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“I’m Will,” he said. “If you need anything, come to me and I’ll take care of you.”

She swallowed hard; the look in his eyes suggested that he meant more than just filling her glass. “Thank you. I’m Elizabeth,” she said.

“Nice to meet you,” he said before turning away to serve another customer. Elizabeth was wondering how awkward she would look if she attempted to climb up to sit on one of the stools. They were too high for her to just sit down.

She shrieked when she was lifted and twirled around, her wine sloshing out of her glass and onto the bar. She was unceremoniously plopped onto the stool. Looking up, she smiled, seeing a familiar face.

“Hey, baby doll,” he said, bending to kiss her cheek. “You look good enough to eat.”

Elizabeth blushed, wondering if he meant that both figuratively as well as literally. “Hello, Sir,” she said. She had met Ethan Brenson two years ago. She had watched him in action several times before ever accepting his offer to play. He was a nice guy and had never pushed her boundaries too far.

“Great place, don’t you think?” he asked, signaling to the bartender. He ordered another glass of wine to replace her spilled one, and a beer for himself.

When Will returned with his order, Elizabeth spoke softly. “I’m so sorry,” she said, as he began to clean up the spilled wine. “I didn’t mean to make a mess.”

“Not a problem, honey. I’m sure pinot grigio is not the messiest thing I’ll be cleaning up tonight,” Will said, and winked. Ethan laughed and shook his head.

“I swear, you’ve been here all of five minutes and already have every man here drooling,” he said, raising his beer in a salute.

Elizabeth flushed and realized how much she had missed him. Ethan was very down-to-earth, laughed a lot, was easy to talk to and was a very much sought-after Dom.

“Thank you, and yes, so far I think this club is great,” Elizabeth said, picking up her glass and seeing the red bracelet. She touched the bell with her fingertip. “I have never seen these before, but think it is a great idea.”

Ethan nodded. “I agree. Seems the owner is very strict about safety. There are the usual niches to play, but any fire or blood play has to be cleared beforehand and witnessed by special monitors.”

Elizabeth shuddered. She had never been interested in either of those.

Ethan continued, “There are private rooms, but even those are closely monitored. I’ve heard that once you are asked to leave, you will never be invited to return. I’ve been to the private rooms a few times and can say that I have yet to see any of the shit here that I’ve seen in other clubs.”

Elizabeth nodded, realizing that the club did seem quieter than other clubs, and that the underlying feeling of tension that could exist wasn’t present. She felt very comfortable and relaxed.

Ethan finished his beer and watched as she sipped her wine. “So, Lizzie, are you here to play?” he asked, lifting her chin with his finger to look into her eyes.

She blushed as his question made her insides flutter.

Ethan grinned. “I do believe I am looking at a naughty little sub who needs her bottom paddled.”

Elizabeth’s bottom clenched and a flood of arousal dampened her panties. She would never be able to explain it, but there was something deep inside of her that craved spankings. Not just the classic over-the-knee hand spanking, either. She only felt truly free of any guilt or restlessness if, by the time her disciplinarian let her up, her bottom was a hot, throbbing furnace. She had often played with Ethan before and knew he was as into spanking as she was—just as long as he was on the giving end.

She began sliding into the role. She lowered her eyes when he released her chin and stepped back, hands on his hips, as if waiting for his naughty girl to confess. The familiar ache of her nipples as they pressed against the confines of her bra helped her to voice her answer.

“Yes, Sir, I-I was naughty,” she said in a small, breathless voice, as she realized she did indeed feel guilty over witnessing the limo scene. She knew she should have turned away and gone into the restaurant.

Ethan grinned and reached out to remove the glass from her hand. “I see,” he said, also slipping into his role. “Well, we can’t have that now can we?”

Elizabeth shook her head. “No, Sir,” she said, softly.

“That’s right,” Ethan agreed reaching out and plucking her off the stool and setting her onto her feet. “What do you think a naughty little girl such as yourself needs to teach her to be a good girl?”

Elizabeth quivered as his words slid over her. “A… a spanking?” she answered, as if unsure.

Ethan quickly turned her and gave her a very hard smack on the seat of her skirt. She yelped, her hand going back to rub the spot.

“Answer properly, Lizzie, or you will be a very sorry little girl when I am done,” he promised, taking on the persona of a very strict Dom, knowing exactly which buttons to push with the normally-quiet young woman.

“Please, Sir,” she said. “I need a really hard spanking, Sir.”

“That’s better,” Ethan said, taking her hand and leading her away from the bar.
