Page 20 of Her Lord's Claim

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“May… may I-I go to the water closet?” Lucy panted the moment she heard the valve clicking closed, her stomach rebelling at its unwanted contents.

Anna smiled and shook her head. “Goodness, no, Lucille,” she said as if amused at the question. “Your bottom only now swallowed the bag’s contents. You’ll need to hold your medicine for quite some time so that it might do its job in reminding you that you’d be better off remembering not to use filthy language.”

Lucy shuddered, her entire body seeming to contract at the discomfort. “How long?” she whispered, her hands shaking as they clung to her elbows at the small of her back.

“How long what, my dear?” Anna asked as she settled herself back in her chair, bending to the side to pull her knitting back onto her lap.

“How… when may I…”


“Yes, ma’am. When may I-I expel?” Lucy asked, her need exceeding her humiliation at having the embarrassing word supplied by the woman.

“Expel what?” Anna prompted, evidently not willing to spare Lucy an inch of shame. “You must accept what is happening and voice your acceptance, little one.”

Lucy nodded, surrendering to yet another aspect of her punishment. Flinching as another awful cramp washed over her. “When may I expel my en… enema?” she said bravely, her teeth biting her bottom lip, her stomach roiling and her buttocks clenching around the tubing protruding from her small bottom-hole.

Anna made a show of looking at the clock on the wall. “You will hold your punishment enema for another fifteen minutes, Lucille,” she announced. “Longer if you complain.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Lucy whispered, shuddering from the top of her head to the tips of her toes but nodding her acceptance.

When Anna stood again, Lucy had her eyes closed, her breath coming in short pants as she coped with her punishment. She only moaned when she felt Anna’s hand on her bottom, drawing its globes apart.

“Tell me, Lucille,” she asked, “why are you in this position, and what punishment did you require?”

Lucy trembled all over but managed to answer, “I said filthy words and was disrespectful to my family. I-I disobeyed my husband—”

“Papa,” Anna instantly corrected. “When you’ve been naughty, it is your papa who tends to you.”

“Yes, ma’am. I disobeyed my papa when he warned me not to curse again. I was naughty and though I had my mouth washed out… I also earned a… .an enema as punishment to cleanse me. I'm so sorry. Please, please may I expel my-my medicine?” she begged, her body cramping almost constantly.

Anna released Lucy’s buttocks, giving them a pat before reaching up to remove the bag from its hook. Draping the long coil of tubing over her arm, she reached out and gently patted Lucy’s hands.

“Come, child,” Anna said softly, using her free hand to help Lucy off the pillow.

Lucy awkwardly climbed off the bed, her hands cupping her swollen stomach. Praying hard the entire time as she waddled from the room, Lucy only stopped when she was positioned over a large pail that must have held the water brought up from the kitchen for her enema. Her face burned as she dutifully obeyed the order to hold her bottom cheeks well apart so that Mrs. Bremmer could gently ease the nozzle from her anus. Lucy cried out as she immediately settled onto the pail, her hands around her knees as she bent forward with the shame of it all.

Anna ignored her as she rinsed out the enema bag with water from Lucy’s pitcher and then used it to fill the bag again. Lucy looked up when the woman was leaving the room, the bag again looking full.

She began to cry as she understood her punishment was not yet done. By the time she was once again over the pillow, all naughtiness had fled from her. She was a very contrite little one, her face red from her shame and streaked with her tears. As the nozzle was once more introduced into her bottom-hole, Anna explained that another enema was necessary, unless she wished to continue to feel her insides burning. Though Lucy understood that this second enema was not meant as punishment, the indignity of having to accept it remained. Once she had accepted the cleansing rinse, she was placed back on the pail and watched as the bag was shaken to release any leftover water, the nozzle thoroughly washed with soap and water. Lucy had never been more grateful when Anna left the room with the deflated bag and promised herself she would never give her husband cause to repeat the awful, humiliating and painful punishment.

Anna returned and though she didn’t give Lucy a complete bath, she did submit her to a very thorough, very embarrassing washing and then dried her with a thick towel.

“You did well, Lucille,” Anna said as she led the girl from the room.

Lucy felt an unexpected rush of pleasure at the words. “Thank you, Mrs. Bremmer,” she said softly, discovering she was truly exhausted. If she had raised her eyes from her feet, she would have seen Lucas standing at the side of the bed. Instead, she only became aware of his presence when he spoke.

“Thank you, Anna. I shall take care of our little one from here,” he said softly.

Lucy’s eyes flew to his, her face instantly suffusing with color as her free hand moved in an attempt to cover her nakedness as her new husband saw her nude for the first time. Anna simply shook her head in amusement.

“Yes, sir,” she said as she released Lucy’s hand. “She did well. Only earned a quick tawsing and I’m sure she has learned the evils of cursing.”

Lucas nodded, no doubt agreeing that the lesson was not one to fade from his wife’s memory soon. Anna left the room, and only when Lucas stepped away from the bed did Lucy see that the covers had been laid back as if to welcome her between them. Her eyes widened as she saw the awful red mat had been moved to lie on top of the sheet though the wedge pillow had been removed. She also saw something white on top of the mat. Understanding flooded through her, and she stepped away.

“No, please-please don’t dia… diaper me. Please, Lucas, I beg you,” she said, her hand moving from attempting to cover her breasts to cover her mouth. Lucas moved quickly from the bed to stand in front of her, his arms drawing her into his embrace. Lucy remained stiff for only an instant before collapsing into him, her sobs filling the room as she took another step into submission.

Chapter 12
