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Logan shrugged and then smiled. “I had sisters who liked to play beauty parlor.”

“It is rewarding to see my work serving a beautiful woman,” a voice said, and Elizabeth turned to hear him add, “Welcome.”

He was a man who looked a great deal like the medium he worked with. His skin was rough and weathered, tanned nut-brown by the sun. His gray hair was long, held back in a ponytail by a strip of rawhide. He was of average stature; his jeans were dusty, the holes having come from hard wear and not from some sense of fashion. He wore a plaid flannel shirt and dark brown boots with worn heels.

He was the type of man you would not truly remember until you looked into his face. It was craggy, a mass of wrinkles, and yet truly fascinating. His eyes, once they connected, seemed to hold yours without any effort. They were the deepest, clearest blue that either woman had ever seen. When he smiled, his age slipped away, and you simply saw a man who had lived life exactly the way he wanted, andyouwanted nothing more than to hear his stories.

Elizabeth also knew instantly that his man was a lover of women and wondered what it must have been like to be loved by him. It was a shocking sensation and from the expression on Nancy’s face, her friend was wondering the same things.

The lines at the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. “I can see that you both are lovers of leather,” he said, and his eyes settled on Nancy’s collar. “Your collar is beautiful and suits you perfectly,” he added. He turned to Elizabeth. “You have not yet chosen,” he said softly, “but one day you will also wear leather proudly. I can’t imagine a bigger honor than working with the same material that you both embrace so lovingly.”

Neither woman knew what to say; they were mesmerized by his ability to read them. He was not only an artist; he was a poet as well.

Jason was about to step forward when Logan laughed loudly. “Hello, Harry! I thought I recognized your work.”

The man laughed and slapped Logan on his back. “Hey, Logan. It’s great to see you, but really, I’d much rather meet these beautiful women.”

“You’ll never change,” Logan said, and slipped his arm around Elizabeth’s waist. “Elizabeth, this is an old friend of mine,” he said. “Harry, this is Miss Elizabeth Adams—and don’t even think about it.”

Harry smiled and bowed to Elizabeth. “I know you have beauty, my dear, but I pray you also have brains,” he said.

Captivated by the mere presence of this man, Elizabeth was unsure how to react.

Harry smiled, “After all, why would you settle for a simple hair clip when I could offer you all of this?”

Elizabeth laughed as he spread out his hands, indicating all his wares. “It is rather tempting.”

“Don’t fall under his spell, ladies,” Logan laughed, turning to Nancy. “This beautiful woman is Nancy Spellman, and you will notice that she is the happily married bride of her large and very protective husband, Jason.”

Harry bowed again. “Ah, gentlemen, it seems I have no chance in winning the hearts of your lovely women,” he moaned. “Perhaps I can win your business?”

Nancy giggled, and Elizabeth joined in. He was definitely an artist and an absolute delight. “I’m so sorry I can’t give you my heart, Harry,” Elizabeth said. “I would love to give you my business. Nancy and I work in design and would like to discuss some custom pieces for our latest project. You are an amazing artist. Your eye for putting all these various textures and colors together is divine. We are interested in a larger version of this box and perhaps we can discuss some other items at a later date when our project is further along. Do you have a shop in town?”

“I don’t live in Houston, I’m afraid. I do several festivals a year but do not have a formal store. I prefer working out of my house. I live up near Round Top.”

“I know where that is,” Nancy said. “It is beautiful country, and we love going to the huge flea market every year.”

“I agree,” he said, with a smile. “I would be delighted to discuss some original items with you. Perhaps a visit to my home?” Harry suggested.

Logan chuckled. “Perhaps a visit to your studio,” he clarified. “With the proper escorts, of course.”

Harry feigned shock. “You wound me, Sir,” he said, grinning. “Until then, would you like to see some of the more special items I don’t display so openly?” he asked.

Nancy and Elizabeth looked to their men, who both nodded.

Harry led them behind a curtained off area. One table held a variety of small crops, whips, floggers and even a horribly evil-looking bullwhip. Elizabeth cringed when Logan ran his hand over the braided handle. She felt immense relief when he removed his hand, picked up a few of the smaller floggers, and ran his fingers through the supple leather strands. “Very nice, Harry,” he said.

“Thanks, Logan,” Harry said, all business now. “I’ve added a few more falls to some of the floggers. I’ve been told the impact is just that much more intense, used for either pleasure or as punishment.”

Elizabeth remained silent, yet her stomach was tingling, and her panties were definitely getting moist. The scent of the enclosed area was not helping, the earthy, distinct aroma of all that leather an aphrodisiac to a submissive. Her attention turned to the other table, where Jason was centering all his attention as he studied the large variety of paddles offered. Nancy stood slightly behind him, her hand at her throat, looking distinctly nervous.

Harry had paddles of all sizes. Some were small and supple, while others were much larger and far more rigid. He had leather paddles, as well as wooden paddles with leather-wrapped handles. Jason held up a paddle that was about four inches wide and ten inches long. It was leather and very flexible. He looked at his wife. “I owe you three, if I recall correctly,” he said.

Elizabeth saw Nancy swallow hard, but she did not attempt to deny his words. “Yes, Sir,” she answered softly.

“Turn around,” he said, and Nancy slowly turned, until she was facing away from her husband. “Hands on your knees,” he said, and Elizabeth watched as she bent over until she could place her palms on her knees. Everyone knew what was going to happen and remained still and silent. Jason lifted Nancy’s skirt and folded it up onto her back.

When he didn’t reach for the waistband of her panties, Elizabeth realized that while he was obviously going to spank her in public, he was allowing her to retain her modesty.
