Page 19 of Prisoner

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I tried to banish every filthy thought from my mind, to concentrate on anger instead. But I realized a part of me I never knew existed loved knowing the guards were getting aroused by watching everything Rigo did to my naked body. And though I should have hated it, I got a wickedly erotic thrill being tied up and helpless while Rigo penetrated my pussy and ass with the long black nozzle.

My eyes snapped open at the shocking thought and I saw my reflection in the face shield of one of the guards. Mouth partly open with the tip of my tongue showing, cheeks flushed, wet hair in a tangle of curls around my face. I didn’t look like a rebel soldier anymore. I looked like a brazen slut.

Rigo shut off the flow from the nozzle inserted in my bottom and pulled it out. I became aware of an uncomfortable sensation of fullness. Before my humiliation got any worse, he screwed a different nozzle onto the hose, one with a wider opening at the end. I moaned as he worked it into my anus. He pressed a switch and the hose began sucking the fluid back out.

He went back and forth with the two nozzles, filling my belly with more hot liquid, then drawing it out again. As he did, he moved the nozzle around inside me the whole time. Awakening every sensitive nerve ending in my virgin rear channel. Leaving me sweating and panting, desperate for relief. Occasionally his fingers would brush across my clit, sending an indecent throb of lust coursing through me.

I wanted to beg him to stroke it, to massage the hard nub until I exploded. But I resisted the frantic need. I wouldn’t give my captors the satisfaction of breaking me so easily.

Rigo finished by inserting a different nozzle in my pussy, sucking out the chemical solution and squirting in clear water until he washed away any trace of the cleansing liquid. Then he let the hose play over my body. When he finally stepped back, I was dripping wet, breathless, and tingling inside and out.

He activated the mechanism, lowering my legs, and waved a hand at the guards. Together they released my ankles from the stirrups and unbuckled my wrists. When they lifted me off the table I was trembling so hard I could barely stand up. The guards each grabbed an arm, keeping me on my feet. Every touch on my bare skin sent wanton shivers coursing through me.

A door flew open on the far side of the room and the warden strolled in, his thin lips curving up in a smile. He walked up to me and took my chin in his hand, tilting my head up to inspect my face. He ran the fingers of his other hand through my damp hair, then moved lower to give my nipple a cruel twist. I tried to jerk away but the guards tightened their hold on my arms.

“She looks better than she did when she arrived,” he remarked. “You did a good job getting her ready, Rigo. Especially that last part. Taking her right to the edge, but not too far.”

After everything that had been done to me I thought I was beyond feeling shame. But hearing the warden’s comment I realized he must have been watching too. I could feel my cheeks flush and I looked away from him, my eyes darting around the room, trying to spot hidden surveillance devices.

Knowing the guards had to watch but were unable to touch me, hearing them utter lecherous groans, had turned me on. Finding out the warden had been spying on us the whole time made me feel violated. Powerless. Fury bubbled up inside me. I did the only thing I could.

I spit in his face.

His eyes flashed with anger. The smile disappeared as he swiped the back of his sleeve over his face.

“You’re going to be sorry you did that,” he said in a surprisingly mild voice. “Very sorry.”

Keeping his eyes locked on mine, he snapped out an order. “You two, take her to the platform and strap her to the bench. And tell the other guards to fetch the new alien. I’ll take care of both of them at once.”

Chapter Twelve



My eyes darted from side to side as I weighed my options. I stood in the clearing with my back against the platform. On my left, three deep blue giants from Helychron VI stood shoulder to shoulder. On my right, a Daran shapeshifter growled menacingly, his body already taking on the characteristics of a saber-tooth darwolf. One large enough to tear me limb from limb.

In front of me, the ragged mob that had followed Ree formed a half-circle around the platform, blocking any hope of escape. I figured they’d been robbed of a down and dirty sex show when the guards marched her inside one of the windowless buildings so they’d gathered here hoping to witness a bloody battle instead.

To my surprise, I’d been turned loose by Nye’s men as soon as he and the warden disappeared inside another of the buildings lining the far side of the compound. Two of the soldiers had already left, carrying their wounded comrade between them. The remaining troops seemed eager to rid themselves of me, making a quick exit back the way we’d come. No doubt heading for the transport vehicle, where they could lock themselves inside and wait for him in safety.

Determined to find Ree, I took off after the guards who led her away. I’d faced ferocious creatures in the jungle and I knew the key to survival among the beasts here, whether human or alien, was to show no hint of fear. I strode through the compound with my head high, brandishing the stone knife as though it was as dangerous a weapon as a broadsword. For in my hands, it was.

The combatants made their move so smoothly I assumed it was a tactic they’d used many times before. One moment I was walking alone, keeping a wary eye on the crowd, surprised that no one had challenged me yet. The next, enemies appeared on both sides at the same time.
