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They looked into the first few rooms, and then Logan led her to the large double doors at the end of the hall that opened into a very large room. They had been told that, in decades past, opulent parties had been held in the house. Elizabeth planned on converting this area into an open and welcoming space where parties would be held once more. She had visions of weddings and commitment ceremonies, where friends could gather and witness the joy of two people pledging their lives and hearts to each other.

Logan pushed the doors open, and Elizabeth gasped. Dozens of flickering candles illuminated the room. The flooring had been sprinkled with rose petals, their scent rising when stirred by their footsteps. Her eyes filled as she saw what was on the small, raised stage at the opposite end of the room. Where a quartet had sat in decades past, a chaise lounge, covered in red leather, now stood. Seeing it moved her as surely as the music of violins had once moved others to dance. She stepped forward in a daze, her heart pounding as she walked toward it, her hand slipping from Logan’s to touch the soft leather. The bench was long and about two feet wide, with huge curved and padded arms at either end.

Her blood raced wondering how it would feel to be bent over one of those arms, Logan behind her, taking her hard. Her panties moistened and her bottom clenched as she pictured him holding their linked hands at the small of her back while he spanked her until she was pleading for him to stop, begging him to fuck her as her body screamed its needs. Logan turned and shut the door.

Elizabeth looked back at him, her eyes soft and filled—with want and tears.

“How, when did you do this?” she asked, her lips trembling at his unbelievably romantic gesture.

“Dan and I came up last night and did most of it,” he confessed. “I needed help with the chaise. I paid the realtor’s daughter to come light the candles, so they would be ready for us. I planned on proposing here, but my heart told me I needed to know you’d be my wife before we stepped into this room for the first time,” he said, his love evident in each word. Elizabeth quivered, as she realized just how much she loved him.

Logan walked toward her, the sight of his face filling her with wonder and amazement The power was so intense, she lowered her eyes, only to discover a gift wrapped in plain brown paper sitting in the middle of the chaise. She instantly recognized it and smiled, lifting her gaze back to his.

“It’s time,” he said, answering her unspoken question.

With trembling hands, she untied the twine. She had often wondered what happened to the bag, but Logan hadn’t spoken of it since accepting it from Harry months ago. Her entire body clutched as the paper fell away to reveal his gift. Reaching out, she ran her fingers over leather the color of coal. It was as smooth as glass beneath her fingertips. Inlaid a fraction of an inch around the very edge of the lid was the thinnest strip of red. In the exact center of the box, cream-colored leather had been embossed to spellLiebchen.

“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” she said softly.

“No, that honor belongs to you,” Logan said, dropping his hand to cover hers as she stroked over the box. “I will never forget that night you truly became mine. The night we began the journey that has led us here.”

Shivers ran up her spine and a delicious tingle spread from the tips of her fingers to the tips of her toes as she remembered the night where they’d played the most erotica wicked games. Her lips trembled even as she smiled.

“Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry,” she said, the colors of the leather he’d chosen becoming clear.

“Some of my favorite flavors,” Logan said, bending to kiss the side of her neck.


“Have you forgotten,schatzlein?” he asked, drawing the tip of his tongue up to circle the shell of her ear. “Your cream is my favorite by far.”

Goosebumps popped out and her nipples furled beneath her bra. Tracing the letters again, she asked, “AndLiebchen?”

“My love,” he answered, his breath warming the flesh he’d licked. “And now,liebchen,the anticipation is done. Open it.”

Her hands were trembling as she obeyed.

Though he had taken her to Tastsinn several times and every visit included a spanking, he had not once used anything like what was revealed. The colors of that night were again represented once she lifted the lid. Nestled in a bed of white satin lay a whip. Ebony, ivory, and scarlet strips entwined with each other to form the handle. The black, braided leather of the thong coiled like a sleeping snake. The braid gradually narrowed down its length until it ended in a very thin fall. A small, blood-red knot clung to the tip of the thong, waiting to take a bite once the serpent awakened.

Logan was wrong.

Anticipation strummed through every fiber of her being. Her buttocks clenched even as her pussy contracted. Her belly quivered and her hands trembled in need as she turned in Logan’s arms.

“And you are mine. My life. My love. My heart and my soul,” she said. “My lover and my Master,” she added.

His hands cupped her face. His kiss was both soft and demanding, drawing a low moan from her. Only when she needed to breathe did he release her.

Bending, she slid her hands beneath the snake and released it from its den. Lifting it on her open palms, she offered it to him. Upon his acceptance, the gift he’d given her became theirs, and when he set it on the end of the chaise, she knew it was a gift they would share for the rest of their lives.

While he undressed her, she whimpered, her body shaking as each piece of clothing was slowly, far too slowly, removed. When she stood in nothing but her sandals, Logan bent down and removed them as well. She stood nude before him. He walked around her, taking his time to drink in her beauty and her need. When he reached out to cup her chin, turning her face so she met his eyes, he saw her tears. He bent forward and gently kissed each one until his mouth descended once more on hers, demanding she give him all of her. Her back pressed against his front, her eyes lowering to see his hands move to her breasts.

She gasped, arching into his palms, offering them to him. Her eyes closed as his fingers closed around her taut, erect nipples, another moan escaping as he began to roll them between his fingers. One hand drifted lower, caressing the skin of her stomach, goosebumps rising to meet his touch. When he reached the apex of her thighs, her body began to shake.

“Open for me,” he said, softly, and she moved her feet wider, allowing him whatever he wished. His fingertips ran through the curls of her mound until he reached the core of her. Elizabeth was terrified she would soon collapse until she felt his free arm around her waist, holding her against his chest, keeping her upright and close. He traced the lips of her sex with his finger, the slick moisture proof of her intense state of arousal. Logan bent to lightly kiss the side of her neck, another moan breaking from her, so deep that it caused his own body to shiver. She had gradually been allowing herself to find her voice, to reach toward total freedom.

“I love you,” he said against her ear, his tongue briefly dipping in and then licking her earlobe. Her muscles spasmed, and he smiled, his tongue moving to taste her neck. He blew lightly across the wet skin. “I will always love you,” he said, before pressing his lips to her neck, sucking and biting lightly at the skin.

Moisture flooded into her pussy, and Elizabeth knew he felt it, could picture it glistening on her thighs as it flowed from her. Logan slowly pushed a single finger up inside.
