender bum. Pushing the jam toward her sister, she allowed her to take the first spoonful as Mrs. Bremmer approached the table with a pitcher of milk.

“Thank you,” Lucy said politely after her glass had been filled.

“You are welcome, Lucille,” Anna said with a smile, standing by Lucy’s chair until the glass had been picked up and Lucy took the first sip.
