Page 9 of Her Lord's Claim

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As Edward had predicted the night before, the sermon was about obedience and submission. Lucy’s guilt grew as Pastor Reed spoke about the need for husbands to remain firm and consistent in leading their wives down the proper path. He spoke of how leniency allowed naughtiness. His words seemed to pierce Lucy's heart as she listened to each and every word. She was aware that not a single woman stirred. Not a single female dared to be even the least bit naughty. Each knew that they had been allowed a night of magic and indulgence, and yet they understood the night was over. Reed's voice thundered across the congregation as he spoke of sparing the rod and spoiling the child, Bible lifted high as if to add its weight to his words. His dark eyes seemed to be lit with an inner fire as he reminded the women that the Bible instructed them to subjugate themselves to their men, to accept the absolute rule of their husbands and papas.

Lucy gave a small whimper, and Louisa reached over to take her hand in support. Lucy felt the gentle squeeze, and yet, after a moment, pulled her hand away. She glanced at Lucas, noticing he was looking forward. Dropping her gaze back to her lap, a small movement caught her eye. Lucas’ hand had opened where it rested on his knee, his palm empty. Lucy almost sobbed at the gesture. The moment she slipped her hand into his, and his fingers closed around hers, she knew what must be done. As the congregation stood for the closing prayer, Lucy prayed for strength and courage to face the punishment she had brought upon herself. She still had her eyes tightly closed in prayer when she heard her name spoken. Startled, her eyes flew open to see Pastor Reed again staring at her. Her face flushed, and for a moment she just knew he was aware of her as yet unpunished naughtiness. She was terrified that he was calling her to the front of the church to extract the expected payment from her bottom himself. Her eyes darted toward the side door where women disappeared almost every week to receive additional, personal lessons given in the pastor’s private chambers. She felt dizzy and then felt Lucas squeeze her hand.

“Breathe, kitten,” he said quietly. “Come.”

She didn’t believe she could move, but Lucas never released her hand, as he drew her from the pew and walked with her to the front of the church. Lucy was trembling all over, her face heated, her shame intense. She wished with all her heart that she had already had her bottom roasted. Anticipation, as Lucas had said, was indeed a lesson and one she wished never again to experience. Lucas dropped her hand only to slip his arm around her and held her close.

Lucy saw Reed’s lips compress into a thin, disapproving line at the rather intimate gesture, but after a moment, he turned to face the congregation.

“I wish to announce that the banns have been posted announcing the upcoming nuptials of Lord Lucas Huntington and Miss Lucille Furniss,” Reed said, giving them each a nod of his head as he said their names. Lucas gave him a small nod of his head in return while Lucy managed not to faint from relief.

“Lord Huntington has also purchased a special license,” Reed continued, and several men chuckled. It would have been uncommon for Lucas to not pay the exorbitant fee for such a license. Men in their societal group did not have either the inclination or the patience for long engagements. Once a decision to wed was made, the desire to bed was immediate.

“I’m pleased to see that it appears the young ladies in our midst took my sermon to heart and are on their very best behavior this morning. This leaves everyone the opportunity to come forward and offer your best wishes to the couple,” Reed concluded and then led the way down the center aisle. Lucas and Lucy followed and were soon surrounded once again by couples offering their congratulations. Lucas spoke to every well-wisher as he accepted handshakes and congratulations while fending off questions of when the ceremony would take place. Lucy stood as an innocent bride, her cheeks blushing as they were kissed, her friends giving her hugs and their excited whispers of how wonderful they thought her future with her fiancé would be. Though she managed to smile and acknowledge their happiness for her, Lucy’s mind remained on the sermon. She realized she felt unworthy of all these blessings and wishes. She felt unworthy of Lucas’ love, and knew the feeling stemmed from her resistance to submit to the man standing tall and proud at her side. Every moment that passed made her need to confess grow within her.

As the last couple left, Lucas drew her to the foyer where their banns had been hung. He turned her to face the glass cabinet, her back against his front as he slid his arms around her waist. Lucy leaned back against him as he quietly read the words of their banns aloud. When he finished, he bent to kiss the top of her head.

“Lord Lucas William Henry Huntington,” Lucy softly read from the document. “I didn’t even know your full name. I don’t know how you wish me to address you.”

Lucas smiled and bent to whisper into her ear. His breath caused her to shudder, and her stomach to flip as he spoke.

“That is something else I will teach you, kitten. You will spend the rest of your life learning many lessons,” Lucas whispered and then moved his lips closer, lightly kissing the lobe of her ear.

Lucy’s body instantly reacted to his words and his touch. Thoughts raced across her mind, and her face heated with the realization that many of them had no place in a church. She couldn’t suppress the tremble as her eyes closed briefly, knowing the lesson she would be learning soon enough would certainly not be a pleasant one. She nodded as she opened her eyes and turned in his arms. She lifted her face to his. “I’ll try to be a good pupil,” she said softly.

Lucas pulled her close. “Did you learn anything this morning?” he asked quietly. When Lucy nodded her head, he shook his, adding, “Tell me,” before moving to set her away from him.

Lucy took a deep breath as she attempted to gain control over her emotions. She didn't want to talk; she simply wanted to rest her cheek against his chest, wanted to close her eyes and draw comfort from the arms wrapped around her.

Lucas lifted her chin with his finger, tilted her head back until her eyes met his again. “Tell me, little one,” he instructed again.

“To… to obey and sub… submit,” Lucy whispered, her voice quivering. She took a deep breath. “To accept that I will be punished.”

When she didn’t continue, Lucas prompted, “When will you be punished, Lucy?”

Lucy discovered that confession wasn’t as easy as just speaking words… not when each one she needed to say was heavy with meaning. “I’ll be punished whenever I’ve chosen to disobey you. When I’ve chosen to be nau ... naughty.” No, not easy in the least as speaking them aloud put the blame in exactly one place… on her.

“How and to whom shall you submit, kitten?” Lucas asked.

Lucy felt as if they were the only two people in existence at this moment. All it took was a glance to know that this man was perfectly capable of forcing her to do whatever he wished. He was more than twice her size and could easily overpower her. But to know him was to understand he’d never even consider such a thing. While she knew in the deepest part of her soul that this was the one man who would demand everything from her, things she had no knowledge of how to give, he wasn’t a man who’d ever take what she wasn’t willing to give. Despite her ignorance, her heart was pounding with the anticipation of more than just a promised spanking.

“To you, sir,” she whispered, her eyes softening. “To you in all things.”

“That’s my good girl,” he said, and his smile made her heart stutter. “That lesson will serve you well, kitten.”

Lucy blushed but nodded. They both turned when they became aware of someone approaching.

* * *

Reed swallowedhis jealousy as he approached the couple, a packet of papers in his hands. Throughout his sermon, he had not seemed able to allow his eyes to stray from the beautiful young woman. She had appeared to be listening attentively to his words as if she were drinking them in to quench a deep thirst in her soul. Her upturned face and wide eyes had repeatedly drawn his gaze to her. The yellow of her dress beckoned to him like a sunflower drew a bee to drink deeply from its nectar. He felt his cock stir beneath his robes as he wondered how this little tart’s honey would taste on his tongue. He watched as she looked up and met his eyes briefly, before immediately flushing and lowering her gaze, her hands dropping to her sides to twist in the fabric of her dress.

Reed smiled as he recognized the guilt she was trying to hide. He dealt weekly with naughty little girls and knew he was watching one at this moment. He wondered what she had done to feel such guilt and then found himself wishing that she had been naughty during services so that she would be forced to answer to him, as well.

“Lord Huntington, is there a problem?” Reed asked as he stopped before the couple. His brow furrowed as he made a point of looking directly at Lucy, drawing the moment out as if he were truly concerned. “My dear, you look far more like a naughty little girl than a blushing bride-to-be. Child, confession is good for your soul.” He could practically see the small woman squirming with her repressed guilt.

“Since you are not yet a married woman, Lord Huntington is not yet responsible for your spiritual soul. I suggest you accompany me to my chambers so that we might speak in private. I shall hear your confession so that your heart may be untroubled.” Lucy remained silent though her eyes spoke the truth of his words. His eyes continued to bore into her own until she began to tremble, her mouth parting as if the confess on the spot. Oh, some little one felt very guilty indeed. About to assure her that the only cure to releasing that guilt was to atone for it, Reed lifted his hand to take her arm, only then realizing that he still held the official documents in his hand. Evidently Huntington saw it as well.

“I assure you that the responsibility became mine the moment the decision was made to wed, Pastor Reed,” Lucas said. His tone was one of a man who was unused to having his behavior questioned. His unwavering gaze bored into Reed as if he were making sure he understood his words fully. “If Miss Furniss has any soul-searching to do or confessions to make, I assure you, she shall be making them to me.”
