Page 3 of Her Lord's Claim

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“Thank you,” Lucas said. “I request you post the banns tomorrow and arrange for a special license as well.”

Reed was rather annoyed that the man didn’t grant him the courtesy of a proper address, but he couldn’t say he was the least bit surprised at his request. What man would want to wait to stake his physical claim on the beautiful young woman? Reed had been extremely disappointed when Edward had refused his request to call upon his ward. From the moment he had first seen Miss Furniss, he had wanted her as his. Even as he had reddened Camilla’s bottom earlier, it had been Lucille’s arse bared to him as she submissively bent over his knees about which he’d fantasized with every rise and fall of the wooden paddle in his hand. Seeing her in the hallway upstairs and recognizing the fear in her eyes, he had wished to hear Lucille’s voice raised in misery, begging him to cease the paddling as her bottom danced to the tune of his discipline.

He’d seen her eyes shining with happiness to be in Lucas’ arms and wished instead to see her eyes shimmering with her tears as she promised she would be his good girl, if only the pain of her spanking would cease. He wanted her body lying naked beneath his own, her poor punished bottom burning from his discipline as he took her. He had wanted to be the one to teach the little beauty that total submission and unquestioned obedience to her husband was her only choice. Lord Wintercrest had denied him the chance to live the life he knew with every fiber of his being was his destiny and anger raged inside him to see Lord Huntington standing where he himself should be.

“That’s most unusual, sir. It is custom to wait several months, if not a full year, before making such a formal commitment,” he said in response to the request.

“Regardless, it is also a service that is offered by the church,” Lucas countered. “But, if you’d rather not, I shall simply take my fiancée to Hunter’s Ridge to wed, though I’m quite sure doing so will leave many of your congregants feeling deprived of attending our wedding.”

Reed glanced around, seeing that a great deal of those who not only attended his church, but tithed generously to it, were in attendance. Gritting his teeth, knowing only a fool bit the hands that fed him, he finally nodded. “There is no need to deprive our friends of celebrating your marriage, Lord Huntington. I shall tend to your request as quickly as I can.”

“I expect to see the banns posted when we attended services in the morning.”

Reed wanted to tell the arrogant bastard he’d post them when he was good and ready, but he could feel the tension emanating from the huge man and though his expression remained stoic, he pulled Lucille closer. It was obvious Huntington was besotted by the girl’s beauty and even more apparent he couldn’t wait a respectable time before he bedded her. A barely perceptible sound had Reed’s eyes lifting to see the warning in Huntington’s and understood the man was well aware of his own thoughts.

“Of course, Lord Huntington, I will tend to both when I return home this evening.”

“We shall speak tomorrow, then. Now, if you'll excuse us, I believe there are others wishing to extend their congratulations.”

Fearing he’d crack a tooth from clenching his jaw, Reed stepped back flushing at the obvious dismissal. He was a man of the cloth and deserved to be treated with the upmost respect, but he supposed rudeness should be expected from a man who allowed his cock to lead him rather than his godly soul. Lifting his head and straightening his shoulders, he prepared to push through the crowd only to discover there was no need. As he walked across the floor, people were quick to step away. Anger flared until he realized that their deference was surely the sign of respect for his authority that Huntington lacked. Nodding, he was glad to see that at least some of those gathered seemed to fear the very fires of hell of which he would be preaching upon in the morning.

* * *

“Thank you, Lucas,”Lucy said softly. “He scares me,” she confessed.

“Lucy, you need not be afraid. I will not let anyone hurt you,” he promised, and felt some of the tension caused by the encounter with the pastor dissipate as her body relaxed against his side. She nodded, sighing softly when he cupped her cheek and stroked her skin with his finger.

“I know you won’t, but I fear that won’t keep him from hurting others.” Catching the sight of Reed stalking across the floor, she shuddered. “He dons the robes of the clergy, but I can’t help but wonder what they hide. He reminds me of the fable about the wolf in sheep’s clothing though Reed doesn’t even bother pretending he is soft and lovable. He’s just… evil.”

“Despite your opinion, Pastor Reed is a man of authority, kitten,” Lucas said, knowing she needed to be reminded that she was to be respectful to any adult with whom she might come into contact. Lucy’s eyes flew open in surprise at his words. “You are not to refer to him with disrespect—”

“But how can you say that when you—” she said, her eyes widening in disbelief that he was defending the man.

“Lucy, do not interrupt me again,” he warned firmly. “Pastor Reed is a leader of the church, young lady, and that position deserves respect.” A glimpse at their future became clear in the narrowing of her eyes, the glare of anger flashing like lightning across their violet-blue depths. He felt her stiffening and knew his little one was having to force herself to keep those claws sheathed. He knew she’d step away if he allowed it, which he most certainly would not.

“He may not be the sort of man you wish him to be, Lucy, but you will respect the position he holds.” He knew that this moment would define all the coming ones. He was a firm believer in beginning as one wished to continue and allowing her this would set them down a road he had no wish to travel. But he was also not a liar.

“Don’t think that I disagree with your assessment of the man, Lucy, because I do. But it is not his character that I’m speaking about. It is the fact that the church and the very people around us even now, chose to put him in the pulpit. I can only say that you’ll find not all pastors are the kind of man Reed is, but until the time we arrive at Hunter’s Ridge, you’ll do well to remember my words.”

Her posture softened a bit as she considered his words. She glanced around the room and shook her head. “You admit that you don’t respect him either…” When he opened his mouth to clarify his words, she shook her head. “I mean you don’t respect his character. Perhaps if everyone attending his church knew what type of man he is behind that pious mask he wears they’d choose another. Like Charles. Edward had Mr. Thorne removed from his position of headmaster when he displayed his true self and now everyone is happier.”

Lucas knew she spoke the truth and was quite proud of her, but he also understood that there were times when he’d engage in long conversations with her and enjoy the exchange of opinions, but this one was something not within either of their control. Still he had no wish to crush the very spirit that had captured his soul even after her beauty had captured his heart. Drawing her a bit closer, he bent down and kissed her forehead.

“I’m not going to debate with you about this, Lucy, as again, I can’t find fault in your argument nor can I assume to control the way you feel. However, until such time as Reed is asked to step down, it would be best if you make sure you behave so that there is no reason for Reed to attend to you. Pull those claws back and bite your tongue if need be, but know this, little one, he is not the only man capable of lifting your skirts to bare your bottom and turn it a glowing, hot red.”

Lucas watched as the storm in her violet eyes whipped into a frenzy, her complexion turning a deeper shade of scarlet as what he was positive was fury and not embarrassment burned across her cheeks. He cupped her face between his hands, not allowing her eyes to stray from his.

“Engagement does not remove the need of corporal discipline, Lucille; it only passes the authority from your guardian’s hand to my own.”

Though everything inside him would be eternally grateful that she’d chosen him, he could feel her trembling with the realization of what that choice would demand of her every day for the rest of her life.

“Kitten, you have not yet earned a spanking, but I fear you are extremely close to having your bottom heated. Let’s not allow Pastor Reed to taint our evening,” he said, his tone soft but his words demonstrating his total authority and intent.

Lucas was aware of Edward standing with Louisa, both silent as if waiting for the drama to come to its conclusion. He watched as the love of his life turned her head to seek her sister who was standing in her husband’s arms, her face showing her concern for her twin. Evidently she also saw the disapproval reflected in Edward’s eyes as her color heightened even further obviously knowing that had it been her guardian’s choice, her bottom would already be making the apology for her behavior.

“I’m sorry,” she said, her voice quiet and her lips trembling as she looked up at Lucas. “I’d be lying if I said I was sorry about what I said about Pastor Reed because I’m not, but I am very sorry that I was disrespectful to you, Lucas. I know that’s not what you really wish me to say—”

“It will serve quite well, little one. As I said, you are entitled to your feelings, and I know you’ll remember to show the proper respect to Pastor Reed… even if it curdles your insides, correct?”
