Page 18 of Her Lord's Claim

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“Stay still!” Anna ordered. “If you attempt to rise again, I shall tie you to the bed, and when your new husband joins us, you can explain to him why you still continue to be disobedient!”

Her threat froze Lucy for an instant before she collapsed onto the bed. She’d been appalled at what was about to happen and yet a shame she had never before experienced flooded through her at the thought of Lucas actually witnessing the act. She began to whimper, her eyes filling as she saw Molly step from the water closet and saw what her maid was holding.

A large, bulging red bag was in one hand while a length of tubing was coiled in another. Lucy gave a strangled cry. She had not been given an enema since she was a very young child, and her mother had administered one when she had been very ill. She’d crooned softly, giving her daughter words of comfort and encouragement. Lucy wasn’t naïve enough to think this enema was going to be the same.

She continued to whimper as Anna took the bag from Molly and hung it from a hook Lucy had never noticed before on one of the four bedposts, understanding someone had installed it for the express purpose of holding the bulging bag. Watching the tubing uncoil, Lucy shuddered, her fist going to her mouth to stifle her cries of distress as the length of hose touched her hip. It felt like a serpent slowly slithering up her body

When Anna nodded at Molly, the younger woman removed the top of a large jar. Lucy’s nose crinkled at the unfamiliar medicinal aroma of the jar’s contents and her tummy flipped when her maid who had become her friend gave her what appeared to be a look of sympathy.

“Pay attention, Molly,” Anna said. “Let’s not try to make a mess of things.”

“Yes, ma’am. Sorry, ma’am,” Molly said, returning her attention to the jar in her hands. She held it steady as the housekeeper picked up something from the bed and dipped it into the jar.

After several twirls of her wrist, Anna pulled it from the jar, rotating it as if to assure herself that every single inch of the horrid thing was covered with whatever unpleasant smelling unguent the jar held.

“Ohhh… ohhh, please no,” Lucy begged, her eyes seeing not a nozzle, but the glistening weaving of a serpent’s head. It was huge, and her bottom clenched tightly in frightened anticipation of where the snake would take its bite. “I-you… it… it’s too-too big,” she stammered and then again attempted to rise only to feel Anna’s fingers splay across her lower back, pressing her into place as she turned to address Molly.

“Go ahead and put a small dollop on her bottom-hole,” she instructed. “You will not normally allow the additional lubricant, especially when giving a punishment enema, but since this is Lucy’s first, we may be a bit more lenient.”

Molly nodded and setting the jar onto the night table, she dipped her fingers into the ointment and moved toward the bed. Lucy squealed and despite Anna’s hand, managed to roll off the pillow, only to feel her leg captured and herself being hauled back over the pillow. Molly froze and then accepted the nozzle from Anna as the older woman reached into her pocket. Before Lucy could even think, her already-tender bottom was being smacked again and again with the tawse Anna had pulled from her pocket. Lucy was soon screeching and attempting to roll, swim, crawl and everything else she could think of to get off the pillow and away from the hated leather.

“I warned you, young lady,” Anna said calmly as she used her strength built up from years of daily labor in keeping the manor spotless to easily pull Lucy back into position. Climbing up onto the bed next to her naughty charge, she again planted her hand against Lucy’s back, her superior weight effectively keeping Lucy pinned in place over her punishment pillow. “If you want to have your enema only after having your bottom thrashed, so be it.”

Lucy was promising to be good, to be still, the entire time Anna spanked her. Despite her promises, and evidently wanting to assure her point had been made, Anna applied two dozen strokes with her tawse before allowing it to come to rest on Lucy’s now intensely throbbing derrière.

“Are you going to behave, or shall I call for your papa to assist me?” Anna asked.

“No, please… I’ll behave. I-I’ll be goo… good,” Lucy hiccupped her answer, knowing she would die if Lucas were to see her in this position, nude, her bottom striped and pointed up and out into the room, an enema bag over her head, the awful nozzle waiting to be inserted into her bottom-hole.

“Move an inch, and I shall send for your papa,” Anna warned, before returning the tawse to her pocket. “Spread your knees wider, if you please,” Anna further ordered.

Lucy sobbed, but obeyed. She felt the woman’s fingers pulling at her cheeks, spreading the globes of her bottom apart.

“Apply the lubricant, Molly,” she ordered, and Lucy felt consumed with mortification as her maid’s fingers dipped between her buttocks, applying the cold and slippery ointment on her bottom-hole, a place that, despite the medical enema of her childhood, Lucy had never in her life considered would be seen again, much less touched.

“That’s enough,” Anna instructed. “I really shouldn’t allow any lubricant at all seeing as how Lucy behaved, but I suppose I just have a soft heart.”

Soft heart?Lucy so wanted to argue that claim and yet seeing Mrs. Bremmer retrieve the nozzle from Molly, she didn’t dare. Lucy continued to weep softly, but forced herself to remain still as Molly took over spreading Lucy’s hot punished globes apart while her superior placed the lubricated tip of the nozzle against her tightly puckered bottom-hole.

“Relax your bottom, Lady Huntington,” Anna said as she began to press the nozzle against the resisting orifice. “Stop all that ridiculous clenching, unless you wish to have Miss Molly hold your buttocks open the entire time you take your enema. You will not keep the nozzle out of your bum but will only earn additional punishment.”

Lucy attempted to obey, her mind seizing on the fact that the housekeeper had called her by her new name as if to remind her that even titled women living this lifestyle were subject to immensely embarrassing and intrusive punishments. Addressing her lady’s maid as Miss Molly added to the humiliation of the entire ordeal.

Anna ignored her sobs as she slowly but firmly pressed the nozzle into the small, virgin hole. Lucy continued to alternate between attempting to obey and trying to expel the nozzle. When her sphincter muscle finally yielded, the serpent took its hateful bite causing her to arch her head back and cry out at the sharp pain.

“Settle down,” Anna scolded, forcing another inch of the nozzle into Lucy’s bottom. Anna didn’t comfort her charge and Lucy didn’t really expect any sign of sympathy. After all, this was the price she paid for not withholding the vulgar word she’d spewed not once but three times. This was punishment and if there was one thing Lucy had learned beneath the manor’s roof, it was that punishments were not meant to be easy.

That fact became crystal clear when Anna kept the nozzle in place for a few moments before reversing its direction and pulling it free. Lucy yelped at the withdrawal and then cried out again as she was forced through another humiliating insertion. Lucy tried to block out what was happening to her body, but her mind as well as Mrs. Bremmer’s words refused to allow her to escape.

“Instead of wasting your energy with needless worries about the nozzle not being able to fit into your naughty little bum, Lucy, I suggest instead that you spend your energy remembering the rules your papa has attempted to teach you.”

Lucy felt humiliated as the woman lectured her. She kept her eyes tightly clenched as the nozzle was again extracted only to feel it being reinserted for the third time.

“Please…” she moaned, the repeated insertions shaming her as each one forced her to not only be aware of exactly where that awful nozzle was going, but to actively submit to its demand to be allowed entry.

“Please what, Lady Huntington?” Anna asked, pulling the nozzle free with an embarrassingly loud pop.

As the tip was run around the rim of her anus, Lucy finally accepted the fact that she would find the nozzle seated and removed repeatedly until she proved her submission. “Please, ma’am, please just… just put it in and… give me my enema,” Lucy said, never having imagined having such a request pass her lips.
